chapter 6

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That night was... awkward for the most part. When they got back to his home, finding places to put her things. He was going to speak with some of the village men about the additions, or possibly a new home altogether. He pushed as much of his clothing and items out of the way.

After getting settled in as much as possible, he could feel the exhaustion creeping up on him. Pulling on buckles and untying his robes, then dropping his turban on top, he felt some relief from the fire. Turning around he found Lyra staring at him with big eyes. "What's wrong?" The second he asked, he could see the redness creeping along her face down her neck. Her eyes going up then down repeatedly. Looking down at himself, he still had his shoes, pants, and his sleevless tunic on. She herself was still fully dressed, and was not changing into nightclothes.

Rubbing her arm, not wanting to look at him. After seeing the muscles in his arms and shoulders, even his hands showed strength. She felt flustered. His hair, she just wanted to run her hands through the curly locks. When asked what's wrong, she couldn't form a sentence. She would try to look at his face but couldn't focus. His tunic had a deep v shape and she could see the small amount of hair and the muscles underneath.

Mustering up what she could, when he started making his way to her. She moved away him closer to the door. "Where... where am I going to sleep?" She finally stammered out. He pursed his lips for a moment, looking at the bed. He didn't have enough blankets to make a bed somewhere else. He could sleep on the chair, but he could already feel the phantom pain he would be in the morning. When he saw her move towards the door, he thought she would run again. But now knowing it was about sleeping, he relaxed a little. "We will sleep on the bed." She looked at him with wide eyes. "No need to be scared. To our people we are married. The ceremony needs to be arranged, but all is well." He said trying to calm her. "Marriage. Got it." She murmured quietly. "Is something wrong with that?" His eyes narrowed. "Not with you, no. But we don't have to do...anything, right?" Watching her gesture towards the bed then between herself and him, he couldn't stop the laugh. That's what she was nervous of, that he would jump her like some young man hungry for a womans touch.

Slowly making his way closer, she backed into the wall. Standing right in front of her, he lifted her face to his. "I would never force you. You have my word. Now let us go to sleep, we have much to do tomorrow." He let her go, turning and heading to one side of the bed and falling down on it letting out a vocalized sigh. She hadn't moved from her spot. Lifting his head, he patted the other side, watching her.

Feeling tired herself, she didn't debate with herself too long before shuffling to the side he patted. Reaching for the blankets at the end of the bed, she went to climb in and cover herself. He sat up, which caused her to still. "Your not sleeping that way are you?" He questioned while pulling his boots off. Looking down at herself, she still had all the jewelry, head and face covering, shawl, and skirt on. She frowned at him, he just gave a grin and layed on his stomach. Waving his hand at her to proceed with undressing. Huffing she pulled the head and mouth covering off, hair a bit messy from the fabric. The mouth piece came off since they had a way to attach to each other. She faced him not looking to happy. Going to where one of the chest were she opened one and pulled out a leather strip and a comb. Her hair tamed for the most part, she could tell she would need a bath soon. Looking into the chest there were oils and other things for cleaning herself. Taking another chest she removed all the jewelry, then started on her lions mane. Pulling all her hair over one shoulder she started braiding. The shawl kept getting in the way, so off it went to land on one of the parcels. Continuing to braid her hair, she made her way to the other side of the bed. Tying the end, she untied the skirt, balled it up and threw it over the bed to the pile on the floor.

Ardeth could almost feel himself salivating, he was amused at first her pulling the face and head covering off. Watching her walk over to her things, she took off the jewelry before dealing with her hair. Seeing her struggle with the braid, he pulled himself up on his elbows about to offer his assistance when she threw the shawl off. The firelight dancing along her neck and back not covered by hair. When she moved to make her way to the other side, her hips moved side to side, almost tempting him. Facing the bed he thought she caught him staring when she took the skirt off and threw it. Closing his eyes he heard fabric hitting the floor. He only gave it a glance, before bringing his eyes to her.

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