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Hey guysss do this is my first book! I hope you guys enjoy it and it may not be that great, but yeah. Some nice opinions and suggestions would be nice :) I'm here to have fun.

I'll introduce you to the main character!
•Davina- Main Character. Everything is going to be her point of view. Daughter of the French Mafia boss. She can be sassy, passionate, and outgoing. She is brave and she can tell you off anytime.

That's all! So enjoy beautiful people 😝

This is what I imagine the characters to look like (you can imagine what you want)
Davina Genovese:

This is what I imagine the characters to look like (you can imagine what you want) Davina Genovese:

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Matteo Costello:

Matteo Costello:

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Nora Costello:

Nora Costello:

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Alec Cubdel:

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Alec Cubdel:

Isaiah Genovese:

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Isaiah Genovese:

Alexandro Costello:

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Alexandro Costello:

Alexandro Costello:

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Aria Cubdel:

Aria Cubdel:

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