Chapter 6- Secret Date

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We arrived at the hotel from the diner. Today was a shitty day. It was awful. I just found out the person who probably murdered my mother. My dad was in fiery but I was too. Is Matteo's family actually responsible for my mother's death? I don't know. No I don't think Matteo would ever do that.

We walked into the lobby and my dad went up to the bodyguards and ordered them to do something. I didn't recall what they said, but one of the bodyguards grabbed my arm. I tried pulling their arm off of mine, but they were to strong.

"Hey! Let go of me! Dad!!" I yelled out. My dad heard me, but ignored me and walked away. I grunt in defeat.

They opened my suite door and put me in my room. One of the bodyguards said, "Your father ordered you to stay in your room. You can only come out for dinner and that's all."

The bodyguard locked the door. I walked over to my bed and layed down. I started sobbing. I felt so stressed. Who was really responsible for my mother's death? Was it really Matteo? I don't think it was.

I tucked myself under my covers, and cried myself to sleep.
I woke up because of buzzing noises. It was coming from my phone. I opened my phone to see that someone DM me.

I opened Instagram to see who DM me, and it was Matteo!

I smiled and I blushed a little. It was nice getting a text from a friend after having an awful day. But.. wasn't I crying over him? I don't care. Whatever is happening between our families isn't gonna stop us from talking to each other.

Matteo- Italics
Davina- Bold

Matteo Costello:
Hello Davina

Davina Genovese:
Hello Matteo. How did you find me this quickly on Instagram? Lol

Matteo Costello:
I have my ways 😉

Davina Genovese:
Your such a flirt

Matteo Costello:
I know and I love it 😏

Davina Genovese:

Matteo Costello:
Hey, wanna go out? Like now? I'll pick you up. It's a date ❤️

Davina Genovese:
Ugh, About that, my father won't let me out of my room. I really wish I could though. Sorry.

Matteo Costello:
Yeah I can't get out of room as well but I don't give a shit. Get ready I'll be there soon.

Davina Genovese:
Matteo, I literally said I can't.

Matteo Costello:
I know love, I'm going to pick you up. Look, whatever's happening between our families, I don't care. I can't stop thinking about you

I got butterflies from that message

Davina Genovese:
Okay I'll get ready. And I can't stop thinking you too. ❤️

Matteo Costello:
Perfect. See you soon😘

I closed my phone and happily sighed. Well I gotta get ready for my date. My secret date.
I get dressed into this shirt, black v- neck dress. It had a slit and it really showed off my curves.

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