Male Marinette dupan Chang x reader part 1

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(Y/n's pov)
After finding out my mother, Gabby Agreste, was hawkmoth, the first thing i did afterwards was that i decided that I would only let myself be seen as chatty noir when it was absolutely necessary.
The miraclous's she toke from lady beetle I left behind in a friend's room when he was asleep.
That was two years ago.
When i turned 18 I disappeared, well not really i just decided to stay as chatty noir and toke breaks to feed plague.
Today was no different.
I watched the school and i sighed.
Plague must be hungry.
I then said ducking to lay on the ground

"Plague, claws out".
I detransformed and i hand plague his cheese.
He eat it and said as he saw me watching the school.
"You okay kid"?
A smile hugged at the corner of my mouth.
He still calls me kid after all these years.
Well technically i am a kid to him since he's been around since accent Egypt, been around when Atlantis sank.
Infact he was the cause of it, that's what happens when a kwami of destruction uses its powers and doesn't have a holder.
I then said laying on my back looking at the sky.
"As okay as ill ever be".
Plague rubbed agansit my cheek and purred i pet him and he said.
"You know, you don't have to be a raclous y/n, even from lady beetle".
I sighed and said.
"If he knew it was me under the mask, the daughter of the super villain, he'll ask for my miraculous and i don't want to lose his trust".
Plague then said.
"How do you know you will if you never even let him see your face, even in crime fighting".
I sighed and said.
"I'm building up to it.
Now you done"?
He nodded and i said.
"Plague claws out".
I changed back and stood up as i watched the students be realsied to go home.
The seniors came out first, i was older than my sister by three years, i graduated before i disappeared.
I watched her and looked all around her surroundings and mine.
Once i saw Adrianna was in the saftey of the house i pulled out my staff and made a call.
She picked up.
"Hello this is the agreste residence".
I then said.
"Hey Adrianna".
She gasped and said.
Is that you"?
I then said as i watched from the building across.
"Yeah baby sis, it's me".
She then said.
"Where are you, where have you been, how are you, are you okay"?
I then said.
"Slow down sis, I'm fine.
I'm in Paris right now, i was in California in a.
(I sighed n it wanting to lie to her, but this wasn't a lie, part of it anyway.)
When mom was arrested I went to California metal facility.
I couldn't believe what was right infront of me and i broke.
I needed help.
I didn't want you to think I left out of the blue.
I'm better now, I heared you are studying to be an actress like dad was".
She then said.
"Yeah, oh y/n i didn't know you were going threw this.
I'm glad your back, when can i see you"?
I then said as my cat ears twitched.
"I'll pick you up later, you still living in the mansion"?
She then said.
"Yeah i am, it just felt weird leaving this place".
I nodded and i heared it, yoyo slinging.
Lady beetle is close.
I hide in the shadows and held my bell so it didn't make noise.
I then said.
"I know how you feel.
Ill come by around five okay?
Ill see you soon".
She sounds hopeful and said.
"See you soon".
I then said before i ended the call.
"Love you baby sis".
She replied.
"Love you to".
I ended the call and i moved away from my spot cause Lady beetle landed on the building i was on.
I held my breath, kept my hand on the bell and listened.
Lady beetle sighed and talked to someone on the com.
"No she's not here trix,
(I cringed.
'dam it! Trix has probably seen me and since he can use his flute as a binocular, he probably saw me watching my sister'.
I grabbed a pebble and threw it aganist the building a few feet away.)
Wait i think i heared her.
He called out as he swing to where he heared the noise.
I then used my stealth powers which i discovered completely on accident.
I then said.
"Sneaky paws".
I ran without makeing a sound, sticked to the shadows so trix wouldn't tell the direction i was going.
I stopped at the alley beside the hotel.
I sighed and then said.
"Plague claws in".
I detransformed and he siad seeing me.
"You were working up to it hu"?
I then said panting, and annoyed.
"I was, i just didn't expect trix to be spying on me.
Tell lady beetle where i am.
That scared the hell out of me plague.
I was bussy talking to Adrianna, and i almost exposed my identity, im not ready to do that yet".
Plague then said when i sat down to catch my breath.
"Easy kiddo breath".
I nodded and breathed easy.
Plague rubbed against my cheek again and said.
"Everything will get better kid.
I promise".
I smiled and said.
"Okay, let go inside and get my wallet, i have to pick up a birthday cake for Adrianna".
He then changed into a normal looking black cat.
It was the one power plague just learned.
I picked him up and he purred as i pet him.
