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December 25th, 4:30 pm

   Pacing around her bedroom she was beginning to get cold feet. Her hands held a small, wine colored box that had a simple black bow on top of it. Things had been so crazy lately, and in spite of it she still found time to get a gift for Kai.
   Spencer didn't expect anything from him, in fact there was nothing she wanted from him. This is was for her, for her sanity. Being a person she couldn't recognize was driving her insane, she wanted to be who she always was. Someone who cared.

   "Honey?" Hearing a knock Spencer turns her head to see her mother standing by the door. A face that held a wondrous smile, and the cutest plaid blue apron. "You still heading out this evening?"
   Spencer couldn't form a word, she nodded her head as a response. "Alright, just be home at a reasonable time. It is Christmas." And with that, her mother left the room.

Maybe I should back out?

Kai wouldn't even notice if I didn't come.. Right?

Fuck it, I have to go.

   Grabbing her bag and the box she headed out of her house. Slowly, she walked down the sidewalk as her thoughts once again became loud. Her heart was shaking in fear, and she wanted to crawl out of her skin.
   It had been a while since she had last seen Kai, and she was nervous to see him again. Making amends with Hayley and Lycus was one thing, but Kai? He instilled fear into her, she never knew what was gonna happen.
   The sun was starting to go down as she approached the neighborhoods park. In the distance she could see Kai sitting down on a swing, slowly going back and forth.

   Her heart was in pain, doing backflips and cartwheels. Even time couldn't push her feelings about him away. Spencer was officially head over heels for him, even if it was silence.
   "Boo!" She shouted as she got behind him and jump-scared him. "Ah! Fuck!" Kai yelped out, jumping from his seat. His hands scrambled as a box was flying from his hands. Spencer was in hysterics as she watched him.
   Her laughter wasn't being contained, and she held her stomach in pain. "You're too easy!" She stated at him as tears from laughter came down her face.

    Kai  imposed himself and smirked at her, Spencer's face instantly dropped as she giggled. Kai began stepping closer to her as she backed away. Abruptly, she ran off towards the slides. Giggling the whole way, she could hear Kai close behind.
  Climbing up the playset she quickly went down the slide, thinking she outsmarted him. As she was about to get off, a pair of hands wrapped around her her waist pulling her to them.
   As she looked, it was Kai as he was chuckling along and out of breath. The pair stood close to each other for a moment.

   "Merry Christmas Graves." Kai said as he stared into her eyes. Twinkling in the sunset, she felt she could melt at any moment.

  "Merry Christmas Ashford." Spencer said softly as she smiled at him. This was a moment for them and only them. These are the moments that keep both of them from walking away
   Feeling things that neither should feel, or have never felt. She wished he would give in, but she knows that he won't. It was possible that's the reason for her unusual behavior, maybe she had it already figured out.
   Kai was never going to give in, he wouldn't allow himself. No matter how bad he wanted something, he will walk away eventually. Why would she be any different?

   Her head was running wild now, their chest rising and falling in rhythm. Kai pushed a piece of lose hair behind her ear, giving the smallest grin. Spencer could feel his hand shaking ever so slightly.
   "Here. I got you this." Kai, breaking eye contact rummaged in his coat pocket. Pulling out a small pink box with a black bow on top. "Kai.. you didn't have to.." she trailed off.

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