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  July 8th Summer Vacation 7:45 PM


The world always seem to slow down at night, at least in a small town it does. For the size Kentwood actually is you wouldn't know based on how much actually goes on. Never ending hellscape of a small town, destined to be forgotten about.
The more and more Spencer thought about what Hayley said the more she become convinced that Hayley was right. There was no way she  going to admit to her that has indeed changed. Her acting was suffering, she had a bigger attitude, and worst of all she let some guy get into her head.
Kai has been nothing but a nightmare since she has met him, so why has he been occupying her mind so much? Nothing in his actions have proved that he is at all a good person. Kai Ashford is trouble. Kai Ashford is troublesome, handsome, shadow.

"Listen Hals, I really don't think Kai has good intentions."

"All I'm saying is he apologized to me and then wanted to know where you lived. Maybe hear him out?"

   She scoffed over the phone slightly, "You told him where I live!?" Hearing Hayley laugh over the phone her heart felt heavy.
"Spence, has the thought crossed your mind that it's possible Kai isn't satan?" Hayley asked her with seriousness apparent in her voice.
"No way. He's satan."

"Oh come on, he gives you a hard time but he talks to you more than anyone." Hayley started off strong but began trailing off as she continued to speak on Kai.
"To bug the shit out of me. Kai is not some knight in shining armor-" "I never said he was Spencer." Hayley said quickly as she cut her off. Spencer huffed over the phone, "Point is, Kai's proven he isn't a friend. He doesn't deserve my time of day."

After saying that she could feel Hayley's energy through the phone. Spencer knew Hayley's view on Kai was beginning to sway a bit, she just didn't expect this.
When he first showed up her crush developed immediately. He was the first person at the school to really catch her attention. Though the two never even crossed paths until the Halloween party. Since then, he has been nothing but a nuisance.
The moment Kai Ashford popped into her head nowadays, she felt nothing but confusion. His antics never bothered her too much, but her feelings made it complex for her to understand. It did not help that Kai himself was never direct towards her.

"Spencer.. Kai isn't the worst person out there." Her eyes went bug eyed, never in this past year and a half has she ever taken Kai's side with anything.. but this? Kai never physically hurt her, but he has done all he can to bother the hell put of her.
"I got to go Hals."

Before she had a chance to say anything else Spencer hung up the phone and sighed. Bad enough she blind sighted her with dating Lycus but now she is defending Kai? Spencer immediately felt bad about thinking such a thing.
She shook her head, "Now I'm just being crazy.."

Hayley has had a big crush on Lycus since freshman year, so her dating him isn't all that weird. More weird on his end, though most would say it started after the incident at his party when she was gone.
"Do you have any friends?"

Gasping, her body froze completely, whoever it was had snuck up on her. Her guard is down, and anything could happen.
"It's quite pathetic seeing you alone in public all the time." The stranger had spoke, now with a chuckle behind their words.
Finally turning around Spencer could see the last face she wanted or even needed to see right now. Seeing this face only further complicated her thoughts.

"Ashford. Don't you have someone else to bother?" In that moment it was like she had became aware of the positions they were in. She sitting on the grass while he was standing over her, towering even. It was like her breath had began to pick up and he could sense it.
"I was on my way but then I saw you and I figured you're way more fun to fuck with." He said confidently as he pulls out a cigarette. Spencer shook her head at him in disapproval.
"You really do get under my skin, you know?"

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