13) Okay

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Nora's father was helping Harry produce a patronus in his office, so Nora decided to sit by the lake today. She was journaling when a piercing voice spoke "Well, well, well. If it isn't Nora Lupin." Draco said. "What do you want Draco?" Nora said not even looking at the blonde boy. "Oh nothing. Just to see what we have here." Draco said as he grabbed the journal out of Nora's hands. "Hey! Give that back!" Nora yelled. Draco laughed as him and his friends threw the journal around. The boys laughed as they threw her journal around tearing pages off as they went. "Draco give it back!" Nora cried. "Or what? Huh? What are you gonna do?" Draco taunted.

Nora's eyes filled with tears and rage and her next movement didn't even register until after Draco was doubled over crying in pain. "You bitch! Crabbe! Goyle! Hold her!" Draco yelled. The two much bigger boys grabbed Nora by her arms to hold her. Nora tried getting away to no avail. Draco pulled out his wand and pointed at her. "You're going to regret that deeply I assure you." Draco whispered in her ear. He started a chant that Nora had only heard of once in a book. "Cruc-" Before he could finish the incantation his wand was flown out of his hand.

"Leave her alone Draco!" A voice said. Nora looked in the direction of the girl who Nora knew all too well. Nicolle came strutting over with a determined look on her face. "What do you want?" Draco said. "Leave Nora alone you blonde little man child." Nicolle said. "This isn't your business Nicolle. Might be best for you to just walk away." Draco said. "Well you're bullying one of my best friends so yes it is kind of my business. Especially if you were trying to do the cruciatus curse on a student which I could most definitely get you expelled." Nicolle stated. Draco sneered at her and got real close to her face. "You sure you want to do that? I could end you just as easy." Draco threatened. "With what? Your daddy?" Nicolle laughed. "If not for him you would've been put into an orphanage like that Florence girl." Draco said. "It wasn't your father you twit. It was your mother's promise to mine. They grew up together. You don't know anything about nothing." Nicolle argued. "Let's go boys." Draco huffed. The bigger boys let Nora go and walked away following Draco who spat at Nora.

Nicolle helped a crying Nora pick up pages of her wrecked journal. "Are you okay Nora?" Nicolle asked. "I'm fine." Nora said. "Look I know I messed up and I'm sorry. I'm trying to make it up to you." Nicolle said. "I know." Nora said trying to piece together the pages. "Here let me help you." Nicolle said piecing them together by date. The two girls put the torn up pieces of paper into the journal. "Let's take this to Hermione." Nicolle said. Nora nodded and they made their way to the gryffindor common room where they were greeted with Ron and Hermione. "Hey guys. What's wrong?" Hermione asked. "Draco was being a dick and destroyed her journal." Nicolle said. "Oh my god what is his problem?" Hermione said. "I have no idea. Do you think you can fix her journal?" Nicolle asked.

Hermione nodded and sited the incantation and it was like nothing ever happened. "Here you go Nora I'm sorry about what happened." Hermione said. Nora smiled and nodded. "Draco needs a good punch in the face." Ron stated. "Well I hit him in the nuts if that counts for anything." Nora said. The group of Gryffindors laughed and Nicolle hugged Nora. Nora smiled and hugged her back. "I'm sorry for being a jerk Nic." Nora said. "It's okay I was in the wrong I shouldn't have pried into your business like I did." Nicolle said. "It's okay." Nora said. They gave each other a small embrace as a sign of peace.

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