I got in and walked threw the lobby to my room in the hotel.
The mayor said seeing me.
"Y/n oh my stars it's so good to see you dear".
I then said smiling.
"Miss mayor.
It's good to see you to".
She then said seeing plague.
"Oh who's this handsome devil"?
I then said as plague hissed at the mayor, not likeing anyone touching him.
"Sorry he doesn't like being touched by random people he doesn't know.
Miss mayor this is Derek".
She then said.
"Hi derek".
Plague meowed and since he was in cat form he sounds like he's meowing.
But since i was his holder, i can hear plain English.
"Hello miss mayor.
(Plague turned to me and said.)
You owe me big time kid".
I then said.
"Anyway, i got to go and get adrianna a cake for her birthday".
I went to my room and grabbed my wallet.
I put plague in a cat purse and gave him a cheese.
Once back out of the hotel i went to the dupan change bakery.
I sighed before entering.
Looking at plague and he meowed.
"Im right here y/n".
I nodded and walked in, marin said not looking up yet from what he was doing.
"Welcome to the dupan change bakery how can i -".
He looked up and i said smiling.
"Im here to pick up a cake".
I pulled out my phone and showed him the order.
I then said.
"It's adriannas birthday".
Marin then said stuttering.
"Y-yes, yes o-of course.
One second".
He went to the back and plague meowed and i said calling out to the back.
"And a wheel of camembert cheese please".
Marin came back and said.
"When did you become a-".
Plague meowed and marin said seeing him.
"Oh, hello kitty".
I then said.
"Marin this is Derek, i feel i had him since high school".
Marin then reached out and i said.
"He doesn't like when people he-".
Plague purred as he let Marin pet him and i said shocked.
"Doesn't know touching him.
(I sighed and smiled looking at marin.)
How did you do that"?
Marin then said.
"I'm a cat guy, infact-".
He paused and i realised he lost a friend, a cat friend and by the look marin was staring off onto the street, my best guess is that he or she ran away.
I then said.
"How long has it been"?
He then said coming to.
I then said.
"How long has it been since your little kitty friend disappeared"?
He then said smiling lightly.
"It shows doesn't it?
(He then said after i nodded.)
She just disappeared, i woke up and she was gone, been looking for her ever since.
Today marks it as two years now".
I then said shocked.
"Two years, what does she look like? , i passed a few stray cats on my way here, i might have seen her.
Does she have a collar"?
Marin then said.
"No no collar, a bell a gold bell".
I then said.
"What's her furr color is she a solid, a mix-".
Marin then said.
"I doubt she let you see her, let alone catch her.
She a solid color cat, black".
I then said passing threw my memory of the cats i seen.
There is a black cat, but they didn't have a bell.
"Theres a black cat, but i didn't see a bell.
Could it have fallen off, or broken off"?
Marin lightly laughed and said.
"Doudt it, it's metal sown in, at least that's my guess".
I then said as marin placed the cake and wheel of cheese on the counter.
"Ill keep a look out for her.
What's her name"?
He then said.
"I just call her kitty".
I nodded and said.
"Okay, ill keep a look out Marin".
He then said.
"Good luck.
(I picked up the cake and the wheel of cheese.)
Hey y/n".
I turned to marin and he said smiling.
"It's good to see you".
I nodded and said.
"You to".
I left and walked to the mansion.
I got past the open gate and nocked.
Adrianna opened the door and said seeing me.
"Y/n Your early".
I smiled and said holding up the cake
"Happy birthday".
She smiled and let me in.
I put the cake on the counter and Adrianna said plugging her noise seeing the cheese.
"Wow, when did you become a cheese fan"?
I then said.
"it's Derek's favoirte treat".
Adrianna then said.
"Who's derek"?
Plague meowed and Adrianna saw the cat.
She then said.
"Oh you got a cat".
I smield and said.
"Lets hang out alittle bit before nina and the others come to set up".
She smiled and plague after finishing his slice of cheese got back in my purse.
We walked to the mall and shopped.
On the walk back home i saw a black cat and Adrianna said.
"Hey what's wrong"?
I then said.
"I saw marin earlier he said that he lost a black cat, called her kitty, and she has a gold bell, it's sowen into her collar".
Adrianna then said as she followed me approaching the cat.
"I don't see a bell".
The cat came over and purred rubbing against Adrianna.
I then said feeling the cats neck.
"I don't feel the short hairs.
(Adrianna was confused.)
A collar stops the hair from growing around the area of the neck.
It leaves a ring of short hairs, sometimes a buld ring from the collar rubbing against the furr, cutting the furr off.
(I then said petting the cats head and she purred.)
She's a stray, my best guess is she's used to people giving her food, water and she lets them pet her".

