5- couch.

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it's been a while, my writing style may have changed I'm not sure. let's just try this.

Couch. Uncomfortable couch. That's all, my whole night spent on this concrete platform. It was polite to offer the ladies the comfort zone,  and I wouldn't dare force sniper dude to sleep on the couch (even though he offered).

The floor would have made a better bed than this stupid couch, although I could go on and on. Half awake, middle of the night. Plus sniper dude just happened to be on guard.

"Can't sleep?"

The handsome voice, deafened by his mask, spoke out. "Your breathing heavy, you okay?" He concerned.

"Can't breathe with this stupid mask. Do you sleep in it?" I questioned, with him nodding in response. "Course I sleep in it...can't take it off even if I wanted to." I felt dumb after asking, he's not like me after all.

"You know sometimes...I mistake you for...you know, like me." My sentence brought silence to the room. Even I wasn't sure how to respond to myself. "Well then, take it off."


"Why not take it off?"

"Don't feel like it."

My words were followed by a click. When did he get behind me? "I'm not going to take it off, but encourage it." I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head.

"I can't."

After a few moments of silence, I grabbed the front of my mask and pulled it off. The fresh air hit me instantly, getting addicted to it like a drug. I doubted I'd be able to put it back on.

I didn't turn around. Nor did sniper move to see my face. We both just stayed in our positions, silently.

If only I got to stay asleep in a comfortable bed.

Sorry these are so short, takes alotta motivation.

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