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October 31st, 7:00 PM


Spencer was rummaging around in her closet, as she threw piles of clothes amongst her room. For once, miss punctual is running behind and couldn't decide what to wear.
"Have you figured it out yet? I would like to attend the party before the night is over." Hayley told her jokingly. Spencer around and huffed, "My outfit has to be perfect Hals." Her face turned in confusion, Hayley wasn't too sure what she would be talking about.
"Go on?" Spencer rolled her eyes at her then continued rummaging around. "Things are going well with Kai, I want to impress him." This caused Hayley to instantly stand off Spencer's bed and turn her around by her shoulders. "You just admitted to wanting to impress him. Are you okay?" She asks her  sarcastically with worry.

Spencer pushed her away from jokingly, "Can I not impress a friend?" She asks Hayley. Scoffing, she sat back down. "Yeah... 'friend'." She trailed off.
Hayley groaned in annoyance as she saw the time, "You have tons of costumes from theatre! Just use one of those!" Hayley raised her voice in urgency. "What do you think I'm doing!?" Spencer shouted back at her.
"I got it!" Spencer abruptly said as she turned around holding a costume Phantom of the Opera. Hayley's eyes rolled as she chuckled, "You enjoyed that show way too much."

Her mouth dropped open, promptly hitting Hayley in the shoulder. She quickly changed into her costume and then finished her hair and make up. Last year the girls were late because Spencer didn't want to go, now they are late because she has been indecisive.
Hayley loves Spencer, but she can find her best friend a bit irritating when it comes to planning. Seeing that she finished, the two rapidly headed into Hayley's car and drove to Lycus's house.
As soon as they got there Robin and Danielle ran up to the car. The girls got out and hugged them, "Hey guys!" Hayley chirped at them. "Sup, Lycus is in the backyard by the pool." Robin said as they nodded and head into the back yard.

Through the sea of people they finally made it to the back. Scanning around, they notice Lycus over by the bar making a drink. Hayley and Spencer made their way over to him, ignoring everyone else.
"My Dear Morticia!" Lycus shouts out in admiration as his eyes land on Hayley. Swiftly wrapping his arms around her, he dips her placing a kiss onto her lips.
Suddenly, they heard a clicking noise and flash of light. Turning their heads they see Spencer smiling holding her phone out.

"That's gonna be a cute one!" She exclaims as she checks the results. "Just as I thought. Adorable." She said as she showed them. Lycus lifted Hayley back up still holding her by the waist.
"Send me that, I love it." Hayley told her as she nodded doing so.


Looking around, she searched for Kai but couldn't find him in the sea of people. Between the multi colored lights and loud Halloween music she could  not focus on a single area to really see.
Feeling a sudden chill on her arm she sees Lycus trying to hand her a Red Bull and Vodka. "Oh thanks." She said grabbing the drink from him. Taking a sip she took a deep breath afterwards, she had a feeling this was going to be a long night.
"You looking for him?" Hayley asks her as the three of them stand around the bar chilling. Shaking her head no she looks once more. Kai told her he was going to come tonight. Maybe she was foolish to think he would after last year.

"I'm sure he'll show up. Fashionably Late?" Hayley suggests as Lycus rolls his eyes at Hayley. "Spencer would be the only one he's here for so if he does come make sure he doesn't cause trouble." Spencer huffed as she drank her drink. Kai had never given her a direct answer, just that he would think about it. She figured he would let her know eventually but he never did.
     Once again, she is left confused and a bit irritated. She wouldn't have thought being friends with Kai Ashford would be such a headache. Spencer closed her eyes as she tugged slightly on her dress. What a terrible time to be wearing a corset, she felt so constricted. Opening her eyes she picks up her drink.

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