Chapter 1

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"Aliza! Stop jumping on the couch!" Lyra yelled from the hallway, arms full of dirty clothes, one hand holding garbage, the other full of toys. Putting everything where it belong and throwing out the garbage. She sat on the couch to relax for a moment, only to be attacked by a hurricane of a child.

Grabbing ahold of the child, she tickles her into a submissive squealing mess. Looking down at the child who is a spitting image of herself. Feeling a sad thought, but fighting against it knowing she taught her to defend herself if needed from the horrible memories that tried to enter her mind.

Looking at the clock, she sighed. Another day come and gone so quickly. She wonders where the time flies. "It's time for bed. I'll read to you like I promised." She quickly replies as the child starts whine and struggle.

Thirty minutes later after laying the child down. Once again looking and with the tips of her fingers moves the hair out of the child's face. Placing the book away, plugging in the nightlight. She heads to the door and looks back one last time at the sleeping child. Flips the switch for the lights.

After changing her own clothes into an oversized shirt and loose capri bottoms. Going to her small vanity and brushes her own waist length hair. Looking herself over, taking in the pale skin, slight muscles hidden under said soft skin, fiery red hair, eyes a piercing light green. Frowning at her reflection, she braids her hair for easy management in the morning.

Climbing into bed, leaning over to turn off the lamp on the nightstand. Rolling onto her right side, pulling a pillow close to herself. Taking deep breathes to calm herself, closing her eyes. Feeling the pull of sleep she let's it take over.

Feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin, the sand between her toes. Opening her eyes and seeing an endless desert. Hundreds of sand dunes, the heat wavering from the sand, and a oasis with many trees and plants, homes of different sizes surround the water. Walking down the dune she was on and through the village, watching children run playing, young and older men mock fighting, people walking around her.
When she gets to the oasis, she kneels down reaching out a hand. Her pale skin almost glowing from the sun beaming on it. Looking into the water, she sees her reflection looking back at her. Just as she's seen in her own mirror. Pale face, green eyes, her hair shining a fiery red, though she looked younger then she is.
Staying by the water, hand lazily traces the surface. Watching the wind blow through the trees, mesmerized by the sway and peaceful sounds. No vehicles, sirens, noises of the city. Hearing knickering, turning her head to a silver colored horse. Taking her hand from the water, holding it out the horse nudges it's nose against it, petting it between the eyes. Giggling as the horse starts to prance around, happy from the attention it got. She hears someone calling her name. Looking around, she sees the men still fighting, horses being fed, children still running, and the people still going about their business.

Hearing her name again, she's pulled into one of the buildings. Multiple candles lighting up the room, fireplace blazing in a corner, rugs laid out all over the floor, wooden chests and wardrobes, and the makings of a large bed. Looking out the opening set as a window, it is now dark. "Lyra." Hearing a man's voice behind her. She turns quickly.

In the doorway, a tall man wearing black robes walks through. His dark eyes watching her as he walks toward the bed. He starts pulling his turban off, dark wavy hair falls around his shoulders as they moved when he took it off. Next he started taking off the outer robe. She turned away at this point feeling herself blush. Yes she been with a man, but she felt like a school girl again.

"Lyra?" He said again, this time almost asking. Feeling his warm hands on her shoulders, turning her to face him. "Limadha la tanzur 'iilaya?" He asked, bringing his hand to her chin and moving her head to look at him. Keeping her eyes closed all the while. She hears his laugh, deeply vibrating in his chest, and anytime he spoke, his voice with the accent when he said her name and how deep it was sent shivers down her spine. Feeling his hands move, one still by her face tracing her jaw then cupping her cheek. The other slipping down her arm, and then her lower back pulling her closer to him.
"Aiftah eaynayk hubiy." He said with a small chuckle. Opening one eye at a time, seeing nothing but black cloth. Looking up only to immediately look to the side. Seeing part of his tanned chest made her blush harder. Hearing him chuckle again. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Opening them to look first at his arms, muscular and tan with tattoos. Taking a breath again looking up at his face. He was taller then her, her head barely reaching his shoulders. The blush made her face feel hotter as she looked at him. Long wavy dark hair framed his handsome face, trimmed goate and mustache, strong jaw, and looking at his tattooed cheeks and forehead before looking him in the eye.

She felt like she lost all air looking into his dark brown eyes. She could see amusement, but an intense adoring and lovingness deep inside. Reaching up and touching the tattoos on his face. Almost as if waiting for the touch, he closed his eyes. Tilting her head back further his face moved closer to hers. She could her voice but it was muffled. She could hear music that seemed out of place. Just as his lips connected with hers. The world melted away.

The alarm next to her bed was going off playing loud music. Groaning and covering her head to try and go back to her dream. After the song finished a chorus she knew it was no use. Reaching over, wanting so badly to throw the clock. She brought her hand down on it hard, hoping to break it. Getting up and putting on her clothes for the day a pair of dark skinny jeans, plain black t-shirt, a light grey sweater, and knee high brown boots. Brushing her hair and rebraiding it and putting some makeup on, and giving herself a onceover. Then went to wake up the little one for school.

Once dressed and giving the child breakfast. She felt her phone vibrate. She took it out and saw her appointment was today. Slipping her phone into her pocket as she bit her lip. She set about going and grabbing the essentials like her water bottle, purse, keys, and daughters backpack. "Aliza. Come on honey. Time do go to school." Standing back a bit at the doorway. The sound of running came closer to the door. Her child ran and grabbed her backpack then continued running to the car. "Slow down! Wait for me!" She called to the child knowing she wouldn't listen. Smiling and shaking her head, closing and locking the door before heading to the car.

Once they pulled out of the driveway. She made her way to her child's school. Her daughter talking to her excitedly about what they were doing today. She smiled listening to Aliza talk about school. She was happy her child was getting along with the other students. She had many things running through her head. Her mind kept going back to her daydreams and dreams she's been having.

Large pillars and walls made of sandstone with writing on them. Curtains made of reed or sheer materials. Hearing multiple languages she feels she knows but can't put a finger on. Waiting on a woman in finely dressed clothes. The death of someone powerful, as well as both her and the woman falling to theirs. Then the man. He always showed up.

After dropping Aliza off. And watching her run to the school entrance. She drove off. Not getting bothered by stop signs or lights. Looking at the time on the dash let her know she was good on time. Pulling onto the highway, she could feel something wasn't right. Her gut felt like it was being squeezed. Shaking her head thinking she was just nervous to be seeing someone who could help her with her dreams. She had looked all over and spoke to many people to find this person, there was no turning back now. When she got to the onramp to the interstate, the feeling started to naw at her again, making her anxious.

The feeling didn't go away. It continued to intensify, she felt herself getting light headed. She saw a vehicle that sped by with a trailer swaying from the speed flip quite a ways down the road. All the vehicles behind started driving into it, others crashing into the backend of the first. Coming to she slammed on her brakes turning the wheel coming to a stop just a few feet from the wreck. Breathing quickly from the adrenaline rush, she let out a breath and laughed nervously. Happy she was known for driving overly cautious. Staying away from the truck in front of her almost a hundred feet. Her head resting on the head rest.

Her breath caught in her throat hearing screeching tired and a loud horn. Turning her head to see a semitruck trying to stop. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Holding her hands up to brace or protect didn't matter, she let out a scream before hearing the crushing of metal. And everything went dark.

limadha la tanzur 'iilaya - Why do you not look at me
Aiftah eaynayk hubiy - Open your eyes my love

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