Symphonies [Eva Cudmore]

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"Y/N, you're up next. Are you ready?" one of the program managers said, walking up to you as you sat on the bench, mentally preparing yourself for what's about to happen.

You looked up and gave them a shy smile. "Y-Yeah. What about my friends? Are they on the stage already?" you asked, and they nodded as an answer.

"Behind the curtain," they replied, and you were just about to ask again when they cut you off. "There's a piano on the stage so you don't have to worry about that."

"What made you think I was going to ask about the piano?"

"Were you going to ask about something else?" they said, which caused you to shake your head, defeated. "Stop acting like we don't know you, Y/N," they laughed, patting your shoulder gently, making you smile again.

"I'm just so nervous. I'm literally looking for anything that would take my mind off this," you said, shrugging. They frowned at your response before sitting down on the bench, next to you.

"Y/N, you've been performing here ever since you started high school. What's the difference?"

A lot.

This performance is just so, so important to you. This performance is your best friend—the love of your life—the person you've known for all your life. If you manage to mess this up, what'll happen?

What if she won't even go to your performance?

Maybe the idea of confessing your love in front of a pretty large audience was a bad idea.

You glanced at the clock on the wall, checking the amount of time you still had till you had to go on stage. When you saw that you had ten minutes, you turned towards them and replied, "Well—uh, the main reason why I'm performing is... um, I have this friend, who I've known ever since I was a child, and I just thought it'd be a good idea to confess the stupid amount of love I have for her on-stage."

"Can you slow the last part?" they said, and you complied.

"I just thought it would be a good idea to confess my love for her on-stage," you repeated, a lot slower, and their jaw dropped in surprise. "Look, I know it's—"

"You know it's what?" they replied, standing up, shouting, making you pull them back down onto the seat. "Sorry." you nodded. "This is great, Y/N! You finally found someone!" Their response made you groan, rolling your eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." You waved them off.

"Who is it?" they said, cutting you off, grabbing your shoulders and shaking your body in excitement. You gently placed your hand on theirs and pulled them off, causing them to whisper a "sorry" as they looked away.

"It's Eva Cudmore," you answered, "You know her?"

"Yeah! But how come I never really see you two together anymore?" they asked.

You frowned at them before answering the question. "Well, ever since she got a boyfriend, I couldn't, like, go on random trips or hang out with her as much, and it eventually turned into nothing." The program manager gave you a sad grin and nodded, standing up.

"Well, good luck out there. You're on in 2 minutes," they said as they glanced down at the watch on their wrist.

"Thanks," you replied, smiling, watching them walk away to talk to another performer.

Palms started to sweat as you sat there, nervously bouncing your legs up and down. You placed the earpiece and microphone onto your head while you waited for the last performer to walk inside—so you know that it's finally time for you to walk on stage.

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