Stressed [Emma McAllister]

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"Just—cancel my next meeting," you said as you rubbed the sides of your forehead, waving your assistant down with your other hand. She looked down at the clipboard in her hands, wrote down a few things that you assumed was a reschedule date, and glanced back up, giving you a quick nod. You sighed, nodding back as she walked out of your office.

As soon as you heard the sound of the door gently slamming shut, you removed the glasses from your face and threw them to the side, dropping your head down onto your desk. You banged your fist on the table, annoyed, before slumping down in your seat with a deep sigh.

You just found out that one of your employees had deleted a whole folder of important files on accident today, and now you were going to either have to find a way to recover it, or remake it entirely, which made you stressed out. Plus, you had a ton of meetings this week, especially today, and that added to the stress.

The sound of faint footsteps made you look up, and without your glasses, you couldn't really see, so you squinted hard to make the light reflect better. When your eyes finally adjusted, you saw your girlfriend, Emma, standing by the large door of your office. She smiled at you as she walked towards your desk, and you returned the expression.

"Hi," Emma said in a soft voice, sitting on the black couch opposite the table. You just hummed as a response, looking for the glasses before putting them on your face. Grabbing your phone, you stood up from the chair and walked towards the sofa, sitting beside her. Your hand instinctively lands on her thigh, and you could hear her giggle as she laced your fingers together.

When you were just about to ask her about her day, she cut you off with a question. "Bad day?" You turned to her and nodded, as you grabbed your phone to show her the message you received from your assistant earlier today. It immediately opened to what you were looking for, and you flipped your phone so the screen would face her. Emma's eyes scanned the text, and her mouth formed into an 'o' shape.

"Right? I can't believe this happened! What do I even do? Should I fire him? Or is that a little too harsh?" you said, voice booming throughout the large office. Emma stayed quiet as you groaned and sulked, her thumb gently caressing the back of your hand. She leaned forward a bit, giving you a kiss on the cheek, close to the corner of your lips.

"Don't worry, baby. You'll be fine. You're the youngest CEO for a reason," Emma whispered as she shuffled over to the end of the couch, pulling you down to lay between her legs. You let her, and her hands slowly run through your hair, nails gently scratching your scalp. Your eyes closed at the enjoyable sensation as you relaxed your body on hers.

"Yeah," you scoffed, "It's called 'my-dad-died-and-the-company-was-given-to-me-because-that's-what-it-says-on-his-will'." It was clearly a joke, but Emma—for sure—didn't think it was funny at all. After not getting a response, you looked up at her, making her roll her eyes. She sighed, continuing to play with your hair. "Come on, babe. Just a harmless joke," you told her.

"I know, Y/NN. It's just... you gotta find ways to cope other than joking about it," she replied. You hummed and nodded as you closed your eyes again. Her movements didn't stop as she started humming a song, a song she knew would get you to fall asleep. You immediately sat up and stood from the couch, walking towards one of the tall, large floor-to-ceiling windows. "What are you doing?"

Emma stayed in her seat as you speed-walked to the other side of the room. You turned your head towards her, answering, "I don't wanna sleep right now, okay? There's so many things to do! What if another file gets deleted? And I still have a bunch of meetings, Emma—"

"Y/N! Just calm down, you'll have plenty of time to do whatever you need to do," Emma said softly, staying surprisingly calm, but that calmness only made your emotions heighten in annoyance.

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