Chapter 2

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The cool weather felt wonderful during the winter seasons. Clouds cast over the sun, letting all who lived there know it may rain. Looking out over the desert terrain for trespassers or looters. He did not have as many men with him, for those knew it would be foolish to travel during the cool rainy season. Just as about he was going to let his men know it was time to return to the village, a flash of lightning shot across the sky. Turning their heads towards where it came from.

Both his and his men's horses seemed spooked, almost throwing them off. Lightning struck down onto a spot where the city off the dead lay. They could feel something off in the air. Seeing that the city start appearing alarmed them since it was the middle of the day. Yelling to his men, they steered their horses towards the city.

As they got to the city, there was a slight drizzle from the sky that started as soon as they rushed from the cliffs. Dismounting the horses, they split up to search for the cause of the lightning and the city's random appearance.

Ardeth made his way through the fallen and broken pillars. Pulling his scimitar from its sheath, holding it tightly in his hand. Making his way cautiously around a corner. He caught the view of feet. Slowing his step, he moved stealthily closer. Not wanting to alarm whoever was here of his presence. Preparing his weapon, he moved around the corner quickly raising his sword. A look of surprise overcame him looking at the body. Bruises, cuts, and blood scattered over not just any body, but a womans. Sheathing his scimitar, he moved quickly to the woman's side. Her wounds didn't look deep, blood only staining her clothing and not the ground. Though the amount of blood was alarming for such small wounds. As he looked upon her, he could see her clothing was strange. Her bottoms, dark in color but looked frayed and of a different material. Her boots a brownish color up to her knees. Her upper clothing was mostly covered by her sweater, but what he could see, was tight. Unable to see her face, he reach out carefully and turned her head to see her face.

Ardeth felt the air leave his body. He had only ever seen this face in his dreams. Shaking his head and taking a breath. He began checking her over again, noticing no weapons, he picked up her head and shoulders to lay them on his lap. Her hair was in a braid giving off a dark red color from the mist around them, her eyes looked to have a almost dark lining to her eye line with a couple different shades of color on her lids. She was pale, not sickly, but obviously a foreigner. As he continued looking at her, he noticed her eyes every once in a while moved frantically under her lids. She would tense and breath quickly before settling. Her lips moved but he couldn't hear what she was saying.

Feeling no threat from her, he picked her up carrying her to his horse. Calling out to his men, they came back. Seeing the woman in his arms, they started asking questions. Ignoring them, he adjusted her before climbing onto his horse. His men followed in suit, before turning to leave the city. Seeing it disappear once they were some distance away.

Riding back to the village, he could hear smalls moans coming from the woman. He could often hear her speak ancient egyptian as well, confusing him since she only looks a few years younger than he. Feeling her head nestled on his shoulder and neck, her body pressed against his, he only then realized she was shivering. Cursing in Arabic to himself, he slowed his horse to readjust himself, pushing her body away from his only to pull her close by covering her with his robe. He gave a slight shiver from not only the chill from her cold wet clothing, but what felt like a jolt of warmth. Peering down at her again. He felt a connection of sort to this mystery woman.

Several hours later they arrived in the village. They rode fast since it normally took about two days. Grasping the woman in one arm, he dismounted from his horse. Pulling her back close to him he headed to his dwelling. Yelling over his shoulder for a healer.

Entering his home, he headed straight for his room. Laying the woman down on the bed, she let out a small gasp but didn't wake up. Her eyes fluttered even more and she was mumbling again. He looked over her once more before turning his back to start a fire for both of them to get some warmth. Ardeth stripped down and changed into dry clothing, before turning to the woman. Lifting her upper half he pulled the sweater off her. Throwing it to the side, he focused his eyes on her again. Eyes widening, arms as pale as her face and neck. Her top seemed almost too tight for her. Taking a breath he reached down to discard her of the damp top when the healer arrived. Upon seeing him undressing the female. The healer being female as well shouted out at him making him lower her to the bed. Then she ushered him out of the room. More like hitting him.

Waiting outside the room the healer finally emerged. Standing, about to head back to the room. She grabbed his arm, informing him she was not properly dressed and that she would come back with some clothing.

Watching her leave, he turned his head back to the door. Giving into the pull he started feeling when he had to leave the room became stronger. When he had to leave the room he felt confused and frustrated. Pulling his hands through his hair. He couldn't believe the one he had been dreaming about, the smell of her, the feel of her skin, the depth of her eyes when she gazed upon him. He never thought her to be real, until now. Pacing around the room, debating on himself whether he should enter the room or not was cut off by a few of the village women and healer coming back. Entering his room and letting the door close behind them. He could hear them talking about her. He was never one to become flustered, he had been with women from the brothel. But hearing their words about her skin color, hair, almost everything in general about her body. His mind went to the more exciting dreams he had of her.

Leaving was the only answer. Not two steps from his door he leaned against the wall outside. He didn't know what came over him. He had seen plenty of foreign women when he went to Cairo. There was just something about this one. He felt that pull towards her, the need and want to be around her, protect her, hear her voice, touch her even. Looking up to the sky he prayed to Allah to help him.

A while later he could hear the door inside opening. The women came out still talking amongst themselves about the new woman. When the healer exited, he inquired about the woman's wounds. She informed him they were not deep enough for any scarring, but they along with the bruises will take some time to heal. When he asked about her unconscious state, her lips when into a thin line. Stating she may wake up at anytime.

She told him the elders know about the woman and would call for him soon. Nodding his head he thanked her, he reentered his home.

He stood in front of his bedroom. Opening the door, he could make out her form under one of the blankets. Moving closer to the bed, he stared down at her. The village women had cleaned her up. He lit a few more candles to be able to see better. They had put her in a cream colored nightgown. Her hair had been undone and brushed out into long wavy lengths.
Coming closer to the bed, he pulled a chair closer and sat on it. As he examined her face, he got a better look. Plump lips, a heart-shaped face, a small nose, and thick dark lashes. Her face had been wiped clean of the makeup. Seeing her eyes flutter under her lids. Taking a chance, he reached a hand out to touch her face. Starting at her jawline, to her chin, skimming his fingertips across her cheeks, along her forehead, down her nose. He halted his thumb just above her lips, her skin had been soft under his calloused fingers.
He pulled his hand away, only to put it to his own head. Not knowing what he was going to say to the elders. He knew he should have brought her straight to the healer. Bringing a woman into his home, while not married to her would make the others frown down on her.

Being pulled out of his own thoughts by her quickened breathing. He got up to kneel on one knee on the bed. Checking her forehead for a possible fever. When he pulled back his hand, her eyes slowly opened. Staring into her eyes, the firelight giving them a golden amber glow as they looked around the room. Once her eyes fixed on his. Her breathing slowed a bit only to lightly say one word. One that confirmed she knew him somehow. Before her eyes rolled back and she was unconscious again.

After feeling something touching her face, her eyes slowly opened to a dimly lit room. She felt her breathing was quickened, not understanding where she is. Her eyes were darting around, before landing on the being kneeling over her. Her eyes finally focused, and she saw the dark brown eyes she only saw from her dream she relaxed. The last she knew she felt her consciousness leaving her before uttering a name. "Ardeth." Before everything went black.

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