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Don's pov

"You know I came to get you back to the castle" my mother stated, I gave her a confused look then remember the promise I made. I realized that after so much time that I spent with Delilah and now Celine I have forgotten about the promise, my heart sunk knowing that after we save Delilah I'll have to go back to the underworld.

"You promised me Donovan and as your mother and your queen, you'll have to do as you promised or there will be consequences and you know that" she said without looking at me, the whole way towards Mara's mansion I kept my head down. We parked the car very far and we continued on foot, since the car will make unwanted noises and we need to be discreet.
The gates came into our view, long metal bars blocking our way. The mansion was lit from the inside and from the outside, there was no other way but to fly in. I looked at Alec who was talking to my mother, he nodded his head and started shifting to his hellhound.

"He's going to distract the guards so we can go in, or fly* in" she said, I nodded and let my wings out. Jasmine just stared at us with a sheepish smile while scratching the back of her head.

"I- eh I don't have wings" she stated awkwardly, I sighed and walked closer trying to wrap my arms around her but she dodged me and walked to my mother who had an amused look on her face.

"Really" I said annoyed, my mom shrugged her shoulders and wrapped her arms around Jasmine who was smiling like a kid, she dashed up just when Alec started barking at the gates. The guards laughed and called for him, trying to play.

"Aww look at this good boy" he said, I chuckled at the scene and kept watching. Alec waited till the two guards got closer and he growled biting one of the guys' hand. I laughed and flew up following my mom and Jasmine who landed on the roof, I used one of the open windows to go inside.

"From here, my job is done, I know nothing about this place." Jasmine said, we tiptoed to the door and sneaked out of the room. We just followed the hallways hoping to find the right room, my mother on the other hand looked unsettled. She was checking every corner while she had a look of distress. That only means one thing, something bad is about to happen.

"What's wrong?" I asked, she shushed me and started to listen. That's when I heard footsteps getting closer, I saw a door open and I pointed to it. My mom pulled Jasmine and we ran inside hiding from whoever's coming. We heard someone sigh loudly and I looked to my side to see Jasmine's face right on my mom's chest, I scrunched my face giving her a disgusted look while she just had a happy smile.

"Is she okay?" My mom said with an amused look, I pulled Jasmine by the arm away from my mom and we left the room heading to god knows where. By the end of the hall, we saw someone standing in front of a door, a man, he looked like he was guarding it. If he looked to the side he would see us.

"I have an idea..." Jasmine said, she took off he heel and aimed at him with one eye closed. She took a deep breath and threw her heel at him, the heel hit him on the side barely doing any damage.

"Fuck I missed" she whispered, the guy turned to look at us with a confused look. He was about to yell for backup when my mom made her eyes change to her demon ones, the guy's face paled and he just stared at her wide eyed. He slowly dropped to his knees and bowed his head in respect.

"You could've done that, the whole time. But you made us fly to the roof of this stupid house then sneak our way inside?!" I whispered yelled, she chuckled and grabbed his head. She spun his head fast making it release a loud crack, the guy dropped on the ground lifeless.

"Where's the fun in walking by tye front door when we can have an adventure before you go home" she explained kicking the door open, we were met with a horrible scene, Delilah was tied to a bed naked looking like she went through hell, she was sweating and her body had whip marks all over it. I noticed that her belly was bigger, for the past weeks she's been wearing baggy clothes and she avoided having sex but I never pressured her but now I know why.

"You made it just in time for the show." Mara walked closer to the bed, she touched her face grabbing her by the chin.

"This little bitch over here, tried to jump out of the window, with my heir inside of her, when I wanted to have sex with her." Mara explained, someone burst out laughing behind us and we all turned to look at Jasmine.

"I- I'm sorry" she apologized, Mara rolled her eyes and pulled a knife out of her pocket. She cut the ropes and pulled Delilah off of the bed, she smirked at me while her hands touched on Delilah's naked skin.

"Donovan..." Delilah whispered, all the things that I wanted to say to her for betraying me were gone. All I wanted was to hold her and take her home, take care of her and make her warm.

"I wanted to tell you, I promise I did... I had no choice" her voice cracked, she looked so vulnerable and exhausted.

"For centuries, my brother has had the throne. He didn't think of me, if I needed anything, if I wanted something. All he cared about was his heirs, I was always left out, you know how it feels Achlys. You hate him as much as I do, but the only way to get to the throne is by you, as soon as I kill you and your daughter. I can end your brother, and have everything for myself. I know, you are Raphael's weakness and your weakness is your daughter..." She whispered the last part, the knife in her hand lingered on Delilah's cheek making me shift in my place. I looked at her as if I was telling her that I'm getting her out of here.

"I had no choice baby" Delilah whispered to me, I smiled at her trying to put her at ease

"Awww how adorable, too bad you won't get to explain yourself..." Before I could blink or think of words to reply, I saw Mara put the knife to Delilah's belly and slice it open. I watched in horror as Delilah screamed in agony while a small being fell from her open stomach. It was inside a sack like thing and it was filled with a liquid that splashed as soon as it hit the floor. My mom was already holding Mara by the neck and I went to grab Delilah, she started at me with sleepy eyes while she cried and moaned in pain.

"Delilah?" I tried to put my hand on her stomach but the wound was too big, I looked at the premature baby barely moving but I didn't want it. I couldn't look at it, I wanted Delilah to be okay, it's because of it that she's gonna die.

"Save her, please..." Delilah whispered holding into me, she looked at me as if she was begging me to save our baby, I hid my face in her neck and cried knowing very well there was no way I could save her. I listened to her heartbeats as they slowed than slowly disappear, I pulled away staring at her face and saw her pupilles dilated to the max and felt her body temperature go down. I cried in silence as I stared at her beautiful dark locks, her dark and soft skin that I always loved, the beautiful moles on her neck and chest and her cold plump lips, I tried to scream but all that came out was a whimper, I looked back at the baby who was now in Jasmine's arms and I shook my head in disbelief, I wrapped my arms around Delilah's dead body picking her up bridal style.

"What do you want to do with her?" I heard my mom ask staring at an unconscious Mara, without turning around I replied,

"Kill her"

I walked out the room with my Delilah, my beautiful Delilah, in my arms. All the men in this mansion stood to the side bowing their heads to me, I felt powerful, but power didn't mean anything to me all I wanted was love and it was taken away from me.

I stood outside and let my wings out flying up at full speed, a moment later, I found myself back in the underworld. I saw someone watching me from afar but I ignored them, the blue demon followed after me.

"Your highness" Abil bowed opening the main doors to me, he didn't dare ask who this was and I appreciated it. Ignoring every call of my mama I walked straight to the back garden, I laid Delilah's body on the ground and started digging with my bare hands. When the hole was big enough, I picked her up and slowly laid her down. I pulled myself out of the hole and started looking around for my mother's flower. I went to grab one but I was quickly pulled away.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" My mama yelled, I stared at the death Rose then back at Delilah's open grave.

"Now I know why mom said don't get attached, because I wanna be with her so bad I'm ready to go after her..." I said in weak voice, it only it was me. If only, the baby died, but not her. Not my Delilah...

If there are any mistakes, please ignore them I'm so tired and I didn't have time to edit the chap. Have a good day! Also I may or may not have a new book idea... This one isn't over yet tho.

Have a good day or night!!!


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