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August 15th, 3:15 PM


  Sitting at her desk she began to gather her things into her bag to go meet Spencer when Lycus walked up to the classroom. He smiled at her from the door, she quickly finished up and made her way to him.
   "Hi beautiful." he told me as he placed as kiss on my cheek. Lycus has officially became the sweetest boy I have ever met. Hell, it was one of the reasons I was crazy for him in the first place.
    Lycus was the schools golden boy but he made sure everyone knew he wasn't just some disrespectful guy. Though, he isn't quite the guy you wanna pick a fight with either.

  "Let's go meet up with Spence, you know she gets angsty." he agreed and they made their way out to the common area outside. The two of them scan the area till they see her, and the sight Hayley sees is not one she had expected.
   Spencer was tucked away in a corner as if she was hiding. She shook her head at the sight and pointed her out to Lycus. They walked over to her and when she saw them her face had a wave of relief on it.

   "Thank god. Took you guys long enough!"

   "Uh, why are you hiding Spence?" Lycus asked her as he chuckled. Spencer just rolled her eyes at him, "For your information I just don't want to be perceived today."
   "So.. you're hiding?" She raised her eyebrow at Spencer smirking. Which made Spencer lightly hit her in the arm. 
   "Is this about what happened over the summer?" She questioned her. Spencer stood in front of them looking at anywhere but them.
"You can't avoid him forever. What if you have a class together?"

"I-I'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but for now avoiding is what I'm going with!"

Lycus just chuckled as he grabbed a Gatorade from his backpack and took a sip from it. He began just scrolling on his phone, not paying much attention to the girls conversation anymore.
"Why don't you just admit you like Kai, Spencer?"

"I don't."

Hayley raised an eyebrow at her, she knew her best friend was lying. Ever since he came to Kentwood she has acted weird. Spencer has never really had feelings for anyone, or at least never spoke about it.
Yeah, Spencer will admit if a guy is hot but that's about it. Freshman year was the last time Hayley ever heard her speak about a relationship POSSIBLY happening, but even that was short lived.
    Other than that, she is a baby in the dating world. Not even a boyfriend has even had the chance of being a thing.
    Hayley knew her best friend would be so much happier if she could just let someone in. But, Spencer won't. She knew the odds of it was slime, maybe that's why she pushed for Kai.

Hayley would love to say she knew everything about her best friend, but the truth was that they both have secrets. In the end, only two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.
"The longer you deny, the harder this is only going to be for you. What even happened that has you all frazzled out?"

Spencer sat on the sidewalk and put her face into her hands, "He got too close for comfort okay. He is such an ass, he is messing with my head big time."
She paused for a second removing her hands from her face and continued, "I haven't talked to him at all since that night."

Hayley scanned around them making sure no one was listening and sat by, leaning close to her, "Did you guys kiss?" Spencer's eyes looked they were about to pop out of her head with how wide they got when she asked that.
"God no!" she yelped out hiding her face once again.
Chuckling, Hayley nudged her to calm down. "You know I'm only messing with you Spence."

   Spencer sighed and faced the ground, picking around in the dirt. Lycus eventually started putting his two cents in every so often. The three of them sat in silence while everyone around them were boisterous with noise and celebration.
   "Why don't you just talk to Kai?" Lycus asked Spencer randomly as he looked up from his phone. "And tell him what exactly?" Spencer asked Lycus with annoyance written all over her face.
   "That you li-" Hayley quickly cut Lycus off from what he was about to say, "Spence, why don't you just be friends with Kai?" She questioned Spencer seriously. There's no reason they can't be friends if he really means what he has been saying to everyone.

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