SEX- 10

270 7 1

gay sex
homosexual intercourse.

Deepest apologies for not posting.

time skip fuck me bro.

"Sniper-" My breath caught in my throat and he suddenly reached down into my boxers, keeping his lips pressed against my abdomen.

-hold on there's no condoms in the universe how the fuck am I gonna do this-

"Relax." He spoke, looking up at me. I shuddered as his slender fingers just grazed my tip, teasing me on. "Sniper.." Slowly, he had pulled my boxers down just below my waist. I could see he thought of something.

"Hey, how does a shower sound?"

The idea alone made you flustered, stuttering your words. "U-uh okay?-"

"I need a yes." He wanted to confirm with me.

"Yeah." I looked down at him, gazing into his eyes. He shifted and stood up, offering me his hand (which i took).

Nanana time skip in shower

My arms stayed wrapped around snipers neck, burying my face into his shoulder. I let out small whimpers quietly as he caressed my neck with his lips, moving two of his fingers close to my entrance. "Slo-Wah!-" My breath hitched as he slid two of his fingers inside of me, biting my lip.

It is an unusual feeling if its not something you do regularly. Clenching my arms around Sniper until he had two fingers fully inside of me, slowly pulling them back out, only for them to be pushed back in.

"You alright?" He kissed my shoulder, stretching his fingers out slightly making a whimper escape your lips. You only nodded quickly like if you spoke you wouldn't be able to get any words out.

You suddenly tensed up, gripping onto snipers shoulders tightly as his fingers pressed against a certain spot. "Mh!-" You panted. You heard a soft little chuckle as he began to firmly rub your pleasure centre dead on. Making your back arch and whine. ""

You reached back and help onto his wrist, making him stop his movements. Your eyes met his, speaking more than your words could. Gently, he turned you around and slightly bent you over. Your arms pressing against the shower wall.

"Slow-.." You requested. Feeling him start to rub his tip against your entrance. He held one hand onto your hip while the other helped guide himself in. Slowly pushing deeper.

You instantly tensed up, biting your lip while holding your breath. "Relax..." He had leaned forward to whisper in your ear. You finally felt his waist press firmly against yours.

"I-.." You stuttered, unsure what to even say. This was way much more than his fingers. Almost overwhelming.

Sniper held onto your waist, gently but firmly gripping onto it and he could feel you tensing up around him. "Gh- dont clench like that.." He breathed out. Your mind hadnt even begun processing what was happening. The hot water hitting your back, feeling Snipermask briefly pressing deeper into you. Making your breath hitch.

"G-go..." Was the only thing you managed to get out, Snipers hands gripping tighter as he slowly pulled out, only for him to push himself back in.

Sniper hadnt bothered to stay at a slow pace, moving at a normal speed which was pleasurable likewise.

"Sniper~" He held onto the front of your neck, pulling you back towards his chest and pressing his lips against yours. He continued to move in and out of you while pushing his tongue into your mouth.

Instead of focusing on speed, he pounded hard into you. Making you suddenly break the kiss and let out a cry. He pulled you back against him everytime he went into you. Just grazing your pleasure centre.

"J-Just right there!- Sniper- G-Ah!-" He hit it dead on. Now pounding into your pleasure centre without letting up for a second, moving his hand down to firmly stroke your dick. His teeth digging into your shoulder.

Your mind felt fuzzy, your eyes just begging to close. "God you feel so good-..." Sniper huffed out praises as he gripped your neck tighter. You felt something in your abdomen. A twisting, funny feeling.

You had started to tremble as he pushed deeper and deeper into you. With a final thrust, you had peaked. Cum had spread onto the shower wall and dripped off your legs.

This only made Sniper speed up. Making your voice only get louder as he continued to stimulate you even after you had finished.

"W-Wai!-" Arching your back, sniper went harder than before. "Almost there.." He pressed his thumb against your tip, rubbing it as he began to move faster. You could feel yourself being pounded from the inside, every small little detail made you flinch.

"K-keep going- Please!- Sniper please!~" You spoke on your own, craving his dick more than ever. You wanted to feel him inside you all night, forgetting the cursed world around you.

One final thrust, he hit you hard against your prostate. Making you spurt cum out once again, while a warm feeling came from your lower half. Letting out a loud whimper.

You both stood, breathing heavily. You could just collapse. Holding you steady, he pulled out while his cum dripped out of you. You groaned at the feeling.

"Well, lets hurry out the shower."

god this was a bitch to write, but i suppose i do need to practice my writing in all forms. ill try to updatee moree but mental shi is driving me crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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