Bank Robbery [Eva Cudmore]

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"Everybody get down now!" you shouted as you raised your assault rifle, firing into the walls and ceilings. The people in the bank screamed and was practically diving onto the floor as your three friends who stood beside you did the same. You made your way around the bank in a calm manner, carefully watching the people on the ground, making sure that none of them try to even move.

You made your way behind the counter, finding a girl with blonde hair covering her head with her arms, seemingly whispering to herself. Looking away from her and facing the people at the front, you grabbed your pistol and shot at some glass case before saying another warning. "If you make one move, you're dead."

At the corner of your sight, you could see the same girl try to stop herself from squirming, but she failed. Then, a person came to the counter, at opposite side to where you were standing, so you immediately fired at them, sending a bullet directly into their chest. People screamed more at the sound, but you pointed the handgun towards them to shut them up. Their body dropped down to the floor with a thud, landing a couple meters away from the blonde.

Moments later, you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder, making you turn around and point the gun at the person's head. When you noticed that it was one of your friends, you rolled your eyes, groaning as you lowered the gun. "What? You fucking scared me, bitch. I accidentally shot you in the head!" you said.

"We need these hostages inside a room. You should go watch them."

You raised an eyebrow at the man, putting your pistol inside your holster. "Alright. Go tell Leo to gather the hostages. Don't shoot—at least not yet. Got it?" He nodded towards you and started walking to your other friend as you went to the blonde at the side. You could hear the voices of your friends as they grouped the people, shouting at them to stand up.

Chuckling at them, you watched as the girl stayed in her position, only moving from a few nervous twitches then and there. Leo shouted once more to get up, and when she still didn't, you grabbed her arm that covered her face, making her look up at you in fear. "Get the fuck up!" She jumped to her feet, keeping her arms up in the air as you harshly shoved her towards the moving crowd of hostages.

About thirty minutes later, the crowd was seated in a small room; strangers curled into each other, tears falling from frightened eyes, hands clasped together as silent prayers were said. The tension in the room was thick, and it heightened with each second as you lazily scrolled through your phone. Your chair was tipped back against the door, assault rifle placed up against the wall, and hand tightly wrapped around your pistol.

It was intensely silent inside the room, the type of silence where if you'd drop a pin, you could clearly hear it hitting the ground. But something—well, someone in the corner was bothering you. The same blonde from before. She was getting more fidgety by the second, and you could basically hear all of the thoughts that were coming into her head. You decide to not lash out just yet, ignoring her.

At some point, she must've realized that you were definitely doing some major heist, and needed all the hostages out of your way, so here they were, locked inside a tiny room with you watching their every move. You felt the blonde stare at you, so intense that you swear you could feel it boring into your skin.

The girl had been staring at the you for some time now, seemingly trying to mentally calculate options inside her head. "I have to pee," she whined after a few minutes, causing you look up at her, and the way your Y/E/C eyes dragged and lingered across her body had got her heart beating just a little bit faster than before.

"Shut the fuck up," you finally said, the grip on your handgun tightening as you turned your head back to its original position. The blonde just pouted, ignoring the quiet pleads of the other hostages as she sulked towards the masked robber. She could see you grit your teeth as they talked, making her slightly lower her head.

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