Adrian Agreste/Chat noir x reader part 1

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(Y/n's pov)
The ticking of the clock hanging from the home room of the classroom was annoying me.
Delphin whispered in my ear as she remained hidden in my hair close to my ear.
"Y/n, What's wrong you seem agitated"?
I then said low enough for her to hear as I held my sketch book up so no one loiked my way.
"It's nothing Delphin, just bored out of my skull".
I finsihed all my work for the day from previous classes before they ended so I didn't have any work to be working on to occupy my mind.
Miss Bustier let's us do our own thing if we don't have any work left to do, and I just finsihed my sketch of cat noir holding a orange rose.
Delphin wiggled closer to look as she said.
"Wow Y/n this is beautiful".
I then said lightly under my breath as I smiled.
"Thank you Delphin".
I lightly pet her forehead as she squeaked purred.
Marinette said two benches below me.
"Is there a mouse in here"?
Chloe screamed as she moved to be on the bench as she looked at the ground as she spoke.
"Sabrina get the mouse".

I peaked over the sketch book when Miss Boustier spoke up.
"Calm down everyone,
(she's looked under her table, and under the first to benches.
Then she looked at me.)
Y/n can you look under your bench"?
I set my sketch book down and looked and I said pointed to the bird in the window.
"It's just a bird,
(Everyone relaxed and I said as I held my sketch book back up.)
It's so quiet in hear with everyone consitracting someone's shoes sliding against the floor idmiting a squeak could sound like a mouse".
Me and Delphin giggled quietly to ourselves.
Miss Boustier said understanding.
"Okay everyone we got 20 mintues left, let's get back to work".

I looked up to see the clock three mintues ago, the mintue hand going slowly,the seconds even slower.
'Only 20 mintues left'.
I was staring down the clock, and it felt like it was staring back at me, taughting me.
I then said to Delphin quietly as I stared at the clock.
" Is it just me Delphin, or does class always drag on when its closer to the end of the day'"?
Delphin then said quielty as she nodded
"It's not just you".
I blinked and said under my breath as I rubbed my eyes.
"The clock win's this round".
Delphin went quiet and I found out why, because his voice startled me.
"Mind if I keep you company"?
I jumped and kept my hands up and my sketch book dropped infront of me and tightened my jaw to keep myself from squeaking.
I looked to Adrian and I said after relaxing.
"Adrian hi,
(I scouted and patted the bench and he toke the invitation.)
I didn't see you walk up".
He then said smiling as he leaned forward as he stared at me.
"Sorry Y/n I didn't mean to startle you.
I just saw you were bored and thought I take your mind off the ticking clock".
I smiled and said as I rubbed the side of my head and neck.
He looked at my sketch book and looked at me as he asked.
"May I"?
I nodded and said as he pulled it closer to him as he looked at the drawling of Chat Noir.
"The rose I just added because I felt the picture was missing something".
'Honestly it's what I imagened he look like if I was awake when he gave me the rose.
Adrian looked at me and said as he smiled.
"Y/n your really good.
Are you a fan"?
I nodded as I said.
"Yeah, I guess.
I have a black cat named chatty".
He smiled and said as he saw my Lady Noir logo for my blog.
"Cool you follow the Noir Blog".
I nodded and I decided it's best to not tell him it was me and I said
"Yeah, you follow Lady Noir to"?
He nodded and he asked as he pointed to the rose.
"Are orange roses your favorite"?
I nodded and said.
"It's my number one favorite flower, tulips are my second".
Adrian then said.
"Have you meet Chat noir before"?
I then said after nodding.
"Before you and I met and before I met him I only ever saw him on the news.
(I shivered as I rubbed my right arm where I got hurt.
My arm healed, but I kept it covered and lied saying there was a scar.
This was probably a couple of days before I found out Marinette was lady bug, and promised to keep it a secret.
When she had to baby sit Marco, I promised to help her.
While on our walk, an akumatised victim came across us and I used my body as a sheild to protect Marco.)
He saved me and toke me to the hospital".
Adrian then said as he placed his hand above mine to keep it from moving on top my sleeve covered arm.
"That's how you got your scar?,
(I nodded and he toke hold of my hand and said.)
I'm glad he saved you, I wouldn't of gotten to know you if anything happened".
I blushed and I said looking at him.
"Your sweet,
(I looked at the calender countdown to Valentine's day on Miss Bustier's billboard.)
The girl that catches your heart will be the luckiest girl in the world to have the sweetest, kind, passionate, funny
(I remebered the couple of times he stayed behind to help me away from an akumatised victim and to start before he strangly disappears before coming back after ladybug and Chat noir defeat the villain.)
and bravest man in the world".
The bell ringed, signalling the end of class and I removed my hand, but I wish I kept feeling the warmth of his hand on mine.
I gathered things and said looking at him as I smiled.
"Have a great day Adrian,
(I pulled the chocolate out from my pocket and said.)
I know it's alittle early but I didn't want to forget it.
Happy Valentine's day".
The students were already leaving and I left the bench area when Adrian called out.
(I turned to face him at the bottom of the benches.
He smiled as he said.)
The man that wins your heart is one lucky man.
Your brave, strong, happy, imaginative, loyal, compassionate and,
(He held the cat chocalte I made him along with A slice of cheese.)
The orange rose, your favorite, it means beauty.
And Chat's right, cause your a beautiful women".
I smiled and I waved at him and after i left the grounds to walk home was when It dawned on me.
'How did he know Chat noir gave me orange roses'?
I rushed home and Delpbin spook as she held onto my hair.
"Y/n why are we rushing"?
I said as I got home.
"I need to check something".
I opened the door and then closer and locked it when I got in.
She then said as she followed me.
"Did you forget something before we left"?
I shock my head and said as I got to my room.
(We got in and I locked my door.)
Something just came up in my mind".

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