Adrian Agreste and Luka Couffaine x reader

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(Y/n's pov)
I never thought I be in this situation, watching what was going on in this world on a tv screen was one thing, living in it was another.
Marinette was siting on a chair rambling on about her troubles, normally Alya was the one giving her advice.
Sadly she had a family emergency and had to cancel her plans and I was marinettes back up.
'I knew I should of called in sick after coming home from morning patrol'.
I didn't have anything against Marinette, but marinette has been asking me for advice on the same things over and over and it's stsrting to get on my nerves.
🗼'How do I tell Adrian how I feel?
Should I give him something?
How can I compete with ladybug?'🗼.
If he was me then I would of admitted my feelings and if Adrian didn't feel the same way about me then I would of moved on.
I would of made something for Adrian that he would like and Ladybug is apart of me, she is me so I didn't have to compete with her.
Kind of hard to compete with someone that wouldn't exist without the person wearing a mask.
Only Marinette was suppose to be lady bug, but me being a multitasking athlete, I moved faster than she did when Master Fu was slowly crossing the street on a red light on purpose.
I came out with her after helping Marinette mother put away the begets, I was working and living with them for 2 weeks until I saved enough to get my own place at the time before school started.
This was 2 years ago and oh boy marinette and Adrian handled these akumatised victims alot better than me.
I had to learn to deal with some days of haveing no sleep and some with being to tired to get out of bed.
As I turned to look at Marinette and give her a piece of my mind and tell her if I was in her shoes, i would of solved these dilemmas already.
But all I see was a teenage girl going through the motions.
I had to remind myself that she wasn't me.
I pulled the chocolate croissants from the oven after the timer went off.
I grabbed a napkin and said giving her a croissant.
"You won't know how he feels unless you talk to him.
(She looks at me and i said.)
Like I always say, even if your afriad, do it anyway.
True courage isn't the absence of fear, but it's courage in the face of fear.
He may not feel the same, maybe he does, but how will you know if you dont tell him"?
Marinette looks at me surprised and says.
"Your in love to aren't you"?
I nodded and said after I pulled some cash out to put in the register.
('And you know them'.)
I already told them, well written a letter to them, should arrive to them this morning.
(I looked to Marinette amd said.)
If they don't feel the same then that it's okay.
To be honest I have alot of stuff to do, i don't think I have time for a relashionship".
Marinette then says standing up.
"Y/n you always finish work before I even get half way done.
Wait did you say them"?
I nodded and said as I had a gut feeling, the kind that tells me an akuma is about to go to its target.
(I looked at my watch and said.)
Well I got to go, the Plummer should be done fixing my leaky pipe.
(I hugged her and said.)
Good luck.
(I then asked before I left through the door.)
Oh we're still in for swimming right"?
She nodded and said.
"Yeah, we'll meet at the pool at 11:00".
I then said.
"Ill see you then, ill make sure to bring the snacks".
I exited the bakery and looked around my surroundings before ducking into an alley and i said as Tiki came out of her hiding place in my trench coats collar.
"I had my gut feeling Tiki, someones about to be akumatised".
She then said smiling.
"You know the magic words Y/n".
I then said smiling.
"Tiki spots on".
My suit was compeletly differnet than Marinette, a skin tight suit with a coracest and high heel boots.
Sort of like Selene's death dealer uniform.
Only the suit was the only thing that was red with black dots all over it, my gloves, corset and boots were all black.
My hair changed from bronze red to black with red highlights at the ends.
The trench coat I've been wearing changed to be red with black dots.
My mask all black.
It hit my wings unless I summoned them.
I then said after summoning my wings.
"If we get this done before it starts then I can take a quick nap before meeting up with the girls".
My wings flapped and carried me to where my gut was guiding me.
I spotted the akuma and said swinging the yoyo.
"Where do you think your going little akuma".
My yoyo caught it and I landed as my you closed.
The akuma was deevilised and i released it and i said waving the butterfly away.
"By by little butterfly".
I turned to see the little girl in an all black cat onesie holding a jar.
I then said bending down as I saw her cry.
"You okay sweety"?
She sniffled as the sound of all the change she saved in the jar shacked, she then spook with sobs.
"My kitten is missing and I can't find him.
I was so excited to get him his new toy that I didn't notice that he ran out when I got home, I just wanted a kitty to love".
