Adrian agreste x reader

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(Y/n's pov)
I only came to the fencing try out to support my friend marientte, who was only trying to get on the team, to get closer to Adrian.
I rolled my eyes when I arrived early to find a good spot to watch.
I came to watch cause i admire people that want to play the sport cause of culture, history, sophistication, and honor amoug peers.
But i also remember that i was also here for another reason.
'God i really shouldn't of said yes to Marinette, why is she trying all these things when they really aren't for her self, but to impress some dude.
There's no honor when your being fack to get a guys attention.
There really isn't'.
"Hey y/n".
I looked up when adrian was infront of me.
I then said.
"Oh hey Adrian".
He then said.
"So you here to try out for fencing too"?
I then said rubbing my neck.
"Um not really, I'm here supporting a friend.
(I looked away and looked at an old picture taken of a fencing team.
Taken years ago.
I was wearing my fencing mask, no one knew it was me.
When i had my accident, doctor said to give my leg time to heal and then go into muscle therapy for my leg.
But i never really went back into the sport.
Cause the fear of getting hurt was always now at the forefront of my mind.
I sighed looking down.)
Besides, that's not me anymore.
(I smiled again looking to Adrian.)
Im just here to cheer Marinette on and support her".
Adrian then said smiling but his eyes saddened a bit.
"Of course, but please think about it okay"?
I nodded and the other fencers came along with the people coming to try out.

