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              Hello everyone thank you so so much for 2k views and almost 100 votes!

I'm sorry I'm not consistent with uploads lol

Well anyway hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day!!!!!!!


                It was late in the evening as all the kids had gone home for the day, Sundrop and I had been finishing up cleaning when I went to turn off the lights for the night. As my hand reached for the switch I felt a hand wrap around mine as I looked up to meet sunny's eyes staring back at me. 

"Why'd you stop me sunny, you know it's moons turn now" You sighed giving him a smile as you again advanced for the light, but he held your hand in place.

"Moon....said he doesn't want to see you right now" he said nervously

"Why not" you questioned jumping out of your chair, you came close to sunny "Is everything ok"

"Y-yeah, he just said he's not feeling to well right now" sunny said looking everywhere but at you. 

"Is he mad at me?" you questioned a knot forming in your throat as your eyes fell to the floor

"Of course not Y/n...he's just, worried about something that happened earlier" as he said it he immediately backed away "Oops I said too much, i-i'll see you later sun bite sweet dreams" he chuckled nervously making his escape to his tower. 

               I let out a sigh as I walked into my room, 'what could it be' you thought, you laid down on your bed tryin to recall all the events of today. You remembered during naptime when you were with moon you had to step out to take a call. You were talking on the phone with your little brother, he had called to ask you about something related to his upcoming math final. 

-Earlier that day-

"Hey y/n" a voice called from the other end of the phone call

"Hey B/n, what did you need" you smiled knowing that he mostly called when he had a question

"So about my math test..." The two of you talked for about 10 minutes until he finally understood.

"Aw I wish I could squish you give you lots of kisses" you laughed teasing your little brother

"Awwww Y/n that's gross, i'm not a little kid anymore" he retorted

"I know, I know, well I gotta go now Ill talk to you later I love you b/n" you smiled

"I love you too bye, bye" he said ending the call

   When you turned around you were met with moon leaning against the wall behind you before he walked back to the nap room. You didn't think much of it at the time but ow that he was upset it made all the difference. 'Was he jealous' you thought, you immediately stood up and made your way to the stairs that led up to the tower. As you made your way to the top and opened the door you were met with the sun who jumped in surprise.

"Y-y/n what brings you here" he asked

"I need to clear something up with moon" You replied

"W-well how about we play with glitter glue and googly eyes instead, We can draw pictures and we can glue the eyes on the pictures" he exclaimed throwing his arms up

"That sound like fun but this comes first, because moon is important to me too and I want us to talk it out" you stood your ground reassuring sunny that he was just as important

"A-alright when you put it like that..." he mumbled to himself

  When he finished his conversation with moon he flipped the lights out and switched to the moon animatronic.

"Hi moony" you started as you made your way over to the couch taking a seat and motioning for him to sit beside you.

"Hi y/n" he replied taking a seat and looking away

"This is about the phone call isn't it, because I said I wanted to cuddle and kiss them, and that I ended the call with an 'I love you" you said in a gentle tone not taking your eyes off moon

"...." he didn't say a word as he keep his head turned from you

"Do you know who it was-" you were cut off

"Do i need to know" he seethed spinning his head around meeting your eye's "I know you love them"

"Of course I love my brother" you sighed

"See that's-.....Wait, your....Brother?" he questioned

"Yeah see" you took out your phone and showed him a picture of you and your brother, he was 7 this year and the two of you looked almost identical

He immediately put his head in his hands and sighed "I'm such an idiot"

You pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his night cap before letting out a small laugh, he gently backed away from you

"What's so funny" he asked turning his head in a circle

"Your just so cute, you being jealous" you giggled

As you continued to laugh all of a sudden you were pushed down o the couch the moon hovered over you and looked down at you. He used one hand to hold your hands in place above your head. As he looked down at you you felt your face start to heat up, you were relieved he couldn't tell from the red glow illuminating your face. All of a sudden he brought his face closer and stopped when he was a few inches from yours.

"Your right I was jealous so I want to be cuddled and kissed too" he said sounding almost like he was pouting

"Of course because I love you too moony" you beamed sliding your hands out from his and cupping his face plate you pulled him closer and began to kiss everywhere on his face, after awhile you pulled away and say up.

"Y/n...that's not enough" he said he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap so you were facing him

"Moony..." you whispered you heart beating out of your chest by now, you could hear it and you knew he could too by his smug tone

"Are you shy, y/n" he asked pulling you even closer "This is your punishment for making me jealous"

"Ill give you as many kisses as you want anytime Moony" you smiled kissing his forehead

The two of you continued long into the night until Moondrop eventually let you fall asleep in his arms after noticing how tired you had become. 

"Sweet dreams, Starlight.....I love you too" he whispered placing a kiss on your hand as he pulled the blanket over you.

Sundrop/Moondrop x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now