2:The Rengoku residence and learning about sun breathing.

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2:All the question and their answers.

Tanjiro:*running towards a shop* ( It took me a week to get here ,but it was a good training because I used sun breathing to travel faster here now I just need to ask directions) " Hello? Is anybody there"

Shopkeeper:"Yes,how may I help you young man?"

Tanjiro:"Can you tell me where Rengoku residence is ?"

Shopkeeper:"Oh... Rengoku residence is right around that corner"

Tanjiro:*smiling happily*"Thank you sir!"

Tanjiro:*runs around the corner and he saw this*

Tanjiro:*runs towards senjiro* "Hello do you know where Rengoku residence is?"

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Tanjiro:*runs towards senjiro* "Hello do you know where Rengoku residence is?"

Senjuro:"Yes" *pointing towards their house* " That is our home Rengoku residence how may I help you ah.."

Tanjiro:"oh..My name is Kamado Tanjiro nice to meet you,May I know where is flame pillar Rengoku kyojiro?"

Senjuro:"Oh... You are that boy big brother was talking about in the letter sent by former water pillar urokodaki sakonji"


Senjuro:"Come inside stay a while brother will be returning from a mission any moment now"

Unknown voice:"Senjiro!! Why have not finished cleaning the front of the residence!?

Tanjiro: *looks towards the direction of the voice*

Shinjuro:"Yes dad I will be done in a minute and we have a guest

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Shinjuro:"Yes dad I will be done in a minute and we have a guest."

Shinjuro:"Who guest!? I didn't invite anyone!"

Tanjiro:"I won't stay long I just want some information about.. "

Shinjuro: *drinking booze* " I don't care! Who you may be don't step foot on my property!you bra...*looks at tanjiro*

Shinjuro:*drops the booze* "You

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Shinjuro:*drops the booze* "You...you are user of sun breathing! Am I right?" *points and Yells at tanjiro while shaking*

Tanjiro:"Yes. I am and that is a partly the reason I am here"

Shinjuro:*charges at tanjiro and tries to pin him on the ground like in cannon*

Tanjiro:*takes a breath and whisper* " total concentration sun breathing" *Dodges senjuro and jumps over him*

Shinjuro: *falls on the ground and looks everywhere and finds tanjiro on the top of their house and points towards tanjiro* " You are here to mock us aren't you ?"

Tanjiro:* with a confused look* " What are you talking about? I am just here to gain information on sun breathing as my teacher told me you may have some information.

Shinjuro:"You brat come down here"

Senjuro:"Dad please stop this he is already tired from traveling."

Shinjuro:*About to backhand senjuro but tanjiro appears infront of his face and neck chops him and knocks him out*

Tanjiro:*Sitting in a room with senjuro* "Ah.. Now I have messed up."

Senjuro:" I am really sorry about my father's behaviour"

Tanjiro: "I am also sorry about knocking him out. Where is he anyway?"

Senjuro:"Oh he already woke up and went to buy some booze"

Tanjiro:"Oh I see. can I get the books urokodaki told me you had books about sun breathing ?"

Senjuro:"I will get it just a minute." *goes outside the room to get the books*

Tanjiro:( when will flame pillar will arrive.)

Shinjuro:"So you can use it without any backlash on your body?"

Tanjiro:*Tanjiro with a calm face* "Yes I can use sun breathing without any backlash."

Senjuro:* comes inside the room* "Here I found the records."

Shinjuro:" Ok now take the records and get lost!"

Tanjiro: "But you had the records from ancestors how can I take those I will just read it and go."

Shinjuro:"Take those! and get lost those are no of use to me I along with my ancestors could never use sun breathing without spiting blood out of our mouth! GET OUT OF MY PROPERTY!

Tanjiro:" Ok..ok I am going."

Senjuro: * goes with tanjiro* " I wish you safe trip here take this bag to carry those books.* Takes the bag out of tanjiro's hand and puts the books inside it* " bye tanjiro."

Tanjiro:"bye senjiro. unfortunately I couldn't meet the flame pillar"

Senjuro:"You can visit us any time you want."

Tanjiro:" I will!"

Tanjiro:* disappears from senjiro's sight*

Tanjiro: * sits beside a tree and starts reading the records*

So in those records their is information about sun breathing tanjiro gets to know that there are 13 forms of sun breathing and the 13th form does not have a name it happen when the user does all 12 forms at a sequence at once and he reads about how yoriichi had the access to the see-through world then he remembers how his father told him once about it and how to obtain it tanjiro reads all the records related to sun breathing in just 2 hours and give those records to senjuro and travel's to urokodaki and tells him of his discoveries about the sun breathing. Urokodaki tells him that there is still 10 months left for final selection and he should train day and night to access the transparent world and Tanjiro start's his training get transparent world.

Author's note

I hope you liked today's chapter next chapter will base on Tanjiro's training and the final selection.

Bye I will upload the next chapter as soon as I can byee guys.

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