♡︎|Chapter 20|♡︎

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Welcome to the 20th (and shortest) chapter everyone!💖


9 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑘𝑎𝑠𝑎 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑒'𝑠 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ..



Footsteps echoed through the school hallway. It's now night time so no students are present. An amber eyes ghost with a black seal just wandering around the school. It's so boring tonight he whined in his mind, Hope I'll see Amane again soon.

In the corner of his eye, he saw a silhouette dashing around the corner. The ghost got curious and decided to follow it since there is nothing to do right now.

He stopped when he finally saw it. It's an another ghost! Ooh~ Maybe he can be my friend! The ghost happily thought.

He floated closer to him and taps his shoulder causing the other to turn around. "Hello!" He greeted.

The other ghost huffed and walks away.

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
Chapter 20
Decades Ago

The young ghost scans the older. He is wearing a cloak, a mask to cover his eyes, and he is holding a scythe. Just like a grim reaper.

"You look gloomy." Tsukasa remarked as he floats beside him. "You're the Yugi Tsukasa right?" The other said blankly. He gasped, "Ooh!~ How did you know??"

"How did you died?" He didn't answered his question. Tsukasa grins, "My older twin Amane murdered me!" "You seem strangely happy about it." "I just love my brother soo much! I asked you a question by the way! But you did not answer!"

Tsukasa crossed his arms. "You know Yuzuki right? You're her playmate."

The boy went silent when he heard that name. "She always told you about this 'imaginary friend' of hers. I am that friend, the son of the Grim Reaper, Haruki." He introduced himself. Tsukasa is still quiet, Haruki is not sure if he was listening or not.

"I'll get going if you kept quiet." He walks away. Tsukasa yelled, "Wait!!"

Haruki facepalmed, "What now??" "You're the son of the Grim Reaper, Does Yu-chan's soul is still in your family's collection?" Tsukasa asked.

The other looks at him suspiciously, "Why did you asked? Will you steal her soul and make her come back to life? I don't think so, that's impossible." He shook his head.

Tsukasa's bangs covered his eyes, this made Haruki feel sorry to him. He was Yuzuki's first friend. And now he is kinda surprised that Tsukasa became a ghost. "I'm sorry, I know loosing a friend is hard. Yuzuki was a quiet and a cold kid when you first meet her. But when you get to know her, she'll warm up to you and her personality will change when she's with you." Haruki rubs his scythe's handle and smiled, remembering all the memories he had with Yuzuki.

He sighed, "How I wish I can protect her in her afterlife."

Wish eh? -Tsukasa. His frown turn upside down as he remembered what kind of apparition he is, "I can grant that wish for you~ Besides, I'm a ghost who grants wishes for the dead! And you will be my first customer!"

He claps with joy. "I don't know if I should believe you or not." "Haruki~ you've been there almost all of the times me and Yu-chan hang out! Did you see me lying to her or not?~" Tsukasa smirked.

Now it's Haruki's turn to silent and thought about it. "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you that every wish has a price! The higher the wish, the higher the price!"

The older finally nodded, "Okay." "So what's your wish then~?" "I-I wish..." He paused. "Hm?" "I wish, I wish that Yuzuki's afterlife will have my power to protect her or himself. The power that'll made every living she touches will die on their 7th birthday! The age when Yuzuki died..."

"Yeyy!~ you did it!~" Tsukasa clapped, "Your wish will be granted in 3.... 2.... 1...." snap.

"Aaaannd~ that's it!" Haruki then felt sensation in his hands. He look at them and saw that the black colors slowly fading. "Your power is now passed on Yu-chan's soul! Now for the price! Let me think about it..."

He taps his chin twice. "Oh I know! Come closer Haruki!" He did what Tsukasa told him, then suddenly.


His hand went through of Haruki's body. His eyes went wide then he collapsed onto the floor.

"I always wanted to kill someone with a powerful aura!~ And that wish is pretty unnatural you know, so the price is your soul to be taken away, bye bye~" Tsukasa cooed on his ear then he leaves Haruki's body there.

Hhmmm.... maybe I will meet Yu-chan's afterlife one day!

✓End of Chapter 20

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