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October 31st 8:00 pm

"Hayley, I really do not want to go to this party tonight." Spencer groaned starfishing on her best friends' bed.
    "You haven't came out of your bedroom in weeks Spencer, you need to socialize." Hayley stated as she drug around in her closet frantically.
     Spencer rolled over onto her stomach as she scanned across Hayley's room."It's just Halloween Hayley."

Hayley immediately stops what she is doing and turns around to face Spencer with wide eyes, "What?" Spencer asks her.
"It's.. just Halloween?" Hayley sighs deeply, "See this is what I mean.. Halloween is your favorite holiday and you're treating it like it's another day."

"Because it is just another day." Spencer states firmly sitting up on the bed facing Hayley.
Neither of the girls being happy with one another right now, the tension being so thick you cut it with a knife.

"Put on the hot witch costume, you're coming to Lycus's party." Hayley tells her while throwing a costume and wig at her.

An hour and a half later.


"Dude this is so uncomfortable." She told Hayley as she tugged on the bottom of her skirt. They were heading into Lycus Carter's house when Lycus himself walked up to the girls.
"Hey! Good to see the duo could make it to my humble party."

Hayley and Spencer giggled wrapping their arms round each other. "Sooo.. we have a Faerie and a hot witch?" Lycus asked them as he pointed to each of the girls and they nodded their heads in confirmation.
"I hope you two enjoy this killer night!" Lycus creepily says with a smirk as he pulls his Scream mask down then running off.
"God. Isn't he so hot Spence?" Hayley erupted as Lycus ran away from them. She laughed, "I'm just still in shock he even invited us dude."
They headed into the kitchen to get some drinks and then made their way over to the dance floor. Lycus's Halloween party every year is THE party to go to. You get invited, you are cool. If you were close to Lycus, you were golden.
"Hey what you thinking about?"


"You spaced out again Spence."

"Sorry Hayley, I really am trying here."

Hayley just shook a head and grabbed her hand pulling her friend onto the dance floor. She frantically tried to pull away from Hayley but she somehow had unnatural strength.
"You're dancing. You are going to have fun Spencer. Please." Hayley pleaded with her as she took a shot.

Spencer closed her eyes for a moment before answering, "Fine. Fine." lol


  With a leap of courage and unwarranted confidence, she downed the shot quickly. Hoping Hayley couldn't notice the sour look on her face with the dim lights.
  "Let's party !!" Hayley shouted out as everyone followed suit in agreement. Chuckling at her, they began to dance with everyone else.. as if it was just them. Quickly downing a few more shots.
    Hayley and Spencer haven't been on the bestest of  terms lately at the end of the day we would go to the end of the world for one another. They were each others ride or die, and everyone knew it. Everyone knew that Spencer Graves and Hayley West were a duo. Inseparable.

     She began to hand me another shot when someone bumped into me causing me bump into Hayley spilling the drinks all over the both us.

    "Ew! I'm all sticky now!"

   Collecting her thoughts, she realized they were now both on the ground. After pulling themselves off the ground, Spencer shoved the person standing in front of them "What the fuck dude!?" She yelled at the stranger. Only for them to turn around laughing.
"Maybe don't be in the way." was all that came out of this dudes mouth.
    Looking him in the eyes she realized it's Kai Ashford, a stranger to her but she at least knew of him. He moved into Kentwood halfway through junior year.
    "It took me three months to make this outfit!" Hayley shouted as tears streamed down her face, as she quickly headed for a bathroom.
   "It's a dance floor moron. You got in the way." She spoke with a confidence that she usually wouldn't wear often, but with the amount of liquid courage she had her it was enough.

   "Whatever." He turned to walk off. "Asshole ! I'm not done here!" Kai faced her with annoyance on his face, telling her.. showing me he would rather be anywhere than right here.
  "Do you think you're better than everyone else or something?" She asked him with folded arms. Feeling uncomfortable as the alcohol seeped deeper into the fabrics of her clothes.
  He shrugged.

"Listen babe, how about you scurry off with the dramatics and be a bitch somewhere else."

And before she knew it, everything went black. Spencer had no idea she would do what she did. Nor was she thinking of the repercussions of what she would do.

"Fuck you!" She shouted as she socked him right in the nose. Between him stumbling back, everyone looking to see the commotion, and the seering pain coming from her hand she exited the room swiftly, throwing herself into the first bathroom she could find.

   "Spencer? What the hell happened?"

  Her head snaps into the left direction where she sees Hayley dabbing her clothes with a wet rag. She sighed deeply looking at the ground then back at her holding my hand.
   "I think.. I might've actually fucked up." Hayley stood in front of her checking her hand carefully as it has already began to bruise.
   "Try to make a fist." She demands as Spencer tries and weakly succeed at her request. "Great. So at least we know it's not broke.." she trailed off at the end before smirking, "Thumb out right?"

She rolled her eyes as she giggled slightly, "Of course. I know how to punch, I'm not an idiot."
  Hayley sighed, "So you punched the person? Who was it?"

"Kai Ashford." In that moment her eyes went bug eyed wide. Which made sense, Spencer fighting wasn't anything new... but punching Ashford? That's a bold move.

  "Oh you're so dead."

"Stop! As if I'm not scared enough."

She cocked her head at me, "You? Scared?"

"Okay. Maybe not scared.. but you know how I feel about him."

  Hayley stood there for a second staring at me before she began digging her bag to find something to wrap my hand up in. "Maybe don't punch the guy you have a crush on."
  Her head was beginning to hurt so bad and she could feel the room spinning. "I do not have a crush on him. That is nonsense." she grumbled as she leaned against the wall.
   "Seriously Hayley what do I do now? Surely, he will get his pay back."

"I really don't know girl..besides I'm sure you can handle yourself."

  "He shouldn't have called me a dramatic bitch." She spoke softly looking at her best friend. Hayley squinted her eyes huffing, "Honestly, fuck that guy he deserves it. But still remember what I said."

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