14.Gyutaro vs Uzui Tengen and Zenitsu Agatsuma.

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So we will continue from last chapter.

Gyutaro:"Oh did they send 2 Hashira this time to kill us?"

Uzui:( 2 Hashira? Does he mean he sees this boy as a Hashira.)

Daki:"Oni_chan! I tried ! you know I tried but in the end they all ganged up on me !"

Gyutaro:"Oh...Is that so now they deserve to die!"

Uzui:"Oh really try if you can! me and my tsugokos will definitly defeat you!"

Gyutaro:"Oh I really hate your kind...you people who are so gifted standing so proud of yourself. I am pretty sure you two were treated so differently from normal people." *says while scraching his neck.*

Uzui:"Did you call me one of the special people?"

Zenitsu:"Maybe you guy's have not been outside of this place for over a hundred years."

Daki:"What do mean brat! ?"

Gyutaro:"Does not matter once I get my poison inside your body your done."

Uzui:"Oh well we will see that you ugly bastard."

Daki:"How dare you called my brother ugly!" *Attacks uzui with her obi.*

Gyutaro:*Charges at uzui and zenitsu.*


At a Place much far from Red light district two demon slayers are on a joint mission.

Zenitsu's sparrow spot's them and flies towards them.

Slayer1:"This is really a hell first I get pared with you on a joint mission and I see that the quality of the demon slayers is so disappointing that they can't even kill a demon that is not even a fucking lowermoon!"


Slayer1:*His face gets red*" Don't Ok me you bastard!"

Slayer2:"Calm down sa..."

Zenitsu's bird:"Chooo !Chooo! Choooooooo!" *Land's on the slayer 2 hands.*

Slayer2:"I see. Let's go."


Slayer2:"To the red light district.. You wanted to fight an uppermoon right?"

Slayer1:*Has a wicked smile* "Finally... which uppermoon is it?"

Slayer2:"Uppermoon 6 let's go..." *Sees where his Friend was and finds him disappeared.*

Slayer1:*Running at blinding speed* "Hahahaha ! First one to get there get's to kill an uppermoon by himself."

Slayer2:*see's that the bird is resting in his hand and wakes it up* "Your job is not done first tell me how far that place is and in case we fail to kill it tell HQ to send Tanjiro to help us... now go!"

Slayer2:"Ok It will probably take me about 20minutes to get there at my average speed I will try to make it there as soon as possible."

The bird flies towards the HQ


Uzui:(Shit! I can only defend myself from one of them...)

Daki:*Get's thrown out of the destroyed house and her head is cutted* (W... What?)

Uzui:*mutters* "Oh I am really am a fool to think I am the fasted person present here."

Zenitsu:*Standing near daki's head* (Thunder breathing First Form: Thunderclap and flash!)

Gyutaro:"Don't hurt my sister you brat!." *About to jump at zenitsu*

Uzui:"Oh you are forgeting someone." *Is right infront of gyutaro's face and his blade cutting gyutaro's neck.*

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