Chapter 8

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         ****Does get a little spicy****

When Ardeth and his men returned, everyone was happy. Wives and children of some the men surrounded them and headed home. She stood with his mother, almost standing on her toes, to look around the other villagers. Both women had a smile, one bigger then the other. She could see him nodding and acknowledging those around him. Every once in a while he would look around.

He dismounted his horse, then handed the reins to a boy. Making his way towards to the elders. He kept looking but couldn't find Lyra. Watching one of his men touch his wife's face and holding a child on his hip. Continuing take move through the people, he moved with his head high. He could see the building not too far, and picked up the pace. If she wasn't out here, she was most likely with his mother at home.

The moment he got to the building, he felt the breath being taken from him. She was beautiful, her eyes were glowing, and she had a big smile he could see through the covering on her face. His mother patted the girls arm and walked to him pulling Lyra behind her. "Welcome home son." Welcoming him before leaving Lyra with him. He nodded to his mother, but couldn't take his eyes from the woman in front of him. She had plagued his thoughts every second he was on patrol. Removing one of his gloves, brushing his fingers along the beaded veil, down to her jaw. "Welcome home Ardeth." He smiled, though he was still wearing his face covering, she saw nothing. "I need to speak with the elders. I will meet you at home."

Lowering her head, giving a small nod. He gave her chin a tap with his fingers, before turning to go into the building to speak with the elders. His mother didn't go far, she came and gently led Lyra back home. She had wanted to talk to the girl. Wanting to give the girl some advice to surprise her son. Since they came back so quickly, she knew they didn't have much time. Lyra had been cooking when she rushed in to get her. She continued once back home.

Lyra was a blushing mess. The things his mother was telling her. She wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out. First she said after he had bathed, eaten, and relaxed. Dance for him. They had gotten some clothes for that. But she didn't want him jumping her. They were suppose to wait from what she was told. It was already enough she was in his home, or around him with no chaperone. She was lost in thought, dinner was mostly done, just waiting on the soup she was slowly stirring. His mother still speaking to her, but it seemed muffled. She wanted her to stir Ardeth up. The dancing that could be something after they were married since it would only be for him. He didn't know about the set up she made out back for her to exercise. A gleam started in her eye. His mother saw it. "You have an idea?" Still blushing, but feeling confident, she nodded and told his mother the plan. Which caused his mother to giggle loudly.

Lyra was laying the plates of fruits, vegetables, meats, rice, and soup when he entered the house. He had gone straight home after talking to the elders about the progress and layout the builders had. But when she looked up after hearing him enter. She wouldn't look at him. She brought her eyes to his before looking away, doing it a few times. He just smiled and walked to her to lay his hands on her shoulders and gave a small squeeze.

Looking down at the table he was happy she was learning quickly. He was almost salivating from the smell of food. "The food is ready when your hungry. Or do you want to freshen up or bathe first." Bringing his gaze to her again. "Let me wash up. Then we can eat. I'll clean properly after." And with that she went to fetch cups and a pitcher and sat to wait for him. It didn't take him long, but she could see he was in need of a bath. His hair was dusty from the desert sands, but he cleaned his face and hands, and removed his outer robe. No doubt sand would fall from it like a waterfall.

He returned to see her sitting and waiting. Watching her try to sit up straight and not slouch was amusing. He walked over to the table and seated himself. Looking over the options, there was quite a bit of food. Him and his men only took provisions and would stop at one oasis just to fill their water pouches. And have some relief in the cool waters. He filled his plate with everything feeling like his stomach was angry and wanted food now. A bowl of soup and a glass of water and some type of juice was placed in front of him. He looked at her as she started to pick what she wanted to eat. "Thank you." He said. She looked at him and smiled, nodding her head.

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