Chapter 5

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He sat with her with the elders then giving her a glance. Telling her and hearing her freaking out about becoming his bride on top of other things. He felt insulted at first, thinking she was disgusted to marry him. But his mind was quickly changed remember seeing her dropping to the floor sobbing on the floor.

Cursing, he kneeled down on the floor. Grabbing her shoulders to give her a shake now and then. "Why are you crying?! Are you that disgusted marrying me?" Giving her a final shake he turned to leave, but stopping at hearing her speak almost not able to make sense between her crying fit. "Then what is it?" "Why me? The last man who asked me, used me, had other women, and left me..."

Hearing she was engaged before made his blood boil. Just as he was about to yell and call her a whore. He turned when he noticed she had stopped crying when she spoke. Her hooded eyes staring into nothing. Her mouth slightly open. Thinking she was going to pass out, he quickly went to her side. Looking her over, she was of age to marry. Remembering her clothing, and her shock to knowing a language she never even spoke before. As well as speaking to one of the gods. He might get answers in this state since she couldn't really remember much. "How old are you?" Her head tilted to the side, he used both hands to turn her to face him. He almost dropped his hands to jump away. Her eyes gave off a pale almost white color, the green fairly visible underneath. "29" She said with no emotion. Looking her over he once again thought it untrue. She looked younger than him, and he was only in his 23rd year. "You were engaged?" He asked again. A tear fell from her eye. "He said we were." Wiping the tear away with his thumb. "Why did he leave you?" Her eyes started moving quickly around the room, it made him uncomfortable. She almost seemed... possessed. Her clouded eyes stopped on him. "He found out I was pregnant. My little girl is almost 9." She had some more tears fall before her eyes closed and she fell into his chest.

He sat on the floor with her face pressed on his chest where she landed after passing out. He still didn't have his turban, robes, or gloves on, and ran his hands over his face then through his hair. If what she says is true, the Egyptian gods brought her here. Being told she was home, made him frown. This was unheard of. His thoughts raced, before stopping on one. He picked her up, and left his home.

Knowing the elders wanted to see her, his gut knew the seer could give him more answers. It was late so there were not very many villagers about. Moving quickly, he was closing in on the seers home. He stopped at the doorway, hesitant to enter. Just when he was about to turn away the cloth flap and beads were moved out of the way.
"Bring her in." Ordered the old woman. Stepping into her home. The smell overwhelmed him. Incense burning his eyes, causing them to water. A fire was built in the middle of the room. "Lay her there." She waved her hand to a blankets in front of her. Ardeth slowly moved closer before lowering Lyra onto the blankets.

He sat back, watching the woman light more candles. She then brought her attention to Lyra. Slowly running her fingers down her face with one hand, while the other picked one of hers up. "This woman." Looking at Ardeth. "Has been brought home. Where she belongs." She cut him off seeing his mouth open. "She was here at one point but sadly didn't make it far." Dropping her hand she used both to touch her face. "The hands of time have been turned back a little over ten years. She is youthful again, pure." She gave Ardeth a look, which he turned his head to give a small cough. "You have both been blessed. You will have many children." He could feel himself choke a little. Hearing anything about both him and Lyra having children.

The seer looked at Ardeth with amusement twinkling in her eyes. Seeing the young chieftain almost squirming in his seat. "Who lit the bad incense?" Both the seer and him looked down at her. Her eyelids opening and closing before she saw the old woman.
She jumped up, not getting far with Ardeth gripping her and bringing her onto his lap. The seer cackled out. "Yes. This union will bring two souls torn apart back together." Feeling Lyra shiver, he decided to end things with the seer. Leaving a small satchel, he pulled Lyra up and left the seers dwelling. "Who was that woman?" Stopping abruptly, she ran into his back. He had been basically dragging her. "That was our seer."

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