Chapter 7

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Several days passed. Ardeths mind went back to her glowing face. "I'm getting married." The sentence repeated over and over. When she first said it she looked like she couldn't believe it. Then her face started to glow, her lips spreading into a big smile, her eyes shimmering with happiness. He could see the tears reflecting the morning sun before gliding down her face.

"You thinking of your goddess my friend." One of the men he was on duty and overseeing the different locations they swore to protect, teased him. He watched his leader get lost in thought, a boyish grin appearing on his face every time. Ardeth immediately stoned his facial expressions. "Shut up." He snapped, mad his thoughts were interrupted. But refocusing on what he's here for.

He was getting a bit frustrated, he's been away 6 days and still had a few more to go. It would take another 2 days or more to get back, he had left Lyra with his mother, she was quiet but by the time he left his mother was giggling while Lyra was a blushing mess.

He was in the main room preparing, before he checked on her first before leaving. Seeing her unable to look at him without putting her hands over her face, face red as a ripe apple. Kneeling before her, he pulled her hands into his, feeling a grin taking over. Taking and pulling her hands to his mouth, he laid a few kisses on her knuckles. Feeling her try to pull them back, made him laugh. Before getting up, using one hand to smooth over her hair then traced her jaw with a finger. Turning to leave to do his routes.

Lyra laughed with Fareeha, Ardeths mother. She has learned quickly, his mother was impressed. She too learned some new recipes, and one morning she couldn't find her in the house. She was breathing heavily panicking a bit thinking she ran when she heard a feminine sighing sound. Going towards the noise, she found her hanging upside down from a tree. A few pieces of fabric tied around a branch, Lyra wrapped up in it. She looked in shock when one leg stayed straight fabric wrapped around it the other bent, her back arched, the bent leg was almost touching her head.
"Lyra!" Fareeha shouted loudly in shock.
The girl turned her head in the woman's direction quickly. "Good morning." The older woman almost felt her heart stop watching her adjust herself then sliding down the fabric to the ground. Her clothing is what shocked her. Her harem bottoms were pulled and tied high up on her thighs showing the pale skin, one of the tops she wore exposed her stomach and arms. Pulling her shawl off rushing to the girl to cover her from any prying eyes, especially men. Pulling her in the house, she whispered loudly at her pulling her in the bedroom to make her dress appropriately. "What are you doing? What if the men seen you?"
Lyra looked at her in confusion. "I was doing yoga. I was almost finished." She explained. "Yoga. What is that? Nevermind. You need to dress." She started pulling at the ties holding her bottoms, then turning to get her more appropriate clothing.

"It's a exercise. Though it's usually done on the ground, I haven't done aeriel yoga in a while." Fareeha looked confused, stopping as she picked up the makeup. "Exercise? Why would you need exercise?" While Lyra changed she could see slight muscle under her skin, her words getting quieter. Every move the girl made, she could see how toned she was. Everything the girl had done these last few days, she realized she was more flexible and stronger. "So is this the only type you do? Is it easy?" Lyra looked at her wondering if she should inform her more. She had never seen other women in the village doing anything besides chores or taking care of their children.

"It can take some time before being flexible and strong enough. But it can make you feel so relaxed." Nodding her head she felt more curious. "What else do you do?" "Well." She stared wringing her hands, not knowing if it was acceptable or not. Pacing for a moment, she took a deep breath. "Belly dancing." "Belly dancing?" His mother's eyebrows shot up. "Yes. Ardeth took his swords with him so I can do it without them." "You dance with weapons?" Fareeha asked, a smile brightening her face. What a woman. Ardeth will be most pleased to hear his future wife could keep him occupied and most of all happy and his undivided attention when home. On top of that the girl was strong. It was not completely uncommon for women to be taught how to fight. The girl was a quick learner. "This will stay between us. And if you want to continue this exercise, we will need to speak to the builders." Lyra looked confused. She thought they were just going to add a few rooms to Ardeths current home. "No need to be confused. Come let me show you."

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