I opened my arms for her, inviting her to hug me and she toke it and she cried as i rubbed her back.
I then said.
"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll find him for you.
I have a kitty and a snake myself, I don't know what I would do if I lost them".
She sniffled and asked as she tried to calm down.
"You have a cat and a snake"?
I smiled and said.
"Yes, Chat noir and viperion.
There not just my partners to me, I love them, all of them.
(She smiled at me and i said picking her up.)
Let's get you home, I'll go looking for your fur baby.
(My wings came out and I began rising.)
Can you tell me what he looks like"?
She then said as she gave me directions to her home.
"He's all black with green eyes".
I theb said as I remember seeing that kitten.
"I think I know where he is,
(I set her on the steps and said.)
Ill be right back with him, wait right here".
I toke off again and I went to where I last saw the kitten.
I spotted him and he meowed as he looked around.
'Aw poor thing, he's lost'.
I saw the car and I dived.
Grabbing him and the car swerved out of the way whoch gave me time to lift.
The kitty shock and then purred as he leaned into me.
I then said petting him.
"Someone's been looking for you .
Can she's been worried sick.
(He looked at me with his ears down and he meowed at me.)
I know you miss her, im going to take you to her right now".
I flew back to the little girl and she cheered seeing me.
Alya was walking down the street when she heared the little girl says.
"You found him".
I smiled and said handing him to her.
"He's been trying to find his way home to you near the square.
(I pet the kitten om the head and he purred.)
He's an outdoor cat, the kind that likes walks, ask your parents if they've a cat harness and leash".
She then said holding her kitten tight in her arms.
"I will, thank you ladybug".
I waited until she went inside for me to take off before Alya reached me.
I flew to an alley a few blocks from my house.
I moved further into the shadows and said feeling safe, away from those who might try to peer in from the street.
"Spots off".
My suit went away and my cloths returned to normal, including my trench coat.
I then said stretching my limbs after retreving a macoorn for Tiki from my pocket.
"We got to her just in time,
(Tiki munched on her treat as she listened.)
I wish there was someone there for me when I lost C/n.
If there was magic back home, I could of easily been akumatised".
Tiki rubbed against my face comferting me.
I told her the truth about where I come from, that I lodt my family in a car crash and my only cat ran away before I found her again, then she died of old age years later.
She then said.
"But you gained new friends, people who care about you, and you have Adrian and luka.
You also have me".
I smiled and said.
"Thank you for trying to cheer me up Tiki.
Your right, but I can't help but think this world would be the same as it was before if I didn't come".
She looked at me sadly and I said whispering close to her.
"But I wouldn't trade anything to go back home.
Cause here, I am home".
She smiled happily and hugged my cheek and we both yawned.
I spoke while covering my mouth as we exited the alley the other way.
"Yeah definitely nap time,
(I saw the news playing and I smiled seeing chat noir and viperion stopping a mugger, the time stamp of the event was already 30 mintues before I finished my shift.
The news then moved to when Alya saw me give a kitten back to a little girl.
She been following the akuma to the little girl when she caught the footage of me stopping it before it touched the child.)
Chat noir and viperion have the afternoon patrol".
Tiki then said as she snuggled into my trench coats collar.
"They'll be okay, you deserved the rest.
You after all just gotten back duee and nuerro along with their miraculous.
And grabbed the miraclous tomb alot quicker than you said would happen if Marinette was lady bug".
I then said as I looked ar her.
"Still she made a better ladybug that me.
(I remebered that Gabriel learned real magic while he had the tomb.)
I know your trying to cheer me up.
But I'm techincally not supposed to be here.
(I entered my house and walked to my room and shivered as I remebered I left my balcony doors open.)
I just wish that I made it before he learned how to make akumas's without nuerro.
That my being here hasent changed so much".
She then said looking at me after looking at something behind us.
"I think Chat Noir and Viperion would disagree with you".
I stiffened as she flew off.
Then I heared chat noir spoke.
"Y/n look at us please".
I then said after sighing.
"How long have you known"?
Luka then said.
"We knew for about a year.
(I turned around and looked down.)
You watched over us, you risked your life to protect us both".
Chat noir then said placing his hand on my shoulder.
"And our friends when my father went to far".
They hugged me and said.
"Your our girl, even if you parent from our world, we love you no matter what".

The end

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