Felix Agreste x reader

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*Requested by StarandIris*
(((A/n: harry potter cross over)))

(Y/n's pov)

The student body of DuPont college was abuzz.
I only ever seen them like this once before on my first day after spending the first summer of moving here.
We're getting a new student who once lived in London, and this new student is also Adrian agreste dopleganger cousin Felix agreste.
I only ever had the pleasure of meeting Felix twice in the two years I've been living in Paris.
I didn't intended for there to be more.
But I known adrian and his side of the family longer since our fathers were old friends.
And it turns out Adrian's and Felix's mother's were twin sisters.
Nice lady, if only her son Felix was nice.
I found Marinette and Alya and said crossing.
"Please tell me all im hearing is just rumer".
Marinette patted my shoulders and Alya higged me?
"Wish we could y/n, but Felix indeed did transfer to Paris from London".
I lowered my head and still saw the positive side to this.
I stood up as i kept my eyes away from the entrance, the girls were close to me like we were chatting, so Adrian who is with Felix didn't notice anything off as they entered campus.
I then said looking at the girls.
"Well on the bright side, it's a fat chance we are sharing more than one or two classes".
Marinette then said.
"This is Felix were talking about y/n, although he was alittle bit nicer to you, people change.
Last time he did risk his life remember"?
I told them I didn't think to much about it after all the things he did to not just me but my friends, marientte was right he was alittle bit nicer to me and i wasn't the only one that noticed, Adrian thought that Felix was changing after our first meeting cause as long as he knew felix, when Felix was upset he wouldn't apologize.
Adiran said i must be something special to him.
The second time he was more nicer and rhen he risked his life after he was the cause of another akumatised victum and why am I thinking about it!?
I shook my head and said waving my hand at them and decided to go to my first class early so I could possibly avoid seeing felix again.
But it would be to early to do so, so i guess i can get breakfast.
"Ill see you guys in class".

I made it without someone following me, that someone being Felix.
I grabbed a pop tart and then used my own path from there to get to my first class without being spotted.
Miss bustier was already there and she said seeing me smiling.
"Y/n my star pupil, your early, earlier than usual".
I then said as i toke my spot not noticing the extra chair.
"Just didn't want to be late,
(I pulled out my extra credit class work.)
Plus i almost finished that crossword you gave me".
She smiled and said petting my shoulder.
"I know you haven't really thought about this boy, but if he changes cause of you, then he knows what you do to".
She's the smartest teacher i know, one i could come to for advice.
It was true i do have feelings for Felix, but kept it hidden from my friends.
Cause one how did this happen and second why?
I thought I disliked the guy cause not only was he mean and rude to me but worse to my friends.
Turns out I was falling in love with him, and he was changing cause of me.
My home room class mates were coming in, but that's when i noticed the extra chair.
Someone pulled it and I was to fouced of my worksheet to bothering looking up to see who.
I finished and that when i looked with my perfial vision.
It was Felix, and he looks different.
He's not wearing his vest, or a tie, but his style was similar style to chat noirs and he was smiling at me.
That just unnerved me as i stared to the front of the class.
He then said as i got ready to tell miss bustier i finished.
"I know I wasn't the nicest guy to you and your friends and im sorry for that.
(I looked at him and he said.)
I deserve whatever you thought of me in the past and if they are still there,
(He told a gental hold of my hand and I felt the spark again.)
please give me the chance to prove that I changed".
I then said my hand out of his hold, trying to regain my composure by not looking at him.
"One chance, only one and that's it".
He was smiling and it toke all i had not to return it as i got up to turn in my extra credit, everyone was doing the current assignment.
One I already did, i was ahead of the class, all my classes i was ahead.
Which left me time to think about the upcoming graduation in two months that made all the other students feel on edge.
Cause not only did they have other prep work to do before then, but the exams always stress everyone out.
Good thing I had my mother's brain along with her looks.
But I had my dad's eyes and bright red hair.
I will miss hogwarts, but I always wanted to travel.
Thankfully one of my uncle's lives here, one of the famous michevious twins.
Fred or George, they always pull that who's who trick on me.
But that was before they had kids, uncle feed has two sons, uncle george has only one daughter.
One that looks like aunt Ginny, her name was coraline.
I've been living with them since i graduated and wanted to go to this muggle school.
But turns out this Paris has magic.
And i was one of the miraculous hero's.
I knew one thing, if the magic world knew of this ancient magic then they would lose.
And since we had magic, we can find out who's who under the mask.
Thankfully I told chat noir and ladybug after hawk moth was gone for good.
They said that would explain why i knew the postienal and how old this magic is.

All my family is coming to graduation and I'm worried they'll find out about the miraculously, that's what i told all my team mates.
Thankfully they understood, don't look any ofthe Potters, Weasleys and Malfoys in the eye.
My uncle george already let my family know of the anceint magic that muggles use to protect the city, so the secret wasnt out.

(Time skip to two weeks)

Felix called out my name and i turned and smiled seeing him.
He said after catching a breath.
"You walk fast, you know that right".
I lightly giggled as i said.
"I have a big family, that's means alot to do and alot of walking".
He smiled and said holding my favorite flower in his hand.
A blue rose.
"I don't know it you been asked to this year's prom, but im hopeing that you haven't so i can ask you".
I lightly blushed and said.
"You don't have to worry, no one's asled me".
He smiled and said.
"so will you go with me, to prom"?
I nodded and he said pecking my cheek.
"Great, ill pick you up at 7:30 on the 30th".
I then said as he was walking away.
"Can't wait".
I put the blue rose in my hair and went to meet the girls.
But an akumatised victum of one of the men that asked me but i turned down decided to grab me.
If i could use my magic i would, but i gotten used to leaving my wand at home, to not tempt myself to use my magic.
The new miracouls hero did not like that, lucky thankfully attacked fast.
Got me put of there as he said holding me.
"Are you okay"?
I looked at him and he thought.
'I know it's you that's draco y/n, i know your a witch.
(He felt my cheek and asked.)
Why did you use it'?
I then said.
"Cause it would expose the secret of witches and wizards.
Ill lose my wand and my family will suffer.
And your mind-".
He then said as he looked scared.
"Ill forget you even exist, all who met you"?
I nodded and said confirming it.
"It will be like i was never born".
He kissed me and said after pulling away.
"I won't let that happen, i love you, there's no way I'm ever going to let someone take you away from me, i love you y/n weasley".
I kissed him back, he wrapped his arms around my waist and once we pulled away, i said holding his cheek.
"So your okay that im a witch"?
He then said pecking my lips.
"More than okay, i think even though you didn't use magic, you have other magic, cause you out a spell on me when we first met".
I then said pecking his lips.
"And now your mine".
He kissed me again and then there was a rumble .
The akumatised victum yelled my name.
Felix then said.
"I know youll follow me as draco, but becarefull".
I then said before calling my Kwami.
"Aren't I always.
(My kwami showed up, a red and gold dragon.)
Let's roar".
I was suited up and i shifted into a dragon, and gave lucky aride and we defeated the akumatised victim.
Me and lucky shifted back into our civilian forms and spend the day together at the agreste manor.
I got to stay the night and it was like a fariy tail.
Thee end.

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