6- morning.

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sighhhhhh. I'm out of photos.

as the sun awoke, I followed behind. Sniper ended up taking my shifts as well. Turns out I was the last to wake up, noticing Yuri and Mayuko playing cards on the table in front of me.

"Go fish. Oh- hi y/n!" Yuri purred, glowing while Mayuko turned to look. Kuon sat perched on the opposite couch. While sniper, was nowhere to be seen. Not wanting to be obvious, you struck conversation before asking about him.

"That's good to hear. Hey, would you know where sniper is?"

"Sniper? He's outside." Mayuko answered, looking blankly at the cards in-front of her. You smiled, "thanks Mayuko." You could tell she appreciated the praise.

Standing up, you made your way over to sniper. Hearing Mayuko whisper behind you; wasn't new. Opening the door, stood sniper. Smoking against the railing.


"Hey, did you rest well?" You approached.

"Ah, thought it would be best if I took both shifts for us. You could rest your body." He turned to look at you, throwing his burnt cigarette off the roof. Responding with a shrug, you rested against the railing.

A mask came in sight on another building. A construction worker? You could tell by the movements it wasn't a human, anymore. It wandered aimlessly before locking eyes with you. Surely he wouldn't be able to tell you were human from this distance.

"What is it?"

Sniper noticed you staring so intently, not taking your eyes off of the mask. Like if you blinked, it would pounce. Turning his head to where you were looking, he understood.

"Worried? Surely not a problem for you."

"Been a while since I've fought, almost unnatural for me to see them."

Sniper shuffled, reloading his weapon and holding it out for you. "Don't worry about close combat then." He assured, along with you taking the weapon from his hand.

Although you never knew how to work a gun. You rested the end of it on the railing, looking through the small glass. Sniper went behind you, placing his hands on yours and pressing himself against you. "Your form."

He positioned your body and nodded. Within a second a loud bang and two body's falling happened, the mask, and you. The guns force was great, placing you against sniper. He looked down at you, you returning his stare.

"Good job." He praised, looking back at the dead mask. Headshot. Kuon and Yuri both worriedly burst through the door.
"What happened I-" Yuri paused. Found by the sight of sniper holding you.

Without saying a word more, she turned around and brought Kuon back inside.

Ignoring what just happened, sniper spoke yo me. "You holding up okay?" He was asking about my physical condition.

"Yeah. You know, I didn't realize how much I needed that. So thank you." You smiled, nodding his way. What happened last night, was a night to remember.

!!Sorry for the slow, and short updates!!

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