The couch came in and past me and said to the fencers that paired with people that want to try out .
"Ready and parey".
They started and i watched smiling.
Admiring their form and skill.
'My old team mates really haven't lost there touch'.
The couch then noticed me and said .
"Hello Mademoiselle, do you wish to try out when a fencer is available"?
I then saif.
"No im here to support a friend,
(I watch Marinette fight, she's really good, but was still a beginner.)
Plus it would hurt me most if i got the spot and she didn't".
Then couch rubbed his chin and said to me.
"Do i know you, I could of sworn we meet before"?
I froze .
'Oh know i forgot, he's the only one that knew it was me under the fencing mask'!
I then said.
"Um y-".
Saved by a fello fencer, pointed to the school entrance.
I turned to the entrance and saw a female fencer, in red.
I got a bad feeling and i turned to marinette.
I closed my eyes trying to get rid of this guy instinct.
But when marientte made the choice for her own benefit, thats when i said looking to her.
"Marientte what have you done.
(I got to her.)
Do you know what you did"?
Marinette then saif.
"What i did, y/n your supposed to be-".
I theb said.
"No, I'm not on your side when if involves hurting a fencers spirit.
Once that's done then they are never the same again.
(I looked to the girl who someone said was kagami, walk to her car.)
Basically someone who came for the sport.
(I looked to marientte.)
Not to impress a boy.
This sport is about loyalty, honor and justice.
But marientte what you did, was none of the three".
I left as Marinette called out to me.
"Y/n wait please".
I walked around Paris for about a good amount of 30 mintues when someone jumped infront of me.
I fell backwards and looked up and i siad seeing the akumatised villain.
She then said.
"I'm not kagami!
I'm riposte and i challenge adrian agreste to a duel"!
Then ladybug said showing up.
"Now thats not honorable riposte".
Chat noir showed up and grabbed me when riposte was distracted.
And said once all three of us, were out of riposte eye sight.
"You okay"?
I then said.
"Yeah im fine, but kagami isn't.
(I looked down the road.)
She wants a duel with adrian, but that can't happen".
Ladybug then siad.
"I need to call my lucky charm to see what we can do".
She then yelled .
"Lucky charm".
Then a sword fell into her hands and she said.
"What, a fencing sword, what am i supposed to do with-"?
Then she looked to me then the sword and then at riposte who past by us.
She then said smiling.
"Its not us that needs to use it.
It's y/n".
I gasped and chag said.
"Y/n fight riposte"?
I then said as ladybug then said.
"A good friend of mine once said, fencing isn't about impressing someone.
It's about-".
I then said the rest.
"Loyalty honor and justice".
Once the sword was in my hand, i then walked to be where riposte can see me, i didn't notice Alya filming the akumatised villan attack.
I then yelled to get kagami's attention when i place the sword in my left hand.
Youll understand why in a minute.
"Hey riposte!
(She turned to me and i said rasing my sword.)
You want a duel, you got one.
If you want to fight adrian agreste.
(The sword was not infront of my face and i showed my angrey face I get in battle when every my friends were threatened.)
You have to fight me first".
She then said walking towards me and then stopped a few feet away.
"I accept your proposal to duel.
(She then put her sword, which was attached to her hand to her face and said.)
But im warning you, this is a fight, not practice for beginners".
I then said to her remembering all the skills.
"Its you are the beginner to this fight.
You should know one thing .
(I then lowered my sword and said ready to launch into my attach.)
Never judge your opponent by their appearances"!
I ran and attacked and she blocked and she fought back and we fought until she said.
"You are a worthy opponent, but you aren't going to win".
I then said.
"I figure you might say that.
I don't want to win, i had my share but i will fight, ill fight for my friends, to protect the people I care about, cause that's what fencing is about, loyalty, honor and justice.
But most of all its about sprirt, some thing you have just forgotten.
( She sneered when i pushed our blades towards her.)
And im just geting started.
But I just want you to know something first.
(I then whispered to her.)
Im not left handed".
I then jumped away and tossed the sword into the air and caught it in my right hand and cut the air and said to riposte.
"You sure you dont want to give up now"?
She roared and charged and i siad smiling.
"I wouldn't think so".
I ran and hot her and she staggered back.
I'm right hand dominate when it comes to fencing.
The fencers i face lose when I use my right hand, so I normally start with my left so i could enjoy the duel to.
I kept fighting and i grabbed her blade, not carieing if it cut into the skin of my hand when my blade touched her.
I then raised my lower body, then i raised my blade into the air and then said the team moto.
"pour la loyauté, l'honneur et la justice" !
Then my blade hit riposte and it broke riposte and the akuma flew out and riposte yelled.
I then jumped away and i said to ladybug.
"Ladybug now"!
She then said.
"No evil doing for you little akuma".
Once it was caught she said.
"Got ya.
(She opened her yoyo and said as the akuma was now a butter fly.)
Bye bye little butter fly".
I went to ladybug with the sword and she said.
"Thank you y/n".
I nodded and she threw it into the air and it disappeared.
"Lucky charm"!
Everything that riposte destroyed was fixed.
Chat noir and ladybug held their fists up to me and siad.
"Wellz aren't you going to join us"?
I then said.
They nodded and i held my fist and we said all together.
"Pound it".
I then said walking over to kagami.
"Hey you okay"?
I lowered my hand and she said looking up.
"Yeah im fine, you really are the best of the best le chevalier bleu".
I gasped and said.
"How, how did you know"?
She then said holding an old magazine of me in my blue fencing suit and mask.
"It was your form, why didn't you get back into fencing again"?
I then said rubbing my neck.
"Honestly, I'm affriad I hurt my leg again".
She then said.
"You didn't seem to worry when you were fighting me"?
I then said looking away.
"Cause my friend adrians life was in danger
(I then remember Adrian, where's Adrian.)
(I turned to the superheroes.)
Where's Adrian"?
Chat then siad rubbing his neck.
"Um, he's still at the school, I put him somewhere safe.
Ill take to to him".
His miraclous beeped and so did ladybugs.
I then said nodding.
"Its okay, ill walk there.
I think ill try out to regain my position on the team.
That's where my friends are.
I should of gotten back when i recovered".
Chat noir nodded and they left.
Kagami place her hand on my shoulder and said.
"Let me drive you there".
I nodded and when we arrived.
Adrian ran to me and said hugging me.
I then said hugging him.
The couch came over and saix.
"Now i remember you.
It's good to see you le chevalier bleu".
Adrian looked at the old team photo and said looking at me.
"Y/n your le chevalier bleu"?
I then said.
"I always been le chevalier bleu.
I just forgot about her".
I then said looking to my old couch.
"May i try out for fencing"?
He nodded and he paired me to fight against Adrian.
Once i won the couch said.
"Everyone welcome back le chevalier bleu"!
They all clapped and adrian said.
"Y/n  i want to tell you something".
Then said making up his mind.
"Oh screw it"!
He kissed me and i was shocked.
Then i relaxed and kissed him back and saod.
"Y/n i love you, i have since the day we meet.
Will you be my girlfriend".
I then said.
"I love you since you asked me to dance at your birthday party".
He kissed me again as everyone cheered.
Marientte sadley walked away when no one was looking.
But it didn't matter, I only cared that i finally was back to my old self and my first boyfriend is my first love.
Thee end.

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