Adrianna then said picking up the stray.
"How did you know"?
I then said.
"In the California mental facility there's activities me and few others did, and that's take care of cats, rehabilitate them.
You wouldn't believe how cruel people get to a kitten alone".
Plague meowed and i looked to him and he meowed again quietly, missing the kittens he help me raise.
"I couldn't believe my eyes, those poor babies".
I let plagues head and i said looking at Adrianna.
"When i joined the group, i was so shy, that's when i met Derek.
He wasn't a stray, his family left him behind and he snuck into the facility.
At the facility we can't keep the cats we rehabilitate.
Derek wasn't apart of the kittens brought in, the doctors saw he made me better so.
(Palgues head was still down.)
They let me keep him.
He helped me with the kitty's that didn't trust women.
Now he misses his kids".
Plague meows and i said picking him up.
"I know derek, i miss them to".
Adrianna then said putting the cat down
"Does he like other cats"?
The cat purred at plague and since i was with plague, i could understand cats.
Plague lift his head and said.
"It's plague, y/n calls me Derek cause honestly.
(Plague purred rubbing against my arm.)
When people hear the name plague they think I'm chaotic and diseased.
And for a time i believed it.
Until y/n came into my life.
(I let his head and he asked the kitty.)
What's your name kid"?
She then said.
"I was just called kitty, i don't have a name.
(She lowered her head and said.)
I don even have a family".
I then said picking her up walking to Adrianna.
"Well you do now sweet heart".
Adrianna looked at me with shock and she held the kitty gentally.
Adrianna then said the same time the kitty meowed.
I nodded and i asked Adrianna.
"What you going to name her"?
Adrianna then said.
I think Hermione".
The kitty meowed and i smiled as i heared she likes the name.
I then said.
"Okay, Hermione, welcome to the family.
Now let's go home and tommorrow go cat shopping".
Both kitty's meowed and we walked home.
Once inside the people waiting for Adrianna yelled.
"Happy birthday Adrianna".
She smield and they gasped seeing me and i said.
"Hey everyone".
Adrianna then said.
"Y/n just got back guys, turned out was just working in California".
Allen then came over and hugged me saying.
"Don't ever scare us like that again".
I then said.
"Yeah i know i should of called, i just got focussed and, well".
Nina hugged me and said.
"It's cool dudette.
(She saw plague and she said.)
Oh you got a cat.
(She saw Adrianna held her new cat.)
You both did".
I then said to everyone.
"Lets get this party started".

To be coniuted.

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