Chapter 9

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The rest of the day and a few days after, he seemed to be avoiding her as much as possible. Which she she was actually grateful for at first but when it came down to the time for him to leave again. Him avoiding her started to get to her. Whenever she felt his presence in the same room, it felt very tense. She was ready for him to snap and start yelling at her. Sleeping has been...a struggle. It was started to get warmer so she replaced their heavier blankets with lighter ones. But when night came it was folded and laid down the middle of the bed.

Their days would go as followed whoever got up first dressed first. She would prepare breakfast, which they ate in silence. Then he would leave to go train, see the elders, how the construction was coming along, and would only come back around supper. Again it would be silent, then after he would clean and sharpen his weapons.
His mother noticed both Ardeths behavior, but for Lyra. The poor girl was silent, only giving her one word answers, a gesture, or would hum. Ardeth was out, busy doing his duties for his people but seemed to forget his future wife. She understands his reasoning for it, but the girl is miserable.

When Fareeha was on her way home she caught sight of her son. This needed to end now, before the girl runs away. Catching him by the arm, causing him to almost strike her in surprise. She was not afraid if he tried to hit her, she knew he had better self control. "Walk with me." She said not giving him much of a choice. He took a deep breath through his nose.

They walked along the streets, quiet for a few minutes. She knew it would make him lost in thought, and she has in the past got answers. He gazed forward, his eyes not completely focused. Taking her chance. "Are you angry with Lyra?" He didn't answer. She tapped his arm, making him turn his head. "What?" He asked confused both in question and for an answer. "Are you angry with Lyra?" They stopped walking. He wasn't angry, just frustrated. "No. Of course not."
"Have you talked to her." His mother started walking again. "You two are alone so you must know each other pretty well. I've told her stories about you when you were younger until now and the men at the training ground spoke highly of you. You only have less than a week before you have to leave again."

He was the one to stop this time. Not once have they talked about themselves to each other. They were basically complete strangers sharing a bed. No better then an arranged marriage. "No. We haven't talked much." He admitted regretfully. Lyras been living with and going to marry a man who she knows almost nothing about. He knew she was smart, easily embarrassed, and strong. But he didn't know where she was from or anything about her or her family. "I will speak with her tonight. She only knows what others told her of me if what you said is true." His mother nodded, patted his arm and entered her home he didn't even realize they were standing in front of. "Be sure you do. She is lonely. Don't frighten the poor girl."

Turning and making a beeline for his home. He found it was dinnertime. When he entered his dwelling, she had just finished setting the table. She only gave him a glance before grabbing some cups and the pitcher. Seating himself, he prepared his plate. Carefully watching her, she seemed skittish. Frowning he called to her. "Lyra. Come sit and eat." Slowly turning her body, she took baby steps to the table and set the pitcher and cup down. Once next to it, she was about to seat herself when he reached across and pulled her till she was right next to him.

She was almost in shock. She was lucky to catch herself and that there were pillows around the table or she could have been really hurt. Turning to glare at him and give him a tongue lashing. He shoved some food in her mouth. Chewing so she didn't choke. She let him have it. "What are you doing? I could of hurt myself from you pulling me!" She continued to rant on, and he smiled.
"It's good to hear your voice." He interrupted. She looked away, only for him to cup her face and bring it back for him to gaze down at her. Clearing his throat, he picked at his food.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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