1- first encounter

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You had counted 47 moons, you think at least. But you knew there's no doubt you've been here for a month or two. You had found the mask almost on your first day here and decided to wear it, the code was taped of course so it wasn't visible to the eye. It was a dull frowning mask but hey, You'll take what you can get.

It had helped you get an advantage on the masks. You weren't completely invisible but it took the mask longer to receive the order to attack you. Which gave you time to maybe gently swing at them with your axe.

Although humans became a bigger threat while wearing the mask, you had no problem with them. So far at least. Speaking of humans you saw two across the bridge from you. The dark haired one was pointing a gun at you and the blondie was just holding a knife.

You assume they are going to attack you so you hanged your axe on your shoulder getting ready for anything. As soon as you do you hear a bullet shot and a clank. On the ground you see a bullet mark and you look on your axe to see a dent. The dark haired girl already shot at you so quickly, you almost died.

"Jeez why don't you just leave me alone, I'm all the way over here!" You yelled out, with your heart still beating at an inhuman rate. You notice the dark haired girl dropped her guard slightly and you went to swing at the bridge.

"Shoot now!" The blondie yelled and my axe swung and broke the bridge in one swing. I went and ran behind a wall and heard 6 bullet shots in total behind me. She was holding a revolver, it only holds 6 bullets at a time and I didn't see her reload. That means the bullet that shot at me wasn't from her, it was from somewhere else.

I rested my head back already tired from all this and at the corner of my eye I see two people. They are on top of a different building and one was a mentally ill blue haired girl (just joking alr) and a tall attractive man with a mask. In his hands was a sniper, I was basically cornered. Well at least I survived this long, I'm sure this is some sort of record.

It was four against one and as far as you could tell they were insanely skilled at whatever. You decided to throw your axe away so they could see it and you walked out from behind the wall with your hands up. Only when you just stood up you realized your ankle was skimmed by a bullet. I guess you were in shock and didn't notice it.

You walked to the edge of the building where a bridge once was but you had cut it down. With your arms still raised the dark haired girl called out. "Wait!" She had her hand out like she was stopping me with the force or something. "Take your mask off, you can do that, cant you?"

You sigh. "I could, but why would I? I got no point to do so." The blondie scoffed and told something to the dark haired girl. You realized the blue haired girl and the tall dude were walking across the bridge towards the two girls. All you wanted was to just get that backpack you spotted, now your caught up in this mess.

Since all of their guard was down and the sniper dude was walking and had no intention of shooting me again. You ran for your axe and quickly darted across the bridge. "Hey wait! Oh shoot I forgot to reload!" You heard commotion from the group but you soon disappeared into a building, making your way to the next bridge.

Yuris pov:
"Oh damn it!" I kicked the ground. "If only I reloaded! Stupid masks. Oh, no offence sniper mister." Yuri worried and look at snipermask

"none taken. By the looks of it that person wasn't a mask." Everyone's attention including mine turned to Snipermask. "Wait, what?" Mayuko spoke and snipermask just sighed. "He was wearing a mask!!" I put my hand on mayukos shoulder. "Don't worry about it, you see that backpack over there? I bet that's where he's going." I told everyone. "We just have to meet him there."

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