4- young

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Mayuko and yuri were sitting in some sort of living room and were laughing. "Wha-what's funny?" Kuon ran into the room and asked. "Mayuko was just telling me a story." She managed to say as she continued laughing. Kuon sits down with them and I decide to leave to get air.

It's been so long since I've heard laughter, it's almost unsettling. "Oh, y/n." You hear snipermask from behind you. "Sniper." You feel a little annoyed at him for last night. He shouldn't even care, you just wanna go on your way. "Hey." He placed a hand on your shoulder which causes you to jump a little. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you like that."

"What?" You turn to him finally and lean against the fence behind you. "What?" He reply's. "What what? What are you doing." He removed his hand off your shoulder. "Just..starting a conversation?"

"Why...?" I said it in the same tone as him which made him chuckle. "If this is about last night then I'm not interested." I turned my back to him and went back to looking at the sky. "I wasn't going to but, what makes you that desperate to leave? I'm sure the girls would understand if you wanted to go your own way."

I scoffed and refused to look at him. "There's no specific reason." There was. "If you say so." Snipermask shrugged and lit a cigarette. I put my hand out asking for a cigarette and he applied. Soon we were just two dudes having a smoke on a rooftop, like we were young teens again.

"That mask." He spoke which made me jump. "W-what about it?" I replied, getting my cool again. "What good does it bring you?" He questioned as I turned to face him. Like we were making eye contact. "It takes a longer time for the masks to receive the order to kill me-" I was speaking but Snipermask cut me off. "You seem more than capable of handling everything and everyone even without the mask."

"If your thinking that I want to hide, it's not that, really it just helps me get an advantage."
I answered and Snipermask sighed. "I'll trust you on that." We we're both suffocating in silence in what seemed like forever when yuri blasted through the door. Her face red. "Is it true?!" She ran up and asked me, me slowly retreating. "Uhm..what?" I responded and she eagerly jumped up and down.

"You and snipermask kissed?! He saw your face?? You saw his face??" She went on and I cut her off. "No no, where did you hear that?" As soon as I responded to yuri, I saw Mayuko with a smug look on her face.

Damn Mayuko.

this isn't mayuko slander!! I love that woman ok

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