First Aid (Moon x Reader)

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Hello again My lovelies, mwah, we hit 200 votes and 4k views you guys made my week lol,

 (This chapter was a request by user: germthethird)

Thank you very very much for all the support (Even just viewing counts to me) as always, I hope each and every single one of you is well. 

I know most of you probably skip these, but I write them for those of you who like to read them (no hard feelings if you don't, I'm guilty of skipping them too sometimes💀)

Also, I try to make these geared towards any reader (idk if I'm doing that well but I do try)

Rip to Technoblade we'll miss you😞

And as always, I wish you the sweetest of dreams


    It was early afternoon in the daycare, you and sun were playing with the children running through the play structures and through the tubes and tunnels. The children had begged you and sunny to play hide and seek tag, they liked when sunny was 'it' because he was easy to bribe. Since most of the kid's knew sunny liked me, they would give away my location so they wouldn't be tagged. It was unfair for me because only one or two of the kids were on my side.

"Miss, y/n" one of the kids said tugging on your apron

"Yes, Lily" you replied looking down at the little girl

"Is sunny going to catch me because I'm with you" she asked looking around

"No, he only goes for me, so you'll be safe" you sighed looking around as well to see if he was near.

   Out of the corner of your eye you saw a flash of yellow, you didn't waste any time in taking off running. Lily still followed behind you as you ran away, as you made your way out from the play structure you saw the kids scatter. You could hear Bell's ringing behind you as you slipped around a corner and up the colorful stairs. 

"Stop Mr. Sun" you heard lily call from behind you "You're not going to get miss y/n this time"

   You looked back to see her blocking the way, if sun tried to move her, she would be it and he wouldn't be able to catch me. "Thank you, lily," you giggled making your way to the top of the play structure before pushing yourself down one of the blue slides.

  When you landed on the soft mat below you felt a pair of arms snakes around your waist, "I finally caught you y/n" sunny breathed before lifting you off the ground and into a hug.

"Aw man" you laughed returning his hug

"I don't really like this game, because you run away from me" he said his voice sounding a bit sad

"Well, it's just a game and besides you always catch me you smiled giving him a quick kiss on the nose.

"OOOOOOOOOOO MISS Y/N AND SUNNY KISSING IN A TREE" the kids sang, you glanced around to see the two of you were surrounded by children.

   "Oh, did you guys forget" you asked as sunny set you down on the soft floor

"Forget what?" they asked

"That I'm it" you responded dashing at the kids making them run and scream.

    As you all were playing the bell for naptime rang and all the kids started to make their way to the floor to get their blankets and pillows for naptime. While Moon was busy handing out blankets and counting the kids you were rounding up the last few kids in the play structures. As you made your way to the top of one of the play structures you saw one of the kids playing quietly with some cars.

"Hey Noah, it's naptime you said making your way over to him.

"Oh ok" he said standing up but as he did he lost his balance and fell towards the open railing

  Without hesitating you pulled the child back into the structure towards the mesh but as you did you slipped and fell out of the opening. There was a few seconds of falling as you made your way to the floor below. 'I hope the padding helps' you thought before you collided with the floor. All you heard were panic screams before you blacked out.

"Hey, y/n, wake up" you woke up to moon gently rubbing your hair

"Hi, moony...." you mumbled trying to get up

"Stay still, I'm still treating you" Moon grumbled as he went back to wrapping your leg

"Is Noah ok, what about the other kids too" you asked looking around seeing all the other kids were sound asleep

"They're fine, I told them you were taking a nap and that you were caught by a net, which was a lie of course but I didn't want them going home telling their parents "He said trailing off as he continued to look down

"How bad is the damage" you chuckled earning you a glare from Moon

"Your leg is broken, and you most likely have a minor concussion" Moon stated now holding a bag of ice to your leg.

"At least it's only that" you sighed looking down at him

   Moon shot his gaze up to meet yours "ONLY THAT-" he raised his voice before lowering it to a harsh whisper so as to not disturb the kids "y/n, you shouldn't have been hurt at all, if only I had paid more attention this wouldn't have happened, this is MY fault"

   "Oh, Moony, I'm fine, thank you for keeping the kids from panicking and for taking care of me, this isn't your fault Its the designer's fault for making those structures so dangerous, I promise you I feel much better already" you smiled cupping Moon's face plate and rubbing his cheeks with your thumbs.

  "If you say so" he sighed scooping you up in his arms and carrying you over to a couch in front of where the kids were sleeping. "But I'm not letting you walk on that leg, not until you have a proper cast"

"Alright" you giggled wrapping your arms around Moon's neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You missed Starlight" he purred spinning his hear around before pushing you down on the couch and pressing where his mouth was against yours (Just go with it guys😭)

"Ouch" you winced catching Moon's attention

"Sorry, Moonlight I'll be Gentler" he whispered cuddling next to you paying close attention to your leg.

"I love you so much Moony" you smiled snuggling into his soft exterior

"I love you the most y/n" he said rubbing your hair as he pulled you close

  Moon POV

    As Y/n and I were cuddling together I noticed one of the kids standing up and walking over to us, y/n went to get up, but I quickly stopped them. 

"I've got it" I said making my way over to the little girl

"Mr. Moon, can I have some water" she said through a yawn

"Only A little, wait here" I said making my way behind the desk and grabbing a small water bottle.

    You grabbed the water and handed it to the girl, she took a few sips and laid back down in her bed. She hugged her stuffed bear and quickly fell asleep, after making sure she was asleep I made my way back to the desk and grabbed a marker. I wrote her name on the bottle and placed in back on the desk, after putting the marker back I made my way back over to y/n to see her wound asleep. I carefully made my way back to my spot by her side and pulled her close being careful not to move her leg. As soon as I put my arms around her, she nuzzled close.

"Sweet dreams, y/n My starlight" I whispered placing a kiss on her cheek.

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