3:Final selection and First mission

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3: Going beyond my limits.

So for the past 10 months Tanjiro has been training and polishing his skills his swordsmanship is on a level of his on he has a nichirin sword as the wooden sword just started breaking after 5 months just because of tanjiro's grip and the wind pressure so tanjiro daily routine is like this eat-train-sleep-repeat he has a goal to kill muzan but after reading through the sun breathing records he found out about yoriichi's brother michikatsu tsugikuni he wants kill both of these guys. muzan for killing his family and kokushibo for leaving the demon Slayer corps and hurting yoriichi with his actions he has faint description of kokushibo from the records. Now we see him train

Tanjiro:"sun breathing! First form:Dance!

Tanjiro:"Sun breathing! Second form:Clear blue sky!

Tanjiro:"Sun breathing. Third form:Raging sun!

Tanjiro:"Sun breathing. Forth for...



Urokodaki: "You should start traveling your are getting late for final selection"

Tanjiro:" Ohhhh! I lost track of time during training I will get ready and leave "

5 minutes later

Tanjiro:"bye sensei !" *Disappears from sight*

Urokodaki:"he didn't even ask me where final selection is taking place"

Tanjiro:*appears again* "Well sensei can you tell me where this final selection is?"


Tanjiro:"Ok see you later" *disappears from sight*

Tanjiro arrives at the final selection

When tanjiro enters the area and everyone starts looking at him and they start whispering among themselves because a rumour is going on spread by Rengoku about a boy who can use sun breathing.

The instructions are given same as cannon and the selection starts.

Tanjiro enters the area and two demons attack him

Demon1:"hey go the other way he is mine."

Demon2: "we will see who gets him first"

Demon1 and Demon2:"*charges at him*

Tanjiro:"Sun breathing third form:Raging sun." *Cuts the demons head off*


Tanjiro:"may you rest in peace"

Tanjiro:(what is this rotten smell?)

Stranger:" uwaaah! Why is there a large mutant here? Nobody told me about this."

Hand demon:"Ah this so fun!!"

Tanjiro:"Sun breathing first form:Dance! * Cuts off demons 2 hands *

Hand demon:"what!! What is this pain!!? And I can't regenerate."

Tanjiro:"What so fun about this? What so amusing about this?What do take life for?what is the value of human life to you?

Hand demon:* looks at tanjiro and starts shaking*

Tanjiro:*charges at him* (Sun breathing first form:Dance)"

Tanjiro:*charges at him* (Sun breathing first form:Dance)"

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