physical contact 9.

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I need to update more often. School has been killing me, so apologies on my behalf. How can I describe someone I don't know, YN STORIES ARE QUITE DIFFICULT I MUST SAY. I'm trying my best to be realistic.


-everything here is from the night before.-

Sniper walked behind me, which followed by a clicking noise. He unclipped my mask.
"I'm not going to look. Get some air."
I did, I never realized how addicted I was to fresh air until now. I craved it. Breathing in and breathing out multiple times has never felt more relieving.

"I..." you spoke, unsure of what you wanted to speak, since sniper was there to listen.
"I need you." Spilled out.
Without sniper, you couldn't breathe the air you so craved. Or even think about taking your mask off.

"Interesting thought." His words called, ringing in your ears. Sniper had a very handsome voice.

"Can you take your mask off? I think I already asked but I forget.." you asked, still not looking at him.
"Due to the crack in my mask, I'm able to do so. Not for a long time, such as sleeping." Came your answer.

You offered a deal. He sees your face, you see his. "A deal huh? Hm.." sniper sighed. "I've been waiting for a reason to take my mask off anyway..." you heard a click, indicating sniper has taken his mask off.


A few moments had passed, till you finally turned around. Looking at the handsome man. Both of your glowing eyes met with the moonlight reflecting each other.

"Not half-bad." Sniper was the first to speak. I laughed at his remark. He was handsome. Most pretty thing you've seen in your life, in both realms.

"Your pretty." You claimed, earning a smile from the man. "Same back to you." You thanked the man.

Sniper took a cigarette, and sat next to you. Lighting it, filling the air with smoke. Followed by a relieving sigh. "Want one?" He offered, which you accepted. He went to light it for you, but the lighter wouldn't spark.

"Sorry about that. Here." He apologized, but then gently caressed the back of your head. Pulling you in to make his lit cigarette light yours.

You didn't move, or speak. After your cigarette lit, he pulled back slightly, but still so very close. You both just kept eye contact, waiting for the other to make a move.

He pulled the cigarette out his mouth and burned it out on the table next to the couch. You put yours out, "I..I want to kiss you..." you spoke.

Sniper gently pressed his lips against yours, you leaning back in. After a few seconds, you both pulled back. Before leaning back in and kissing more passionately. You held onto the back on snipers head, pulling him closer while his arms rested on the couch on either side of you.

     ~I don't know how to write smut~

Sniper slowly teased your lips with his tongue, allowing himself in. Making the kiss deeper, he pushes his tongue against the back of your throat. Causing you to gasp for air when you pulled off.

He gently started to suck on your neck, nipping at your collarbone. You caressed his head and held him close, not letting him go. His hand started to slide under your shirt, exploring your chest as he rubs his thumb over your nipple causing you to flinch.

He pinches it slightly making you gasp quietly, you wondered if you both were gonna do what you had in mind. He continued to gently suck at your neck, licking a strip from your collarbone to your jaw. "mgh!-" slipped out.

"Are you comfortable with this? With me touching you like so." Sniper questioned, worried your not enjoying yourself. You nodded your head in reassurance, "yeah..please.."

He moved down your body, running his tongue along your abdomen. Shudders crawling up your spine. He slid your pants off of your waist, looking at your already growing erection.

"Sniper-" you gasped, feeling his tongue press against your boxers. You twitched your legs slightly, feeling the warmth of his mouth press against you.

(you as in, your cock☠️).

"God- it's hot-.." your legs close slightly as a reflex, causing sniper to roughly pin them back wide open.

-i am worried i am not giving you what you're hoping for, I keep rereading it and think I'm moving too fast man, I'll make a part 2 then-

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