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August 26th 6:30 PM


    Friday evening and he still at school, deciding if he wanted to go to the schools musical or not. No one really knows that he enjoys theatre and he would be lying if he said he didn't want to see Spencer. However, he feels best she doesn't know that.
   "Dude, are you really going to go to that snooze fest?" Robin asked Kai while laughing as he lit up a cigarette. "Just to heckle?" He shrugged it hoping to get Robin off of his back. "Ohh! Whew, you worried me there for a second."
    Checking the time on his phone he realized the event was about to start so Robin and Kai part ways finally. Making his way to the auditorium he sees Hayley and Spencer's family heading in quickly to grab a close seat. Paying the five bucks, upon making his way inside he sees a poster for tonight show. Phantom of the Opera, he choose a seat in the middle of the audience.

    Everyone is mingling among themselves waiting for the announcement for the show to begin. Kai sits quietly in his seat as he observed everyone he knew. From the looks of it, most of the senior class was there.
    He began wondering what Spencer's role was, looking around the seats he grabs a pamphlet. Opening it, he scanned the cast list until he found her name.
    "No way..." Christine? Kai knew Spencer did theatre but he had no idea she sang Opera. It made him wonder what else he didn't know about her. He had figured she would maybe be a chorus girl or a techie. How did he miss that detail in her? He always knew she took it serious, but wasn't aware it was THIS serious.
    Kai already found Spencer wildly talented, but this just confirmed it to the max. Yet, it was like a lightbulb going off. Spencer and Kai knew next to nothing of each other. Just the basics really. He wasn't sure if he had made the right choice coming here, but now he feels quite excited to see the show.

"Can everyone please find their seats and settle down. The show is about to begin." He heard over the speaker. Suddenly, the audience started to quiet down and sat still. Not fully knowing what the show was about, his eyes were glued to the stage.

   "Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams. Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before. Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar and you'll live as you've never lived before."

   Kai's neck began to itch, soon he was shifting in my seat. His foot was bouncing up and down, his blood was beginning to boil. Suddenly, Kai felt the most uncomfortable he has been.
    The entire show has been nothing but entreating for him, but this song has him wanting to puke. He thought to himself, Spencer looks ethereal as Christine. What is it that is making him so weirder out?

   "Floating, falling sweet intoxication. Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation. Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in to the power of the music that I write. The power of the music of the night."

   Like a lightbulb, it suddenly clicked. The Phantom was Aaron Winstet. The name of top of Kai's shit list, and this song... the way Christine has to be towards the Phantom. It was as if the universe was laughing at him, throwing it in his face.
    Each lyric, each touch, he hated all of it. For the first time he felt jealous when it came to Spencer. Something he promised himself wouldn't happen. Kai sat through the rest of the song with a hand over his mouth and his eyes locked on Spencer.
   He wanted to look away, but he loved how she looked. How beautiful she was tonight.


As the curtain falls the entire cast bows for the first time of the year. Everyone filled to the brim with adrenaline just shouted and had a group hug. Performances always got the entire group hyped up for the rest of the night.
Aaron and Blaine walk up to Spencer with each holding a single rose. "We just wanted to say it was an honor performing with you tonight Spencer. I was pretty nervous playing Raoul, but your confidence helped mine." Blaine spoke as they handed her the roses.
Chuckling, "Thank you guys. The both of you did fantastic! Don't sell yourselves short." Blaine nodded and headed off to his family.

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