♡︎|Chapter 2.2|♡︎

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So this is Chapter 2 but in Tsukasa's point of view


Year 2014

Tsukasa stares at the unconscious girl laying on a couch in the broadcasting room. "She suddenly bumped into me and it's quite painful." Sakura massages the spot where she hit her. The ghost boy observes her face. She's sooo pretty! He thought.

Then girl groans and her little finger twitches. "Hello?" Tsukasa called, "Are you alive?" She finally opens her eyes. The girl was startled by how close he is, "AAAAAAHHHH!!"

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
Chapter 2.2
Her wish...

Tsukasa's p.o.v.

"Tsukasa, would you please stop following me?" My new friend, (L/N)(Y/N), sighed. I hold her close to me, I don't want to let go, she's Yu-chan's afterlife. When I hang out with her, feels like I'm with Yu-chan, they look very much alike. "Aaawww~ but It's boring in the broadcasting room! Plus, you're fun to be with~"

I played with her hair. It's so smooth and silky, it's like a stress reliever. I drew my face closer to (Y/N), these (e/c) eyes of hers are so beautiful! I could pluck them out and keep it in a jar so I can look and admire them every single day!

Her face turns red, almost like in crimson shade color. "T-Tsukasa, I have to go to class now." She looks away to hide her reddish face. Nuuuu~ I want her!~ "What? No! Stay with me! Play with me!!" I wrap my arms and legs around her, she's sooo~ warm.

Ding.... Dong..... Ding...... Dong......

"Come ooon, I'm gonna be late because of you... I'll play with you after class." I let go to look at her eyes, "Promise?" She smiles, "Promise." This made me feel nostalgic.



I stared onto the door, (Y/N) is suppose to be here right now! She's 10 minutes late. I look down at the bracelet I'm wearing.

Past memories hits me like a train. Now this made me think, (Y/N) looks like Yu-chan. They also have the same hair and eye color.

"Hey runt, you're oddly quiet today, it doesn't suit you." Hyuuga spoke. I didn't look back at him, I just answered, "I was thinking, (Y/N) looked...." No, I can't tell them Yu-chan's name, "..kinda familiar, I think I met her before."

I smiled at the bracelet. Memories of me and Yu-chan laughing and playing makes me want to go back to the past.


Oh! She's here!:3 "(Y/N)!~" I jumped on her. I just miss her soo much! Her hair that smells like strawberries, her warm skin, her sparkling eyes, I miss it! Even we are just away from each other for a few hours. "(Y/N), you promised me that we will play~" I purred on her ear. She shivered a bit. Cute! "O-oh right." She slowly pushed me away from her, I pouted playfully. Wait, is that- aaww! A blush!~



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