13. Nezuko's anger.

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So we will carry on from when zenitsu beheaded Daki.

Zenitsu:(That was easy... too easy.)


Gramps:*eating rice.* "Zenitsu always remember even after you have beheaded a demon never let your guard down until it dies."


Zenitsu:(Yes gramps I remember everry single thing you have teached me.)

Daki:"Hey brat you are so dead!"

Zenitsu:"Be quiet weakling! First you tried to kill my wife and now you threaten me fake uppermoon! This was really a waste of time."

Daki:"Who are you calling a weakling brat ! and I am not a fake uppermoon see i have the number in my eyes!"

Zenitsu:"Man your too weak to be a uppermoon I defeated you in one strike I mean your way stronger than last lowermoon I met but I don't get it. how did you survived until now?"

Daki:"I survived because I defeat every hashira that came to slay me up till now!"

Zenitsu:"Those hashira must be so weak to get defeated by you." *make a disappointed face*

Daki:*Tears up and starts crying* "I am telling you! I am the uppermoon 6!"

Zenitsu:(She's crying.) *Runs towards and pets her head* "Heyyyy I didn't mean to make you cry please stop crying."

Daki:*Stops crying.* "I kept telling you the truth but you still called me weak."

Zenitsu:"Nooo! yo..you are not weak you are strong and beautiful." *Gets a chill down his spine."

Nezuko:"Hmgghhh." *Grunting.*

Zenitsu:"OH... I am really screwed." *Looks back and is terrified.* 


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Zenitsu:"Maybe you should come out of your demon form?" *stuttering*

Daki:"You should pay attention towards your enemy!" *Attacks Zenitsu and sends him flying.*

Zenitsu:"But I had beheaded her Nezuko get away from their I will comesave you in no time!"

Daki:"That stupid brat he thought he could defeat me... you i will kill you for my master.

Nezuko:"Seems like you didn't heard me last time because of my bamboo."

Daki:"What are you talking about girl!?"

Nezuko:"I said How dare you hurt my husband!" *Lunges at daki.*

And well Nezuko beats up daki like in cannon timeline and she does not loses control this time and she is alot stronger than her cannon self too so safe to say Daki gets bodied by Nezuko.

Tengen:"Well she called me to help zenitsu but it seems that maybe I am not needed here."

Inosuke:*In his demon slayer outfit* "Well the old man told me to find his wives maybe I have to use my breathing form to find the demons eating place."

Inosuke:"Beast Breathing Seventh Form: Spatial Awareness!"

So Inosuke finds the storage of daki and saves everybody who is captured by Daki and head towards where he senses the fighting is going on and his way he meets up with Kanao.

Zenitsu:"Someone help I am stuck here!" *stuck under a destroyed house.*

Inosuke:"Man your so weak." *Gets him out of the house.*

Kanao:"Are you alright ? What happened here?"

Zenitsu:"Ahh! Stay away from me ! Nezuko_chan will get angry!"

Inosuke:"Shut the hell up and tell us what happened!" *Pulls zenitsu's hair*

Zenitsu:"Ahhh! ouch! The uppermoon 6 is here and I think nezuko is fighting her."


Zenitsu:"Follow me."

They arrive at the place and sees nezuko beating the sh*t out of Daki.

Zenitsu:*Hold her and gets her out of the house* "Nezuko_chan calm down."

Daki:"You Brat!." *Tries to attack both of them but tengen saves both of them by defending her Obi.*

Tengen has the same interaction with daki like in cannon but the thing is tengen had a little bit trouble defeating her all by himself but still manges to defeat her.

Daki:"hhhh! ONI_CHAN!" *Gyutaro comes out of the body of daki.*

Tengen:*charges at Gyutaro.*

Zenitsu:"Uzui_san! wait!" 

Gyutaro:*Is about to cut uzui in Half but get's his both of his hands cut.*

Zenitsu:*Is standing near Tengen.*

Gyutaro:(He saved the other hashira man I was about to poison the white haired one.)

Uzui:(What... I couldn't even see the attack don't tell me this kid is faster than me."

Gyutaro:(This is going to be tough fighting 2 hashira at the same time at that the yellow haired hashira is too fast but he lacks strength.)

And end.

Okay if anybody of you are wondering how nezuko could control her demon state and is stronger than daki the reason is that she is naturally strong like tanjiro.

Ok sorry guys this will be a short chapter I am still kinda busy with my collage stuff but I will try to upload new chapters as soon as I can okay and tell me if this length is sufficient for you guys in the comments and ignore grammar mistakes and spelling mistake it has been a long time since I wrote. 

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