Kiss in the Rain [Anna Shumate]

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You sat on your bed in your dark room, the tiny "whirrs" of the air conditioner the only thing keeping your emotions afloat. Without them, you'd probably break down.

The laughing together, crying together; all the memories you made with each other.

Sometimes it makes you think; how could've this even happened?

The two of you were just so close and so in-love that when she just stopped responding to your texts, it was so hard for you to believe.

Her closest friends stopped responding, too.

You stood up from the soft bed and walked out of the room, finally going outside of the house for the first time in days.

So now, you were on a walk, trying to gather your thoughts.

You just ran around the neighborhood in circles, having no clear idea where you were going or what you were doing.

You've been walking and jogging around the sidewalk for hours now, but it doesn't seem like you ever want to stop. Maybe running was just another way for you to run away from your feelings and problems.

The sky was starting to turn dark, and the clouds were now covering the sun that was shining just a few minutes ago.

You looked up at the dim sky, as you felt tiny droplets of water land on your head. You thought nothing of it, instead, walking even faster, watching and feeling as the rain started to become heavier, drenching your hair and clothes with rainwater.

The rain had always been your favorite type of weather; it calmed you down.

Like the way she used to.

You scoffed, shaking your head at the thought. Maybe if she truly cared, she wouldn't have left you.

Those thoughts have been running in your imagination for days on end.

Did she really love you? Would she even care enough if you tried to fix this? Would she even want you to fix this?

Probably not, but, you still did.

You felt a hot stream of water slide down your cheek, and you knew you were crying.

The burning feeling of tears coming out from your eyes, staining your cheeks, and making you look—what you thought—completely and utterly miserable.

You ran, going faster than you were before, not caring about the world, not caring if there was anyone looking at you...

not caring if anyone actually cared about you.

The speed you were going at became unbearable, as your surroundings started to fade into just blurry images. You pushed it to the side, placing the hood of your jacket onto your head, going even faster.

At how fast you were going, you didn't notice that you were now in a completely different place, on a different sidewalk, on a crosswalk, dangerously close to oncoming traffic. You just kept going.

And then...

The screeching sound of tires stopping can be heard.

You looked up from the ground and turned to where the sound came from, eyes widening in realization as you saw tens of cars lined up, with one a mere inch close to your body.

Holy shit. You almost got yourself ran over.

You looked around your surroundings, finding people with shocked faces, but some are fuming with extreme anger. Your jaw drops.

You dropped your head low, hiding from everyone, not paying attention if they screamed at you. You ran to the other side, the water under your feet splashing with each step.

As you were running, you turned your head to the side, just to check on what you left behind. You didn't really see anyone that angry anymore so you looked back ahead, when you bumped into another figure.

The force of you bumping into them was strong enough to knock the wind out of you, but it didn't knock you to the ground. You looked up at them as your mouth opened in surprise.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" the person in front of you, Anna, asked.

"Yeah—um, I should be the one asking you that," you said, rubbing the back of your neck in embarrassment. You pulled away from her as you motioned for her to move to the side so you two weren't blocking the side walk.

It was a bit quiet and awkward for a moment, and you cleared your throat to get rid of the silence. "So... how have you been?" you mumbled, a small chuckle escaped your mouth at how awkward this was.

Anna looked up with you with sad eyes. "You wanna know the truth?" You nod. "I have been feeling like fucking trash ever since it happened," she said in a firm voice, but you knew that it was soon going to fade.

"Yeah, for sure," you scoffed, "You felt like trash to the point that you wouldn't even reply to my texts. For fucks sake, Anna! Your friends wouldn't even respond to my messages asking if you were okay—even if you were the one who broke it off! They even told me to never text them again!"

"I'm sorry," she whispered, the slight crack in her voice making you back down and soften your own.

"I know. But I would definitely be lying if I said I didn't want to just... after all of that," you said, wiping the drops of water from your face. Anna nodded, leaving you two in silence once again, the footsteps of passerby's and raindrops falling on the ground being the only sounds you could hear.

"I missed you," you blurted out just to break the silence. When she looked up, her eyes looked right into yours, and you could just feel the tears start to come out again. "I swear, after you told me you couldn't do it anymore, I slowly lost it. I hid myself from everyone, and even just hearing your name would make me cry."

Anna threw her arms around your neck and pulled you down, closer to her, pulling you into a tight hug. "I missed you," you repeated. "So, so much."

"I know, Y/N," she replied. You moved away from her, wiping off the tears from your eyes. "Isn't that kind of useless? We're already drenched in the rain."

You laughed, causing her to laugh as well.

When the two of you stopped, it was quiet again. Anna was looking down, so you used one of your hands to gently hold her face and turned her head towards you.

There was already barely any space between you two, so the smallest movement would definitely cause your lips to touch. You felt her start to lean in, and you followed. Anna put her arms on your shoulders and pulled you into a kiss, making you freeze in shock.

You immediately snap out of your state and place your hands on her sides, to deepen it. The kiss was long and sweet, almost like you two were just longing for this to happen again, and you could only hope that there were now no one else but you on the sidewalk.

As you two pulled away, out of breath and cheeks flushed, she gave you a warm smile and pecked your lips one more time, saying, "I missed you, too."

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