9) Warewolves and Quidditch

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They were currently sitting in dark arts waiting for Professor Lupin to arrive.
Only it was Snape and not Lupin.
He was silent as he shut all of the windows until he got to the front of the class.
" Turn to page 394." He ordered.
All the students turned their book pages to page 394.
Harry Potter asked where Lupin was but of course, Snape just told him off.
Nora looked at her book in confusion.
" Sir we just started learning about red caps and hinkypunks." Nora pointed out.
" Yeah we're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks." Hermione said.
" Quiet! " Snape yelled slightly.
" Now which one of you can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf? " Snape asked as he walked to the
front of the room.
Hermione immediately raised her hand up.
" Nora." Snape said.
Nora raised her head up.
" Yes professor?" She said.
" Can you tell me the difference between an animagus and and a werewolf? " Snape asked once again.
" An animagus can change into an animal as well as change out of one anytime they choose...but a werewolf cannot. They don't have a choice. They lose all sense of self. It's like they aren't there anymore." Nora says in a sort of somber tone.
" Correct." Snape says.

The lesson went on and Nora went straight to her father.
" Hey dad. How are you feeling today? " Nora asked her father.
Last night was a full moon. Which wasn't good for her father in anyway.
" Better than this morning." He replied.
" Do you need anything like medicine? " The young girl asked.
" No darling. Thank you. Get to class now don't need you being late." He told her.
Nora nodded and hugged her father then she walked to class.

As Nora walked she heard a voice hollering her name.
" Nora! "
Nora turned to see Florence running after her.
" Hello Flo." Nora greets her.
" Hey Nora." The young ravenclaw replies.
" Isn't your next class Potions? " Nora asked.
" Yeah but since Snape is taking over your dad's class we didn't have it today. Speaking of your dad...how is he doing? Since you know...last night was a full moon and all." Florence asked.
" He's alright just in a lot of pain right now. He'll be back tomorrow though." Nora replied.
" That's good." Florence said.

Florence had known all about Remus since she was 9 years old. After seeing Remus change during one of her and Nora's sleepovers. She would sneak out of the orphanage she was in sometimes to stay with the Lupins for a night or two. The orphanage never really kept tabs on her.
" I have to get to Herbology I'm already late as it is." Nora said.
" Okay I'll catch you later! " Florence said.
Nora smiled and walked to herbology.

When she walked into herbology she sat in her seat next to Neville.
" Hello Neville." Nora smiled.
" Hello." Neville said sheepishly.
Nicolle turns to Nora and smiles.
" You look happy." Nora stated.
" I'm just in a good mood." Nicolle smiled.
" Any particular reasons? " Nora asked with a smile.
" Nope." Nicolle said.
" Okay students. Turn to page 143 in your herbology books. We will be learning about wolfsbane today! " Professor Sprout said.

After school was over Nora went back to her dad's office to do her essay for Snape since her father's office is the only place that it quiet and relaxed.
Remus was finally back on his feet and his pain almost diminished.
Nora begun to think about dark arts class. Why did Snape make her answer the question when it was Hermione Granger who obviously knew all about it?

After school the next day, Nora sat with her father in his office doing schoolwork.
She couldn't stop thinking about what she felt was Snape deliberately targeting her.
What if Snape knows. She had to find out.
" Hey dad." She said.
" Yes? " Remus replied.
" Does anyone else know about you? " Nora asked.
" Other than you, Flo, and your mom? Not that I know. Why? " He replied.
" Nothing. Just wondering." Nora said.
" Nora-"
" I've gotta get ready for the quidditch match I promised Nicolle I'd sit with her. Love you." Nora interrupted as she gathered her stuff and walked out towards the gryffindor dormitory.

When she walked into her dorm she was met by a very excited Nicolle.
" Nora! Come on let's get ready for the quidditch match! " Nicolle said excitedly.
" Nicolle the match isn't for another hour." Nora stated.
" Yes I know but I want to show some school spirit." Nicolle replied.
Nora laughed as Nicolle two sets of stripes on her face.
Nora and Nicolle arrived at the game about forty five minutes after.
Nora sat in between Neville and Nicolle with Hermione and Ron in front of them. They were second row.
Neville had a whole face paint of yellow and red on his face.
" Hey Neville." Nora said.
" Hey Nora." Neville smiled.
Nicolle looked over at Fred and George who were playing the match.
But she wasn't looking at George much.
But mainly Fred. Fred looked at her and winked with his signature grin.
Something was definitely going on.
" So are you and Fred? " Nora asked in a playful tone.
" W-what? No! I don't even talk to Fred." She said in a nervous tone.
" It looks like something else to me." Nora smirked.
" N-no. Just-just drop it okay." Nicolle said nervously laughing.
" Okay." Nora smirked as she looked towards the match.

All the Gryffindors cheered for Harry and the other Gryffindors.
Suddenly Harry went up into the clouds chasing down the golden snitch.
" Nora! " Neville yelled over the crowd.
" Yes Neville?! " Nora yelled back.
" So I was wondering if-"
" Oh my god! " Someone yelled.
It was Harry. He had came back down...and not on a broom.
He was suddenly rushed into the infirmary.
A whole crowd of people including Nora and Nicolle followed suit.
Harry talked about the dementors and how he fell off his now broken broom.
After a while everyone was sent back to their dorms.

Nora snuck back down to the common room later on that night.
Nora then sat on the chair on the left of the fireplace and begun reading her Herbology book.
Everyone was asleep so she was alone.
Well for a moment anyways.
She started to hear giggling and whispers coming from the stairs.
After the giggles came Nicolle with Fred Weasley.
They both sat on the common room couch. They didn't kiss or anything, they mainly just...talked.
They talked about life and their families.
Then they landed on the topic of Draco Malfoy.
Nicolle of course spared the details of why she yelled at the blonde slytherin boy.
That's when they finally noticed Nora.
" Oh my- Nora? How long have you been here? " Nicolle asked.
" Since before you guys even came down." Nora smiled.
" O-oh." Nicolle blushed.
" Don't worry. I'll leave." Nora said as she smirked and walked back to the dorms with her herbology book in hand.
Later on about an hour later Nicolle came back creeping into the girls dorm.
She laid down obviously not knowing Nora was awake.
" Y'all don't talk aye? " Nora teases.
" Oh hush Nora." Nicolle scoffed quietly.
" So what happened after I left? " Nora asked.
" Literally nothing. We just talked." Nicolle replied.
" Mhm okay." Nora smiled as she rolled over away from the other girl.
" I'm serious Nora." Nicolle said a little defensively.
" I never said you weren't." Nora laughed quietly.
" Goodnight Nora." Nicolle said also turning over.
" Goodnight." Nora giggled.

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