3- bright moon

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I ended up getting dragged into this group somehow but I'm sure I'll part ways soon. "I feel weird do admit this but being in this group so far has actually made me feel, like human again you know?" I was on watch and everyone was asleep on the rooftop. I was necessarily talking to myself but I was talking to my mask. I always want a break from having it on my face 24/7 and while everyone is asleep I can take it off.

Even if someone wakes up I could just slide it back on. I was facing away from them so it was no worry at all. Why would they trust me to guard them alone? I thought that too. The answer is they don't. Snipermask is currently on the opposite side of where I am just smoking a cigarette. I never realized how much I wanted to have a cigarette after smelling the smoke.

Sniper didn't seem to be paying attention to me at all so I figured maybe I could leave. Being in a group worries me too much, id rather to stay solo. It's easier because I know what my next move is so I know what to do. Besides sniper was a mask so I doubt he would pay any attention to me. I think he is sleeping anyway. He's just sitting there...menacingly! (Kidding) he's just sitting there with his head laid back.

I grabbed my axe and swung it onto my shoulder. Although I didn't care, I took my shoes off to help be more silent. I will say trying to be quiet with an axe on your shoulder and carrying shoes and a mask is quite the challenge. I made it to the bridge and carefully stepped onto it.

Going barefoot on a wooden bridge wasn't exactly the best option but hey, I'm already doing it so. "You really wanna get away, huh?" A voice came from behind me and I got startled and fell. My axe and mask fell onto the bridge and one of my shoes committed die. "My shoe!" I tried reaching for it but it was too late. Well at least I have one.

I almost turned around to face sniper with my mask off and quickly grabbed it and put it on. "What the hell man." I looked at him and he glimmered in the moonlight. With the soft wind blowing against him. He walked towards me till he was towering over me on the bridge. "Get up, come on." Though we both had masks on I swear we were making eye contact.

I sat back down defeated. My escape plan failed and I lost a shoe. "You owe me a shoe." I glared at him. "You owe me a pack of cigarettes." I stared at him "what? Why?" Even with his mask on I could tell he was smiling. "Because I won't tattle on you."

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