7) Hogsmeade

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Everyone was waiting in the courtyard to go to Hogsmeade. Nora was with Neville and Nicolle. "Now remember, these visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way that privilege shall not be extended again." McGonagall said. Nora watched Harry Potter walk up to McGonagall only to be shut down due to his lack of signature. She felt bad for Harry. If anyone deserved to go to Hogsmeade it was Harry. "All those with permission follow me. Those without, stay put." Filch said as he looked at Harry. Everyone but Harry, Hermione, and Ron followed Filch.

"I'm so excited aren't you guys?" Nicolle said all giddy and jumpy. "I don't know I feel bad that Harry isn't getting to go." Nora said. "He'll figure it out I'm sure of it." Neville replied. "Neville is right. Harry will-" Nicolle said, being suddenly interrupted. "Nicolle!" A familiar annoying voice said. The three suddenly saw Draco Malfoy. "Yes Draco?" Nicolle replied. "Walk with me." He demanded. "I will in a bit I'm walking with Neville and Nora right now." She answered. "Nicolle you don't need-" Draco said trying to grab her. "I said in a bit Draco!" Nicolle whisper-yelled, yanking her arm away. Draco stood there with an unreadable expression as Nicolle, Neville, and Nora walked up to Seamus and Dean.

Once they got Hogsmeade they were amazed. Nora had been told about Hogsmeade since she was a child. "This place is so cool!" Nicolle exclaimed. "I know!" Nora exclaimed with her. "Where should we go first?" Seamus asked. "Let's go to honeydukes." Neville said. They all agreed and went into the shop. They all bought a bunch of different kind of sweets and went back outside to walk around.

"Neville do you mind if I try one of your sweets? I didn't get that one." Nora asked. "Yeah of course." Neville said giving her one of his pepper imps. "Be careful though. It might-" Neville said before being interrupted by Nora suddenly beginning to blow smoke out of her ears and nose. When Nora went to talk fire came out of her mouth. Neville began to laugh "Wow that was awesome." Seamus said. "How did that happen?" Dean asked. "She had one of my pepper imps." Neville replied with laughter. "Let's go get some Dean! Can you guys wait for us here?" Seamus asked the other three. "Yes we will wait for you Seamus." Nicolle said. Dean and Seamus then ran back into Honeydukes for pepper imps.

The three brunettes chatted while they waited on the boys. As they waited Draco kept constantly lurking around them. Constantly giving them dirty looks as him and his minions walked past. "I'm about at the end of my wits with him." Nora says. Nicolle stands with her head down low. Suddenly Seamus and Dean come out of honeydukes with smoke and fire coming out of their mouths and nostrils.

The group laughed and giggled as they made their way to the three broomsticks.
They all sat down and ordered butterbeers as they all chatted amongst one another.
Nora sat in between Neville and Nicolle in the booth seat while Dean sat with Seamus on the other side in the chairs. "I'm gonna go use the toilet." Nicolle said as she got up and went to the bathroom. "How's your butterbeer?" Neville asked. "It's really good." Nora said as she took sips of her drink. "I've been meaning to tell you something.." Neville blurted. "What is it Neville?" Nora asked sweetly. "I li-" Neville said before being interrupted by a loud slam.

Shortly after Nicolle came stomping with Draco following after her. "Don't walk away from me!" Draco said as he roughly grabbed Nicolle by the arm. "Get the hell off me you crazy psycho!" She screamed as she pulled her arm away. Everyone then looked at what was happening. "What you think just because your parents are rich that you get to boss people around and treat them like absolute garbage?! No! You don't! You are just an insecure little twat with daddy issues and frankly I don't want to be with a guy like that!" She yelled. "So what are you saying?" Draco scoffed. "That we are OVER!" She yelled. She then walked back over to her friends and quickly drank her butterbeer. "Ready to go?" She asked as she began heading out the door. Everyone quickly got up and followed suit.

They all stood outside for a moment before Nicolle busted out into uncontrollable laughter. Not because it was funny, but because she couldn't believe she had done that. She yelled at Draco Malfoy in front of a whole store. She then suddenly stopped and turned to the others. "Let's go to another store." She smiled. She then put her arms on Seamus and Dean's shoulders and they were on their way to another store. The group spent hours walking around hogsmeade going into Zonko's, dervish and banges, and the quill shop which was mainly Nora's idea.

While they were in the quill shop she suddenly remembered that Neville wanted to tell her something back in the three broomsticks so she went up to Neville who was looking at all the different notebooks. "Neville?" Nora asked sweetly. "Yes?" He replied. "You said you had something to tell me back at the three broomsticks. So what were you going to say?" Nora asked. "Oh..well um- it's not very important now." He replied not looking at Nora. "Oh come on Neville tell me." Nora pleaded. "Okay fine." Neville said. "I wanted to tell you that I-" Neville paused. Neville stood there suddenly all nervous staring at Nora. "Come on Nev spit it out." The girl laughed as she gently smacked his arm. "That...I...need some help in potions." Neville blurted out "You do? " Nora asked uncertain. "Yes. I have had a lot of trouble lately I just can't seem to get it." Neville said quickly. "Well okay I'll help you if you want." Nora smiled. "O-okay..thank you Nora." Neville replied. "No problem." She said. They stood there for a moment just looking at books. Suddenly Nora was pulled away by Nicolle. Leaving a sheepish Neville mentally beating himself up for what just came out of his mouth.

When they arrived back at hogwarts it was time for bed so everyone was getting ready to go to sleep.
Nora was lying down going to sleep when she suddenly heard crying coming from Nicolle. "Nicolle are you okay?" Nora whispered.
"Yes I'm fine Nora. Please just go back to sleep." Nicolle said. "But you don't sound-" Nora said before being interrupted. "Just let me be for now Nora. I don't want to talk right now." Nicolle replied. "Okay let me know if you need anything." Nora said rolling over. Soon with the sound of the wind mixed with Nicolle's not-so-silent cries, Nora fell asleep.

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