Spread Awareness!

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I have something really, really important to forward here:


Scientists are now getting aRr#$TEd and getting desperate. We need to save the earth now!!! According to them, we only have 4-5 years. LET THE EARTH BREATHE.

Simply by performing the following. You may help and conserve the environment:

Ways to help :
- delete unwanted emails
- save electricity
- save water
- drive less
- plant more trees
- avoid smoking
- unplug electronics u don’t use
- use electric fan instead of aircon
- use LED lights
- spread awareness to your family and friends.

●Purchasing energy-efficient appliances such as lights, air conditioners, heaters, refrigerators, and washing machines.
●When you are not using something, turn it off. This includes lights, television, video games, and other electrical equipments.
●Don't burn plastics and dont cut down too many trees so that we can continue to breathe pure air.
●Delete unnecessary / unwanted emails, why? Deleting emails is the easiest way to reduce your carbon footprint on the computer, what is carbon footprint? Carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, place or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.








I'm encouraging everyone to use ECOSIA as your search engine as they plant trees while you search on the web. 80% of their profit goes to non-profit organization that focus on reforestation. Small actions becomes big if combine together. Do your part. Save the earth.

🌳🔗 Hey there, want to plant trees with me? If you get the app, each of us will contribute to planting trees with Ecosia!

(1) Download Ecosia on your device for free

(2) Click my invitation link so we can plant trees together:

Let's do this 😊



Whats happening in the Philippines right now is an actual example of how climate change is getting worse, its supposed to be the summer season right now but filipinos keeps getting bombarded by storms and typhoons resulting to massive floods.

We only have 4-5 years to save earth, plant more trees, water conservation, and other more just to save our earth.We don't need money to make the earth better, we need everyone's help.

#ClimateCrisis #ClimateActionNow #scientistprotest #LetTheEarthBreath

JSHK|| His 2nd Assistant 《Tsᴜᴋᴀsᴀ x Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ》Where stories live. Discover now