2- you guys again??

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This cut or rash or whatever it is on my ankle hurts like shit. I don't have time to look at it I just need to get that backpack before anyone else. I haven't eaten in days and I'd hate to die from starvation. Who knows, maybe if I'm lucky I'll get some sort of medical treatment in the bag.

I walked down a hall with no signs of noise or masks. Lucky me. If there was a mask too strong I would die, with some of the blood I lost and the lack of strength in me would be sure to kill me. "Girls really do hate me." I said under my breathe.

I opened the door to the outside and walked onto the bridge. The backpack I spotted was right across the bridge! I heard the door slam behind me. I sighed. "I can never catch a break can I-" I leaned too much on my injured ankle and fell to the ground. "How embarrassing." I said and turned to see the group I encountered before.

I used my axe for support as I lifted myself up. "I'm glad I've been an amusing jester but don't I ever get a break?" The blonde one scoffed and she had her knife up to my neck as fast as I could blink. I put my hands up and kept eye contact with the blondie. "Y/n." I said. Everyone looked at me in confusion. "Y/n l/n."

We all shared a moment of awkward silence till the dark haired girl stepped forward and spoke. "What, even are you?" I sighed and spoke "human, what am I? A rhino or something? That hurts." The blondie almost pounced on me "the mask. Take it off." I shook my head "no can do, I'll do whatever, just the mask stays on lady's....Gentleman." I said looking at the sniper dude.

"Do I have any more business with you people or can I go see if I can treat my wound." The blondie retreated and I slowly turned around and grabbed my axe. I started walking and the dark haired girl ran up to me, like we were best friends walking to school. I didn't mind it, it reminded me of (best friends name).

I grabbed the backpack and shook everything out. All that came out was, bullets, a fucking bandaid, pocketknife, and two sandwiches. "All this for nothing huh." The blondie spoke. I turned to face them. "You guys know my name, may I ask yours?" Black haired girl was the first to answer quickly "Yuri! This is Mayuko, this is Kuon!" Kuon shyly said hi and waved. I awkwardly waved back.

"And the tall dude?" I tilted my head a bit looking at the sniper dude who was lighting a cigarette. "We call him Snipermask." I should've guessed to be honest. "Nice to meet you sniper dude." I greeted him. "Yeah. You could say that." He responded and we both lost interest in that conversation.

I sat down and grabbed the bandaid. I looked at it and examined it and threw it far that it almost fell off the roof. I pulled my pant leg up to reveal my blood smeared ankle. "Well you hit me, barely though." I said without raising my head. I could feel her panicking and she apologized like ten times.

"S-snipermask sir! C-could you do something?" Kuon spoke and that caught my attention. "Hm?" I don't think he was paying attention to us at all. "Oh! Here." He bent down and took his tie off. Can't deny I felt a little bad, since it was such a nice suit. He wrapped it around my ankle. "Thanks I guess." I smiled at him. "Yup." And he went back to minding his own business.

I admire a man like that.

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