Biting (Eclipse) SMUT🍋

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Hello guys 🧍, I have decided to feed you feral eclipse your welcome
Anyways sweet dreams as alwayssss!!!!


Recently Eclipse has been distancing himself from you. It was quite out of character for him as he was usually always all over you. The first few days you wanted to respect his space so you didn't think much of it but as time went on he became even more distant from you.

Today you decided you would confront him to work out whatever it is that may be bothering him if he wanted to talk about it. After the daycare had closed and the last kid was picked up you spun around catching eclipse gaze for a moment before he turned away.

"Eclipse..." you said gently

"Yes my darling" he replied

"Why have you been avoiding me" you asked crossing your arms

"...I'm sorry my dear but I...I can't disclose that..." he said hesitatingly

" there someone else" you asked the words like blades slicing your throat

"What did you just say" he said spinning his head his eyes meeting yours

" you...fancy some-" you started

"Of course not" he cut you off "I apologize for interrupting you but I can't tolerate such talk" he replied harshly

"But...what is it then...?" You asked your expression crumbling

"...we're..." he started "we're experiencing erm ...a malfunction..." he replied

"A...malfunction..?" You asked

"....y-yeah you can call it that.." he said looking away from you

"So what is the malfunction" you asked walking over to him

He backed away "I-it's nothing for concern" he put his hands up as if to distance himself

"Tell me...please" you said looking up at him

"...I really can't say no to you my dear " he sighed "I don't want to tell you because.. it's not very..gentlemanly..." he said nervously

"I don't mind" you said smiling at him

"'s a malfunction with one of our drives..." he started

"What drive?" You asked

"Our...desire for you in polite terms..." he said looking away from you

"So you're saying it's been diminished..." you asked

He covered his face with one hand and sighed "'s been amplified...we didn't wanna scare you..." he mumbled

"Oh! That's fine with me!" You said relieved

" mean it..." he said looking at you slowly

"Of course, I love you after all no matter what" you said happily wrapping your arms around him

"...." He froze

"Eclipse?" You asked looking up at him

His eyes were narrowed and glowing as he looked at you, you felt your breath catch in your throat. All in one movement his faceplate fell down to your neck you embraced him...that was until you felt it.

"OWWWW" you winced as he clamped his teeth around your neck

You felt warm blood dripping down your neck as his teeth clamped down. He released his hold sliding his tongue over the wound pain shooting through your neck. You tried to push him away but he didn't budge he dragged his tongue up and down your neck to your shoulder and clamped down hard once again.

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