Chapter 8 : "Wow, this is beautiful.."

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I was starring out the window, a small smile painted on my lips. It was the Fourth of July. I just love the fireworks, their beautiful. I always tear up though. It's just so beautiful, I can't help it. Wow I said beautiful a lot. Heh..

There were people filling the streets, gathering together to celebrate. I saw Ham grabbing food from different tables and shoving it in his mouth. I chuckled at the sight. Lord help him.

As I was looking out the window, I noticed Benny walking up the driveway. Well, more like jogging but, yeah.

I heard him knock on the door. "I'll get it!" I yelled, running to the door.

"Hey Benny! What's up?" I ask, smiling a little. He seemed happy, he smiled brightly. How cute... oh my lord, shut up Ellie!

"Night game. Grab your glove, let's go!" He said, grinning. He started down the sidewalk.

"Hold up!" I yell. "Scott, let's go! Night game!"

Benny stopped in his tracks and looked back at me. I just laughed nervously. Scott was taking forever.

"Okay! I'm ready!" Scott said, finally coming out the door with our gloves. He threw mine to me.

"Finally." I say with sass.

Scott rolled his eyes at my actions. "FiNaLlY." He mocks, in a high pitched wail. 🤦🏼‍♀️

"Shut up!" I say, nudging him.

"Let's go!" Benny yells, obviously getting impatient.

"Alright, alright! We're coming!" I say, running after Benny.

We stopped by the table that all the guys were sitting at. They all stood up and we ran through the streets. I felt so free. I loved hanging out with them. I never wanted it to end.

We ran through the sparklers that blew in the street. I laughed the whole way, a bright smile on my face. I can't believe I didn't want to come to California. This is the best thing that's ever happened to me. THEY, are the best thing that's happened to me.

We made it to the sandlot, I stopped to catch my breath. That was quite the run. "Whew.." I huff.

"You okay?" Benny asks, trying to catch his breath as well.

"Yeah, I'm good." I say, smiling. "That was really fun."

He just smiles in response. Wow, the little things he does is so- SHUT UP!

"Let's play some ball!"

"Stop making goo goo eyes at each other, let's play!"



I turned to see all the boys starring at us. "Oh hush!" I say, rolling my eyes.

We started playing, just as the fireworks started. Man, I hope I don't cry. That would be embarrassing.

The fireworks popped into the air, they are so beautiful...

Kenny pitched the ball, benny hitting it. He dropped the bat and started running the bases. There was no way he wouldn't make it to home, we were all starring at the fireworks. No one had even tried to catch the ball, it stayed on the ground.

Benny stopped by my side. "Wow, this is beautiful..." I breath out. Benny looks at me, like he's in a daze.

"Yeah, it is.." he says, still starring at me.

I blush and turn to him, we stare into each other's eyes. Then I start looking at his lips. We're we about to kiss?! No way!

He started to lean in, so did I. We were centimeters apart and then Ham called us.


"Uh..o-okay....we'll be right there." I say, my face red. "Uhm... I'm gonna go..."

"A-alright.." Benny says, his face red as well.

I walk up behind Ham swiftly, we make it to a picnic table and he hands me  a brownie. I look at it a little and then take a bite. Ham looks at me confused.

"What we're you guys doing anyway?" He asks, raising a brow.

"Oh uh... j-just watching the fireworks.." I say, slightly disappointed that we didn't kiss.

"Hmm.." Ham hums, obviously not believing me. "Okay then,"

I stand up from the picnic table, trying to help with the table cloth. Everyone was packing up decorations. The party was over.

"Ellie, Scott! Let's go home!" My mom yells, from the driveway. She had some boxes in her hands. I assumed it was decorations that she had boxed up.

"Okay mom, coming!" I yell, grabbing a box filled with decorations off the table. I speed walked over to her, since she was waiting.

I thought I saw someone in the corner of my eye walking down the street. Benny.

I turned my head to look at him, giving him an awkward smile. I waved. "Night Ben," I say.

"Goodnight El." He says, smiling a little and waving back.

I walk up my driveway and to the front door. Scott running behind. "Wait up!" He yells.

I continue walking, rolling my eyes playfully at him. "Your such a dork." I say.

"Am not!"

I just laugh and shake my head slightly.

I made it up to my room after placing the decorations on the kitchen table, getting ready for bed.

I changed into my pink shorts and a plain white t-shirt. I took my hair down and laid in bed.

We almost kissed today....

Maybe he does like me..

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