Chapter 4

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Ardeth brought the woman back to his home, not caring for the strange looks he was given. Bringing a woman in your home, or even the same sleeping quarters could only mean two things. He planned to take her as a bride, or she was a woman of the night.

As he walked through the threshold, he sat her on a pillow in a living area. Then sat himself on another close to her. Her eyes had a tired and dazed look to them. She had looked around but wasn't taking in anything. He looked down in confusion. He had never felt anything for a woman before. He dedicated his life to protect and watch over the city of the dead. But this one in particular. He had this urge to be as close as possible, protect her from anyone and anything. His brow drawn up in frustration, turning his head to look out one of the windows.

Lyra just glanced around her, feeling like her body was made of lead. Her head cloudy, unable to think straight. She felt the warmth leave her and was set on something soft. She wanted to feel the warmth again. She felt safe, like she belonged there.

Her eyesight and mind were slowly becoming clearer. Looking around more she could see she was in a home of sorts. A firepit set between a wall. Pots, pans, ceramic plates and bowls placed and hung along the wall and on shelfing. Multiple rugs strewn across the floor. Even with the small fire, she could feel cool air on her but only a little warmth.
Her eyes rested and stayed on a man. He was looking out the window. Seeing his brow drawn, she wondered if he was debating about what happened earlier. Her mind clearing further. Waking up in a strange place, in a town she's never seen before, being taken down and being restrained, then being brought here. She focused once again on the man. Black robes with straps holding it together. A turban that covered most of his head, his hair spilling from underneath. Her eyes widened seeing the sword on his person.

He finally glanced at the woman, only to see her examining him. Turning back to her. He thought some before trying to speak with her. There were many things he needed to know. How did she end up in the city of the dead, her clothing, but most importantly how did she know him. He's only seen her in dreams. Closing his eyes a moment, some dreams were pleasant, others made him feel heat shoot to his abdomen and lower. Catching her eye, she looked only for a moment before lowering her eyes and head quickly. He caught the redness to her skin before her hair covered her. This only made the corners of his lips curl up.

"You have no reason to fear me. But I do have some questions for you. And I do expect you to answer." Ardeth said, attempting to sound firm. She glanced up then back down only to nod. This man not only restrained her but carried her no problem. He wouldn't have any problem getting an answer from her if he really wanted it. He was the man she's seen in her dreams not just like this but also in different clothing, but they were mainly what he was in now.

"What is your name?" He asked gently, seeing she was slightly fidgeting and pulling on a strand on hair. He didn't want to scare her. She seemed like she would bolt at any moment. Sweeping his eyes over her, she still wore the cream color nightgown the women put on her and she slept in. Seeing him stand, she jerked in her seat away from him. He frowned, then with some thought left her. She thought he was going to hit her. He went into the other room and grabbed a blanket, only to bring it back and resting it over her shoulders.

Kneeling down next to her, giving a wary glance to her somewhat exposed legs. He asked her again. Her fidgeting stopped. She appeared to be lost in thought. He was trying to be patient, but he wanted to know. This, woman, had been plaguing his dreams for some time now. And not once did he catch her name. She knew his, having said it when he first brought her here and when he dreamt of her.

"Lyra." She said very quietly, almost she didn't hear it. "What?" He questioned a little too loudly causing her to jump. "Lyra. My name is Lyra." Pulling back into herself, beginning to shake a little. The name rolled around his head and speaking it just as quietly, like a whisper. "All right Lyra. What were you doing in Hamunaptra?" Hearing her name roll off his tongue sent a shiver down her spine. Looking at him through her hair. She could see he was staring almost straight into her soul. Lowering her eyes, she thought about his question. Hamunaptra. The word sounded familiar but couldn't place it. "What is Hamu... whatever you called it." She spoke. Raising her head up enough for her hair to show her face. She looked confused, and it made him wonder if with injures she had. She may have been unconscious when brought there. But there were no other tracks or sign that any other being was there.

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