Chapter 3

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Standing in darkness, not able to see a thing. Opening and closing her eyes made her know that it made no difference. Taking deep breathes, straining to hear anything. Closing her eyes, knowing it changes nothing but tries to remain calm. She wonders what she's doing here. Not remembering what caused her to be standing in nothingness.

Sitting down and pulling her knees to her chest. Resting her head on them. The silence starting to get to her. The feeling of being alone started to fade.
Footsteps could be heard echoing all around her. Pulling herself closer, pushing her eyes into her forearm. A light slowly getting closer along with the footsteps getting louder.

Coming to a stop in front of her. Feeling the figure in front of her coming closer, she could hear them kneeling in front on her from the rustling of their clothing. Fingertips pushing her hair back on both sides of head, before gently grasping the back of her head and chin. Pulling her head upwards, she could hear a feminine chuckle.

"Open your eyes child. For I will not harm you." Snapping eyes open, widening as big as they'll go. What kneels before her is a woman. Well somewhat, she looked like a woman. Her hair was different patches of red, gold, white, and black, and instead of human ears, they were floppy and the same patchyness as her hair. "Who are you? Where am I?" Lyra asked. Wanting to back away but was frozen and stiff.
Looking down at her, the woman's head tilted to the side, examining her. She started to stand bringing the girl with her.

Feeling herself being pulled up, her arms and hands pulled against her chest. Giving her a sense of security. They stared at each other, before the strange woman smiled at her. Using one hand to pet her hair back giving her a gentle look. "You are where you belong." Still smiling down on the young girl. "And where would that be?" Still confused, not understanding why she was here and could not for the life of her remember why she's there. "Home."

The world around them brightened drastically. All around them was miles of desert and a large river surrounded by foliage. The strange woman put her larger hands on hers, pulling them away from her body. Holding them in her hands, she turned and the world moved quickly. Almost like fast forwarding, tens of thousands of people building massive buildings, walls, roads, pillars, temples, gardens, homes, and farmland. Lyra started feeling lightheaded from the fast movement, before it finally slowed.

All around her people were going about their day. The other woman was still holding her hand before walking forward pulling her along. The world started moving fast again till it was nighttime. Both were standing in a room lit up by torches. In the room were two women, one standing on the balcony looking out, another standing not to far watching over the other. She looked just like her, nothing like the one she was standing by. Watching the woman at the balcony tightening her fists and turning her head away. The other her moved over and layed a hand on the other woman looking to where she had.

As Lyra and the strange woman watched the two. Both women watched on as the women in egyptian clothing stiffened. She jumped a little when the larger woman pulled her closer. She was able to see what the others seemed so disgusted about.

Across the way on another balcony, a man and woman were kissing. Then seeing them jump apart. The man moving to one side to hide. While the woman positioned herself by a statue. The curtains closed, almost obscuring the view. Another man with a headress on walked in, and pointed at the woman. The man from before came behind the other. "Medjai! My father needs your help!" Screamed the finely dressed woman. The one by her now gripping a hand on her shoulder and balcony. Both women watched the woman he was yelling at first strike the man when his back was turned looking at the other man. Lyra screamed as the finely dressed woman screamed leaning too far over the edge, only the other her screamed a muffled name and grabbing at her and being pulled over as well. She stood there watching fingers holding the ledge slipping then were gone.

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