The E.N.D.

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I woke up feeling warm, safe. Then I registered the arms wrapped around me, the familiar smell of the place I'd come to know as home. I snuggled up to 3, wanting to be closer to my savior, my love. He began to softly stroke my tentacles, something he'd never tried before, something I didn't expect to feel so good. I moaned quietly into his chest, loving every second of his ministrations.
   "Later tonight there's somewhere I have to go, I want you to go with me." 3 said.
   "Okay" I mumbled. He must have noticed my unwillingness to get out of bed, because he tightened his hold a little.
   "Of course, that's tonight." He replied, "we don't have to go anywhere right now." And then the doorbell rang, causing 3 to start getting up, I protested sleepily, but he pacified me with a soft kiss.
   "Sleep, you need it" 3 instructed quietly, and without any resistance, I slipped back into the realm of my dreams, which weren't far from my reality.


I went to the door, finding the Splatoon there, looking pretty pissed, although Marina was not with them.
   "Well don't you all look like rays of sunshine. At least you didn't break down my door." I said flatly. Marie spoke first,
   "What the hell 3?"
    "What do you think I did this time?" I asked, my voice flatter than one of Callie's pancakes. No seriously, she's awful at making pancakes, they're always super flat. It's pretty terrible.
   "Marina told us what you did." Callie replied. At this point, Pearl looked like she was going to explode
   "And what might that be?" I replied.
   "You raped her after she found out you built giant bombs in every major city on the planet!!" Pearl yelled. I stared at them blankly. Then burst out in laughter, my body shaking.
   "Y-you t-think... I... raped Marina?! And built g-giant bombs?! Oh this is so rich!!" I said. I bet some of those guys didn't die, and the got the doors open somehow, then found the disoriented Marina, would have only been too easy to... and giant bombs? Did she spin the part where 8 told her I was creating an exit for the entirety of the population with hidden rockets? Oh what the fuck ever, after that video's out, she's done for, and I'm sure she'll end up having sex in alleyways for money, because I guarantee Pearl will kick her out, and after that, she's got nowhere to go. I thought. Then: I should probably stay out of alleyways after I release said video.
   "Well, if you are all done, I'm going back to bed, 8 could be getting cold." I said, and closed the door. I started walking away when the door was broken down by Amy, weapon in hand.
   "I'm gonna put you down you sick dog!" She yelled.
   "You angsty inkling girls, don't you know posing can get you killed?" I asked, pointing out that she was posing heroically, "JARVIS, security protocal Alpha." In response a titanium WarDoor swung down from the ceiling and slammed into place over the door frame, sending Amy flying back into the hall when it hit her.
   "Case in point, if it, you know, had killed her." I said to myself. I walked back into our room and got back into bed, 8 snuggling against me in her sleep the second I was settled. I smiled at her, if only she really knew how much she does for me. But it doesn't really matter, so long as she knows how much I love her.

Timeskip 8 POV

   "Through here," 3 said, gesturing to a small alley.


I went first, but I could feel 3 right behind me, so I knew I would be safe. Up ahead, there were two big inklings in suits, and they seemed to be guarding...... a wall?
   "Follow me now," 3 whispered. I nodded and stayed close behind him
   "3, plus 1" he said to the men. One of them nodded, and the wall slid open, faint sounds could be heard coming from the new opening. Is that... music? I wondered. 3 started walking to the wall, I quickly moved to his side and clutched his arm, I was slightly nervous, though 3 seemed to know what this place was. The hall ended, and we came out into a large cavern, filled with pulsing colors, music, and dancing.
   "Wow" I whispered.
   "8, welcome, to the UnderGround"
   "Do you play here?" I asked, referring to the music.
   "Mostly I DJ, but sometimes I do pull out my guitar down here." He replied, "I know what you're thinking, but this place is actually perfectly legal, shady characters do pop in and out, and it is in an alleyway, but this place is pretty well known in Inkopolis, but it's pretty prestige for a hole in the ground." I nodded, and continued to take in the surroundings.
   "It's nice, but are you going to play something?" I asked.
    "Depends, are you willing to help?" He replied. My eyes widened.
    "You want me to--" I started
    "Yes, I want you to come sing with me, if you want to that is" he said. I nodded furiously. Singing with him would be amazing.
   "Then let's go." 3 said, and we began to make our way to the stage. The DJ stopped when he saw 3, and he stepped out of the booth. 3 shook his head.
   "Drop us a beat Jamie" 3 said. The DJ, now known as Jamie, stepped back into the booth, and started a beat.

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